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Created page with "=Introduction= In a landmark order dated 28 November 2001, the Supreme Court of India directed all state governments to introduce cooked mid-day meals in primary schools with..."
In a landmark order dated 28 November 2001, the Supreme Court of India directed all state governments to introduce cooked mid-day meals in primary schools within six months.

=Concept Map=

=Reference books=

=Useful websites=

=Learning Outlines=

==Key Idea # 1==
===Learning objectives===
===Notes for transaction/training===
===Activity No #===
===Activity No #===

==Key Idea # 2==
===Learning objectives===
===Notes for transaction/training===
===Activity No #===
===Activity No #===

==Key Idea # 3==
===Learning objectives===
===Notes for transaction/training===
===Activity No #===
===Activity No #===

Many studies have been carried out on MMS, including
#[ Karnataka study on Akshara Dasoha, by Policy Planning Unit]

=Articles and Papers=
Prof Jean Dreze has written extensively on the MMS design and implementation in various states and the benefits and shortcomings
#['s%20Right.pdf Mid-Day Meals and Children’s Rights]
#“Mid-Day Meals in Primary Schools: Achievements and Challenges”, Economic and Political Weekly, 18 November, 2006. Perspectives.

Prof Reetika Khera has written extensively on the MMS design and implementation in various states and the benefits and shortcomings
Mid-Day Meals in Primary Schools Achievements and Challenges - REETIKA KHERA

=Case studies=

=Community project=


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