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Teaching Outlines
Multicellular algae
Learning objectives
- students explains the body structure of multicellular algae
- students explains the important characteristics of multicellular algae
- students differentiates multicellular algae based on pigmentation
- students observe specimens of multicellular algae in a micro scope
- students draw the diagrams of multicellular algae
Notes for teachers
- Multicellular algae have undifferentiated thalloid body structure
- Based on pigmentation they are classified into three groups,they are Green algae,Brown algae and Red algae
- Gametophytic plant body is predominant
- They exhibit vegetative,asexual and sexual reproduction
- They are primitive thallophytic plants
Activity No 1 - Collecting specimens of algae
Estimated Time
Based on the source of collection(distance from the school)
Materials/ Resources needed
- formalin solution
- glass/transparent plastic jars
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Select shallow water bodies
Superwise students while collecting specimens from water bodies
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- How is the structure of algae that you have collected?
- How algae are different from higher plants?
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Explain the pigmentation in algae?
- Explain the thalloid structure of algae?
Question Corner
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Learning objectives
- students explains the body structure of bryophytes
- students realizes the importance of rhizoids in bryophytes
- students describes the life cycle of bryophytes
- students understands the dominance of gametophyte in the life cycle of bryophytes
- students explains the reproduction in bryophytes
- students admires the economic importance of brtophytes
Notes for teachers
- Bryophytes are considered as amphibians of plant kingdom,usualy habituate damp soil
- Rhizoids,a root like structure helps to absorb water and minerals from soil
- There are two phases in life cycle,gametophyte is dominant,whereas sporophyte is small and dependent on gametophyte
- They are non vascular plants
- They exhibit both sexual and asexual reproduction
- In the gametophyte,antheridium(male reproductive structure)and archaegonium(female reproductive structure)are present
Activity No 1 - 'Observation of gametophyte and sporophyte in Bryophytes'
Estimated Time
40 minutes
Materials/ Resources needed
Sporophytic and gametophytic generation of any Bryophyte
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Students are instructed to go through the text book content on bryophytes
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Instruct students to observe the gametophyte and sporophyte of bryophyte ask them to draw their observation
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- Is the sporophyte independent of gametophyte?
- What is the major difference that you observe between gametophyte and sporophyte?
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- What are the two phases of life cycle in bryophytes?
- What are the differences between gametophyte and sporophyte in bryophytes?
Question Corner
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Learning objectives
- students realizes the evolution of vascular tissues in pteridophytes
- students explains the important characteristics of pteridophytes
- students describes the life cycle in pteridophytes
- students understands the dominance of sporophytic plant body in pteridophytes
- students explains reproduction in pteridophytes
- students appreciates the ecomic and aesthetic importance of pteridophytes
Notes for teachers
- Pteridophytes are the first evolved vascular plants
- Plant body is differentiated into root,stem and leaves
- There are two phases in life cycle,sporophyte is dominant,whereas gametophyte is small,but independent
- Their gametophyte is called as prothallus
- They usually found in humid shadow habitats
- They exhibit both sexual and asexual reproduction
=Activity No 1 - 'Observation of sporophyte and gametophyte in Pteridophytes'
Estimated Time
40 minutes
Materials/ Resources needed
Specimens of sporophyte and gametophyte of given Pteridophyte
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Instruct students to refer text book content on Pteridophytes before the activity
Multimedia resources
File:Life cycle of a Heterosporous Pteridophyte.jpg
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
- What is the major difference that you observed between gametophyte and sporophyte in pteridophytes?
- Is gametophyte independent from sporophyte in pteridophytes?
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
- Explain the life cycle in Pteridophytes?
- Write the differences between sporophyte and gametophyte in Pteridophytes?
Question Corner
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Activity No 2 - mioroscopic observation of vascular bundles in pteridophytes
Estimated Time
40 minutes
Materials/ Resources needed
- Microscope
- glass slides and cover slips
- stain
- stem of a pteridophyte
- cutter,watch glass and water
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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Activity No # 1 - Name of Activity
Estimated Time
Materials/ Resources needed
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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- Collect the specimens of Pteridophytes in your locality and observe their body structure
- Take a transverse section of stem of any pteridophytic plant you have collected and observe vascular bundles(steles)
Learning objectives
- students explains the important characteristics of gymnosperms
- students realizes the significance of bare seeds in gymnosperms
- students explains the structure and function of cones in gymnosperms
- students explains the reproduction in gymnosperms
- students understands the evolutionary significance of diminishing gametophyte
Notes for teachers
- Gymnosperms have distinguished naked seeds without seed cover in their plantbody
- They are characterized by cones,male cone is a bundle of microsporophylls,whereas female cone is a bundle of megasporophylls
- They are perenial trees or shrubs,found in xerophytic, temperate and polar habitat
- Vascular tissues are more advanced than pteridophytes
- Cones are the gametophytic structures,rest of the plantbody is sporophyte
- cones(gametophyte)are entirely dependent and a part of dominant sporophytic plant body
Activity No 1 - collecting male and female cones of gymnosperms
Estimated Time
Subjected to availability of specimen
Materials/ Resources needed
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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Activity No 2 - observing seeds of cycas/thuja
Estimated Time
Materials/ Resources needed
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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Activity No # 1 - Name of Activity
Estimated Time
Materials/ Resources needed
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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- Collect male and female cones of Thuja or Cycas in your locality and compare the differences between male and female cones
- Observe mega spores and micro spores under microscope
Learning objectives
- students explains the important characteristics of angiosperms
- students realizes the significance of fruit covered seeds in angiosperms
- students explains the structure and function of flowers in angiosperms
- students explains the reproduction in gymnosperms
- students understands the evolutionary significance of diminishing gametophyte
- Students differentiates monocots from dicots
Notes for teachers
- Angiosperm are most advanced and highly evolved class among plants
- They are characterized by seed covered by fruit
- They are all flower bearing plants,specialized shoot bearing bunch of flowers is called as inflorescence
- There are two groups,monocots and dicots based on number of cotyledons in the seed
- The entire plantbody is sporophyte except androecium and gynoecium(they are the only gametophytic representatives in entire plant)
- The vascular bundles are highly evolved than gymnosperms and pteridophytes
- They exhibit rich diversity when compared to other classes of plants
Activity No # 1 - observing venation in leaves of dicot and monocot plants
Estimated Time
Materials/ Resources needed
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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Activity No # 2 - observing germination of dicot and monocot seeds
Estimated Time
Materials/ Resources needed
Prerequisites/Instructions, if any
Multimedia resources
Website interactives/ links/ simulations
Process (How to do the activity)
Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)
Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)
Question Corner
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Assessment Activities for CCE
- Write an essay on 'evolutionary trend in different classes of Kingdom Plantae'
- Prepare herbarium of monocot and dicot leaves to compare venation
- Germinate monocot and dicot seeds,observe the growth and record your observation
- Collect the representative specimens of all the classes of Plantae and record the differences in their body structure.
Project Ideas
- Conduct a micro survey of monocot and dicot plants in your locality
- Project on,'comparative study of evolution of vascular bundles in plants'