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, 17:11, 28 October 2020
===Activity No # 3 - Inertial property of mass ===
* '''Estimated Time''' - 30 minutes
* '''Materials/ Resources needed'''
* '''Prerequisites/Instructions, if any'''
* '''Multimedia resources'''<br>
'''This video describes the inertial property of mass'''
* '''Website interactives/ links/ simulations'''
* '''Process (How to do the activity)'''<br>
#Let the students watch the video
#Ask them to write situations where they have faced inertia
* '''Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)'''
#When do we say something has inertia? (When it does not change its position)
#What does inertia do? (Resists change)
#Does it depend on size of the object? (Yes/ No/ Not always)
#If not on size, what does it depend on? (It depends on how much matter ther?e is - mass)
#When we observe inertia, we can say object has mass
* '''Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)'''
#Does inertia increase with size?
#Will an object have inertia when it moves?
* '''Question Corner'''
#How can I tell that an object has mass or not?