Mid day meals challenges quality of processes and food cooked

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Activity - Name of Activity

Discussion on the factors that affect the quality of food and the quality of the processes of procuring materials, cooking, eating and washing

Estimated Time

Materials/ Resources needed

Prerequisites/Instructions, if any

Multimedia resources

4 minute film on MMS quality challenges

Relevant local connections - people, places and materials

Website interactives/ links


Brainstorming on the topic

What questions can you ask

  1. What are the key factors that lead to poor quality of processes and food cooked? What can be done by different actors in ensuring quality?
  2. When are centralised kitchens better than decentralised kitchens
  3. How can we encourage parents to seek accountability from the school in this aspect
  4. Is funding adequate for ensuring quality of processes and food cooked

Evaluation – (questions for assessment of the child)

Question Corner

Activity keywords

mid day meals