− | The Govt. Higher Primary School is in Ejipura, which is in Bangalore's southern region. In grades 1 through 7, there are about 450 students enrolled at this school. There are about 9 teachers (Including HM). For classes 5, 6, and 7, the language of instruction is Kannada, and for classes 1 to 4, the language of instruction is English. The school has a good infrastructure, including a computer lab with 15 systems and internet access and a big auditorium available for events. There is no separate playground for students to play outdoer games, so they practise sports on the school campus. | + | The Govt. Higher Primary School is in Ejipura, which is inSouth of Bangalore. In grades 1-7, there are about 450 students enrolled at this school. There are about 9 teachers (Including HM). For classes 5, 6, and 7, the language of instruction is Kannada, and for classes 1 to 4, the language of instruction is English. The school has a good infrastructure, including a computer lab with 15 systems and internet access and a big auditorium available for events. There is no separate playground for students to play outdoer games, so they practise sports on the school campus. |
| We had the chance to work with 40 Seventh grade out of the 450 students. The headmistress is very supportive and liberating when it comes to providing classes and rooms for our sessions. Children in Grade 7 speak Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Bhojpuri as their home language. However, the majority of the children could communicate in Kannada.They are marginalised in society because of their parents' socioeconomic status and the fact that the majority of them are single parents. Additionally, the majority of parents have no formal education. The interaction/relationship between the Teacher and students seem to be good. | | We had the chance to work with 40 Seventh grade out of the 450 students. The headmistress is very supportive and liberating when it comes to providing classes and rooms for our sessions. Children in Grade 7 speak Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Bhojpuri as their home language. However, the majority of the children could communicate in Kannada.They are marginalised in society because of their parents' socioeconomic status and the fact that the majority of them are single parents. Additionally, the majority of parents have no formal education. The interaction/relationship between the Teacher and students seem to be good. |