Depending on the processor-type, 64-bit Kalpavriksha(or any 64-bit GNU/Linux system) may consume more power and drain battery quicker than its 32-bit counterpart. This can be reduced a little by tweaking power settings or using power saving tools like TLP, powertop, etc.,. are available for GNU/Linux systems. And TLP(no one knows for sure what this acronym stands for) can be installed with below commands -- | Depending on the processor-type, 64-bit Kalpavriksha(or any 64-bit GNU/Linux system) may consume more power and drain battery quicker than its 32-bit counterpart. This can be reduced a little by tweaking power settings or using power saving tools like TLP, powertop, etc.,. are available for GNU/Linux systems. And TLP(no one knows for sure what this acronym stands for) can be installed with below commands -- |