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*        Maximise our own opportunities for learning''.''(స్వయంగా నేర్చుకొనే  అవకాశాలను పెంచుకోవడం.)
*        Maximise our own opportunities for learning''.''(స్వయంగా నేర్చుకొనే  అవకాశాలను పెంచుకోవడం.)
Kolb’s learning Cycle '''''(''కోల్బ్ యొక్క అభ్యసన చక్రం)'''
'''Critical incidents from training sessions'''
'''(ట్రైనింగ్ సెషన్ ల నుండి కీలక సంఘటనలు)'''
·      Correcting teachers’ language errors. Pointed out some mistakes made by a teacher while presenting her reflections. She got angry, wanted to discontinue the training.
·      One challenge was establishing rapport with the teacher participants. A few were aged and experienced, a few came in just because the Dept forced them to write the test and a few who really wanted to learn.
·      A teacher was reluctant to learn and pay attention to the class. She would not look at us, nor listen to the instructions. She would participate only when she wanted to. She was not punctual too.  
One day, I lost my temper and warned her not to do so. I was forced to do the tough talking.
This incident made me sad.
·   A teacher was always busy using the mobile. During the training sessions, he was chatting, messaging, etc. One day he was caught red handed by the DIET Lecturer. The Lecturer warned him. This made him arrogant. He made it a big issue.
'''Classroom incidents'''
* This incident took place a year ago. I was engaging English class in    VIII std. It was the fine morning of Monday. Suddenly my Headmaster    entered the class accompanied by an Education officer. He introduced me to    the Officer as the new English teacher. After asking me about my teaching    style and the syllabus, the Officer started interacting with the students.    He asked them about the last English lesson I taught. A few of them said    the title and others probably have forgotten it. He took my textbook,    opened the said lesson and started asking questions.
I was confident that my students will answer his questions as I had discussed it in the class and had conducted a test too. But a cruel surprise was waiting for me, because very few were able to answer his questions; that too with a lot of struggle. The Officer stared at me and asked, “What do you do in the class? None of your students is able to answer simple questions from the lesson you have already taught.” All my efforts to convince him about my serious efforts in the class went in vain. It was really an embarrassing moment for me. I felt very bad on that day.
'''Audio clip to be inserted in Telugu and English'''
* Three of my students always come late to class. They come late    because of different reasons. Child 1, Fathima, comes to school on foot.    She has to attend madrassa classes before reaching school. She is very    brilliant in academic activities. Her mother has five children and she is    the fourth child. Nobody is there in her house to take care of her    academic needs.
Child 2, Nikhil, has a problem with his mode of commuting to school. Recently his parents have changed their house to a distant place. Nikhil is not interested in academic activities but he is good at co-curricular works.
Child 3, Amritha, is a silent girl. She comes from a coastal area, a distant place from my school. Her auto driver is very irresponsible and because of him, she cannot reach school in time. She is good at co-curricular activities.
While checking their notebooks and portfolios, I realized they are incomplete. Fathima and Amritha  are interested in academics but their late coming is affecting their studies. They try to copy from others, but they miss many activities. In Nikhil’s case, he is a slow learner and he writes nothing systematically.
I have to do something to make these students regular and punctual. I will talk to their parents once. I will request our SRG (School Resource Group) to conduct awareness classes for parents in every term of the academic year.
'''Audio clip to be inserted in Telugu and English'''
'''Classroom issues'''
* All the students in Class VII can read textbook lessons properly but    they cannot read any passage outside the textbook
* My students hesitate to speak in English. They always answer in    their mother tongue.
* When I teach a topic in my class, all the students understand well.    They respond and answer all the questions. But they forget most of the    things the very next day. They cannot answer my questions.
'''''Assignment (individual)'' (అసైన్ మెంట్ )'''
Choose an area you want to explore and study further. Write research questions, design research tools and discuss the methodology you will adopt.
'''మీరు పరిశోదించాలనుకునే ప్రాంతాన్ని ఎంచుకోని  మరింత అధ్యయనం చేయండి.''' '''పరిశోధన ప్రశ్నలు రాయండి.''' '''రీసెర్చ్ టూల్స్ డిజైన్ చేయండి మరియు మీరు అవలంబించే మెథడాలజీ గురించి చర్చించండి.'''
'''Write your responses to the following statements.'''
'''ఈ క్రింది ప్రకటనలకు మీ ప్రతిస్పందనలను రాయండి.'''
'''Part 1 (Teacher related factors) ''పార్ట్ 1'' (టీచర్ సంబంధిత అంశాలు'')'''''
Read the statements and rate your ability in a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest point.'''''('' స్టేట్ మెంట్ లను చదవండి మరియు మీ సామర్థ్యాన్ని 1 నుంచి 5 స్కేల్ లో రేట్ చేయండి, ఇక్కడ 1కనిష్ట -  5  గరిష్ట పాయింటుగా గుర్తించండి. .'')'''''
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| rowspan="2" |'''Sl No'''
| rowspan="2" |
'''Performance indicators'''
| colspan="5" |'''My rating'''
|I have mastered a range  of skills and techniques related to the learning and teaching of English .'''( ఇంగ్లిష్  నేర్చుకోవడం మరియు బోధించడానికి సంబంధించిన అనేక నైపుణ్యాలు మరియు పద్దతులపై  నేను ప్రావీణ్యం సాధించాను.)'''
|I have an awareness of  teaching methodology: learner-centred, activity-based pedagogy .'''(విద్యార్ధి -కేంద్రీత, కార్యాచరణ-ఆధారిత  బోధనా  పద్ధతుల పై  నాకు అవగాహన ఉంది:)'''
|I have a good knowledge  and understanding of the prescribed curriculum /syllabus / textbooks '''(నిర్దేశిత  పాఠ్యప్రణాళిక/సిలబస్/పాఠ్యపుస్తకాలపై నాకు మంచి పరిజ్ఞానం మరియు అవగాహన ఉంది.)'''
|I have mastery of  grammar, vocabulary, phonetics and language skills.'''( నాకు  వ్యాకరణం, పదజాలం, ధ్వనిశాస్త్రం, భాషా  నైపుణ్యాలపై పట్టుంది. )'''
|I am competent in  materials preparation and designing of tasks and activities '''(బోధనా సామగ్రి తయారీ  మరియు కృత్యాల రూపకల్పన  లో నేను  సమర్థుడిని.)'''
|I have a good knowledge  of assessment procedures: importance of continuous assessment, self- and  peer-assessment,  and feedback '''(మూల్యాంకన  ప్రక్రియలైన నిరంతర మదింపు, స్వీయ-మరియు  తోటివారి అంచనా  మరియు ప్రతిస్పందన యొక్క ప్రాముఖ్యత  గురించి నాకు అవగహన  ఉంది: )'''
|I am  able to use digital media (computer, internet, audio, video resources, etc.)'''(నేను  డిజిటల్ మీడియాను కంప్యూటర్, ఇంటర్నెట్, ఆడియో, వీడియో  వనరులు మొదలైనవి ఉపయోగించగలను.)'''
|I am  aware of processes, strategies and resources for professional development.'''(వృత్తిపరమైన  అభివృద్ధికి సంబంధించిన ప్రక్రియలు, వ్యూహాలు మరియు వనరుల  గురించి నాకు తెలుసు)'''
|I have  a positive attitude towards diversity and differences among colleagues and  learners.'''( సహోద్యోగులు,  అభ్యాసకుల మధ్య వైవిధ్యం మరియు వ్యత్యాసాల పట్ల నాకు సానుకూల  దృక్పథం ఉంది)'''
|I  engage myself in innovative and research activities.'''(నేను  వినూత్నమైన మరియు పరిశోధనా కార్యకలాపాలలో నిమగ్నమై ఉంటాను.)'''
Comments, if any:
'''Part 2 (Classroom and learner related factors)'''
'''(పార్ట్ 2 (తరగతి గది మరియు అభ్యాసకులకు సంబంధించిన అంశాలు)'''
'''Have your learners achieved the learning outcomes indicated below?'''
'''మీ అభ్యాసకులు దిగువ సూచించిన అభ్యాస ఫలితాలను సాధించారా?'''
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Sl No.'''
'''Learning outcomes for Grade VIII'''
| colspan="3" |'''How many can do this?'''
|'''To a great extent'''
'''To some extent'''
'''Not at all'''
|'''The learner:'''
|responds  to instructions / announcements in school and public places viz. railway  station, market, airport, cinema hall, and acts accordingly.'''(పాఠశాల  మరియు బహిరంగ ప్రదేశాలైన  రైల్వే  స్టేషన్, మార్కెట్, విమానాశ్రయం, సినిమా  హాలులో చేసే   ప్రకటనలకు ప్రతిస్పందిస్తు  తదనుగుణంగా పనిచేస్తారు.)'''
|introduces  guests in English, interviews people by asking questions based on the work  they do.'''(అతిథులను ఆంగ్లంలో పరిచయం చేసుకోంటూ, వారు  చేసే పని ఆధారంగా ప్రశ్నలు అడుగుతూ  ఇంటర్వ్యూ  చేస్తారు.)'''
|engages  in conversations in English with people from different professions such as  bank staff, railway staff, etc. using appropriate vocabulary.'''(బ్యాంకు,  రైల్వే  మొదలైన వివిధ వృత్తులకు చెందిన వ్యక్తులతో ఆంగ్లంలో తగిన  పదజాలాన్ని ఉపయోగించి సంభాషణల్లో పాల్గొంటారు.)'''
|uses  formulaic/polite expressions to communicate such as ‘May I borrow your  book?’, ‘I would like to differ’ etc.'''( కమ్యూనికేట్  చేయడానికి మర్యాదపూర్వక వ్యక్తీకరణలను ఉపయోగిస్తారు.'''
'''<nowiki/>'నేను  మీ పుస్తకాన్ని తీసుకోవచ్చా?','''
'''<nowiki/>'నేను  విభేదించాలనుకుంటున్నాను' మొదలైనవి.'''
|listens  to dialogues, poems, commentaries of sports and games speeches, news, debates  on TV, radio and expresses opinions about them.'''( ,సంబాషణ పద్యాలు, క్రీడలు  మరియు ఆటల వ్యాఖ్యానాలు, వార్తలు, టీవీ, రేడియోలో  చర్చలు వింటారు మరియు వాటి గురించి అభిప్రాయాలను వ్యక్తం చేస్తారు)'''
|asks  questions in different contexts and situations ( e.g. based on the text /  beyond the text / out of curiosity / while engaging in conversation using  appropriate vocabulary and accurate sentences.'''(విభిన్న  సందర్భాలు మరియు పరిస్థితులలో ప్రశ్నలు అడుగుతాడు (ఉదా. సంభాషణలో నిమగ్నమై  ఉన్నప్పుడు వచనం ఆధారంగా / వచనానికి మించి / ఉత్సుకతతో / తగిన పదజాలం మరియు  ఖచ్చితమైన వాక్యాలను ఉపయోగిస్తారు.)'''
|participates  in different events such as role-play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,  debate, speech, elocution, declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school and  other such organizations.'''(పాఠశాల  మరియు ఇతర సంస్థలు నిర్వహించే రోల్-ప్లే, పద్య పఠనం,నాటికలు ,ఏకాంకికలు ,చర్చ,  ప్రసంగం,  ప్రకటన, క్విజ్  మొదలైన విభిన్న కార్యక్రమాలలో పాల్గొంటారు.)'''
|narrates  stories (real or imaginary) and real life experiences in English. '''(ఆంగ్లంలో  వాస్తవిక, ఊహాత్మకమైన కథలు మరియు నిజ జీవిత  అనుభవాలను వివరి.స్తారు.)'''
|identifies  details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events while  reading.'''( చదివేటప్పుడు  అందులోని వివరాలు, పాత్రలు, ప్రధాన  ఆలోచనలు మరియు సంఘటనల క్రమాన్నిగుర్తిస్తారు.)'''
|infers  the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context.'''( సందర్భాను  సారంగా చదవడం ద్వారా తెలియని పదాల అర్థాన్ని ఊహించగలుగుతారు.)'''
|reads  a variety of texts for pleasure e.g. adventure stories and science fiction,  fairy tales, also non-fiction articles, narratives, travelogues, biographies,  etc.'''(  వినోదం  కోసం వివిధ రకాల గ్రంథాలను చదువుతారు. ఉదా. సాహస కథలు,  సైన్స్ ఫిక్షన్, అద్భుత కథలు, నాన్-ఫిక్షన్  కథనాలు, జీవిత  చరిత్రలు మొదలైనవి.)'''
|refers  dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia as reference books for meaning and  spelling while reading and writing.'''( చదివేటప్పుడు  మరియు వ్రాసేటప్పుడు అర్థం మరియు స్పెల్లింగ్ కోసం డిక్షనరీ, థెసారస్  మరియు ఎన్సైక్లోపీడియాను రిఫరెన్స్ పుస్తకాలుగా ఉపయోగిస్తారు )'''
|prepares  a write up after seeking information in print / online, notice board, newspaper,  etc.'''( నోటీసు  బోర్డు, వార్తాపత్రిక,  ప్రింట్ / ఆన్‌లైన్, మొదలైన వాటిలో  పొందుపరిచే  సమాచారాన్ని  వ్రాతపూర్వకంగా  సిద్ధం చేస్తారు..)'''
|communicates  accurately using appropriate grammatical forms (e.g., clauses, comparison of adjectives,  time and tense, active passive voice, reported speech etc. )'''(తగిన  వ్యాకరణ నిబంధనలు, విశేషణాల  పోలిక, కాలం, క్రియాశీల  నిష్క్రియ స్వరం, నివేదించబడిన  ప్రసంగం మొదలైనవి  ఉపయోగించి ఖచ్చితమైన భాషని  వినియోగిస్తారు. )'''
|writes  a coherent and meaningful paragraph through the process of drafting,  revising, editing and finalizing.'''(రచన మరియు   సవరించటం  వంటి   ప్రక్రియల ద్వారా పొందికైన మరియు అర్థవంతమైన పేరాగ్రాఫ్‌ను వ్రాయగలరు.)'''
|writes  short paragraphs coherently in English/Braille with a proper beginning,  middle and end with appropriate punctuation marks'''(సరైన  ప్రారంభం,సముచితమైన  విరామ చిహ్నాలతో  మరియు ముగింపుతో  ఇంగ్లీషు/బ్రెయిలీలో పొందికగా చిన్న పేరాగ్రాఫ్‌లను వ్రాయగలరు.)'''
|writes  answers to textual/non-textual questions after comprehension / inference'''(పాఠ్య/పాఠ్యేతర  ప్రశ్నలకు అర్ధం చేసుకోవటం  /  ఊహించటం  ద్వారా సమాధానాలు  వ్రాస్తారు.)'''
|reads,  compares, contrasts, thinks critically and relates ideas to life('''చదవటం,  పోల్చటం ,భిన్నగా,విమర్శనాత్మకంగా  ఆలోచించటం ద్వారా నిజ  జీవితానికి  సంబంధించిన వాటి తో పోల్చుతారు.)'''
|reads  textual/non-textual materials in English/Braille with comprehension.'''(ఆంగ్లం/బ్రెయిలీలో  కల పాఠ్య/పాఠ్యేతర అంశాలను చదివి అర్తంచేసుకోగలుగుతారు.)'''
|writes  email, messages, notice, formal letters, descriptions / narratives, personal  diary, report, short personal/ biographical experiences etc('''ఇమెయిల్, సందేశాలు, నోటీసులు, అధికారిక  లేఖలు, వివరణలు  / కథనాలు, వ్యక్తిగత  డైరీ, నివేదిక, చిన్న  వ్యక్తిగత/ జీవిత చరిత్ర అనుభవాలు మొదలైనవి వ్రాస్తారు)'''
|develops  a skit/dialogue from a story and a story from dialogues.'''(ఒక  కథ నుండి నాటికను/సంభాషణను  మరియు  నాటిక నుండి ఒక కథను అభివృద్ధి చేస్తారు.)'''
(Source: <nowiki></nowiki>)
'''Part 3 (Research related factors)'''
'''Read the statements given below and rate your aptitude for and ability to do research.'''
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Sl. No.'''
|'''To a great extent'''
|'''To some extent'''
|'''Not at all'''
|Is interested in  carrying out small classroom-based research studies('''చిన్న  తరగతి గది ఆధారిత పరిశోధన అధ్యయనాలను నిర్వహించడానికి ఆసక్తి చూపుతారు.)'''
|Is aware of action  research studies('''యాక్షన్ రీసెర్చ్ అధ్యయనాల గురించి  తెలుసుకొన్నారు. )'''
|Has read some research  reports/articles(కొన్ని '''రీసెర్చ్  రిపోర్టులు/ఆర్టికల్స్ చదివారు.''')
|Can identify a problem  related to the teaching and learning of English'''(ఇంగ్లిష్  బోధన మరియు అభ్యసనకు సంబంధించిన సమస్యను గుర్తించగలరు)'''
|Can frame research  questions('''పరిశోధనాత్మక  ప్రశ్నలను  రూపొందించగలరు''')
|Can design simple  research tools such as a questionnaire, an interview schedule, an observation  schedule, etc.( '''ప్రశ్నావళి, ఇంటర్వ్యూ  షెడ్యూల్, పరిశీలన షెడ్యూల్ వంటి సరళమైన పరిశోధన సాధనాలను  రూపొందించగలరు.)'''
|Can collect data from  different sources('''వివిధ వనరుల నుంచి డేటాను సేకరించగలరు.)'''
|Can analyse the data  collected(సేకరించిన డేటాను విశ్లేషించగలరు.)
|Can write a short  research report('''ఒక చిన్న పరిశోధన నివేదిక రాయగలరు)'''
|Is interested in sharing  my findings and reflections with my professional friends'''(నా పరిశోధనలు  మరియు ప్రతిబింబాలను నా ప్రొఫెషనల్ స్నేహితులతో పంచుకోవడానికి ఆసక్తిగా ఉన్నాను.  )'''
'''What is classroom-based research?'''
'''Types of classroom research'''
* Action research
* Exploratory research /    ‘Exploratory Practice’
* Exploratory action research
'''Action research'''
A.                 Plan to explore [an issue]                    --          Questions
B)     Explore [gather evidence]           --          Evidence
C)       Evaluate  [with evidence]                      --          Evaluation
'''Why explore before taking action?'''
* Need for evidence which will help    you understand / solve a problem or puzzle better (or replicate /    publicise a success better) '''(సమస్యను పూర్తి గా అర్ధం చేసుకోవటానికి/సాధనకు దానికి సంబంధించిన    ఆధారాల సేకరణ యొక్క ఆవశ్యకత)        '''
* Need to understand (clarify,    probe, view alternatives) before plunging into action.
''''' '' (తగు చర్య తీసుకునే ముందు సమస్య ను అర్ధం చేసుకునే ఆవశ్యకత. '''  
* Need for a ‘base-line’ – to    compare ‘after’ with ‘before’ '''(సమస్యకు  ముందు    మరియు సమస్య సాధన తరువాత పోల్చి చూసు కోవటానికి ఒక ప్రమాణం యొక్క ఆవశ్యకత.)  '''
'''Exploratory Research'''
A.                 Plan to explore [an issue]                    --          Questions
B)      Explore [gather evidence]           --          Evidence
C)       Evaluate  [with evidence]                      --          Evaluation
'''Exploratory Action Research'''
A.                 Plan to explore [an issue]                    --          Questions
B.                 Explore [gather evidence]                   --          Evidence
C.                 Evaluate  [with evidence]              --   Evaluation
1. Plan [a change]
2.  Act [implement the change]
3.  Observe [evaluate the effects – with evidence]
4.  Reflect [interpret what occurred]
'''What to research?'''
* Something that worked in your    classroom and you would like to explore further [success]
* Something that didn’t work and    you would like to improve [problem]
* Something that you are unsure    about in your students’ learning and/or in your teaching [puzzle]
'''Key stages in EAR'''
* Identifying an issue, puzzle or    concern '''(ఒ సమస్యను గుర్తించుట)'''
* Planning ways to explore it '''(సమస్య పరిశోధన కొరకు ప్రణాళికా వేయుట)'''  
* Carrying out the study-think of    tools, collect data '''''(''పరిశోధన    ప్రారంభించుట- తగు ఉపకరణములు సమకూర్చుట, జాబితా సేకరణ)  '''
* Evaluating / reflecting on the    study; gaining insights '''''((చేపట్టిన పరిశోధనను మూల్యాంకనం చేసుకొనుట.)''''' '''  '' '''''
* Sharing with others ''''' ''చేపట్టిన వాటిని ఇతరులతో పంచుకొనుట.)'''
* Modifying practice as a result ''''' ''(వచ్చిన ఫలితాల ఆధారంగా ప్రణాళికను సవరించుకొనుట.)  '''
* Observing what other    issues/concerns/questions emerge. '''తలెత్తిన ఇతర    సమస్యలను పరిశీలించుట.)      '''
'''If I have too many concerns/interests, then M U S E ...'''
'''''(b).  Framing research questions'''''
* What are some issues/challenges/problems you are    facing in your teaching these days and/or what are some things you are    wondering about in relation to your teaching or what are some of the    innovative strategies/techniques you’ve adopted?
* Choose one problem or area (issue) you    are wondering about or want to explore further and frame questions ​on it.
How will you explore the following issues? Frame five exploratory questions to find answers to them.
# '''Tools for classroom research'''
{| class="wikitable"
|1. Reflective writing by  students
|2. Your own written  reflections or notes
|3. A critical friend’s  notes about your lesson
|4. Notes or recording of  a focus group interview/discussion
|5. Notes or recordings  of interviews with individuals
|6. Responses to a  questionnaire
|7. Student’s work or  performance on tasks (written or recorded)
|8. Lesson plans,  materials and reports
|9. Pictures of my class
|10. Recordings of a  lesson
(d) '''Data analysis'''
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Questions (How/why/what)'''
|'''Evidence (what?)'''
|'''Time (by when?)'''
|'''Analysis strategy'''
|1.      How do my students feel about doing homework?
2.      What would they prefer doing instead of particular homework?
|·          Data from questionnaire
·          Student’s work (project)
|Qualitative, quantitative  analysis
'''c.      Structure of a report'''
'''Part 1: Exploratory Research'''
* Context
* The classroom issue
* Exploratory research questions
* Data collection and analysis
* Initial Findings/observations
'''Part 2: Action research'''
* Action Research questions
* Action plan (class in which    action research is conducted, number of students, duration of the research    study, etc.)
* Data collection methods and tools    (questionnaire surveys/classroom observations / interviews/ audio, video    recordings, lesson notes, students note books, test scores, etc.)
* Data collection
* Data analysis
* Findings/observations/recommendations/conclusion
* Reflections (successes and    challenges)
'''Reporting Classroom Research'''
'''Here are two reports of exploratory action research studies conducted by school teachers. Read them and discuss the questions given in your group.'''
'''Strategies for Scaffolding Struggling ESL Readers'''
'''Vinayadhar Raju Prathikantam, School Assistant (English)'''
Reading skill is critical to one’s success in academics. If students are not competent readers, they are at risk for not only in academic but also in behavioural, social and emotional difficulties. So, teachers of English need to explore innovative reading strategies. The purpose of this paper is to describe the action research conducted at Zilla Parishad High School Jangapally, of Telangana State to improve reading skill among the struggling readers. This paper discusses the importance of reading skill, the rationale of this action research, methodology used in the study and the reading strategies used in action phase. Finally, the paper ends with the major findings, what the researcher learned from the study and conclusions of the researcher.
'''Key Words:''' Action research, Professional development, Mentoring, E-Portfolio, Technology integration, Comprehensible Input and meaning making.
Reading is a primary receptive skill to make the English as a Second Language learner to acquire a language, without which we cannot make them to learn a language on his own. According to Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, (1985) opine that reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school and, indeed, throughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfilment and job success inevitably will be lost. Despite its importance, reading is one of the most challenging areas in the education system. The ever-increasing demand for high levels of literacy in our technological society makes this problem even more pressing (Snow, Burns, &Griffin, 1998). Students’ reading attitudes regarding the purposes for reading also influence their ability to read. When dealing with reading, we encounter two layers of reality: one that we can see and one that we cannot see. Therefore, the purpose of reading is to make the invisible layer, the underlying meaning, visible and clear. Teele, (2004) asserts that the goal of all readers should be to understand what they read. Children with reading difficulties throughout school and into adulthood, said how embarrassing and devastating it was to read with difficulty in front of peers and teachers, and to demonstrate this weakness on a daily basis.  It is clear that this type of failure affects children negatively earlier than we thought.  By the end of first grade, children having difficulty learning to read begin to feel less positive about their abilities than when they started school (Reid Lyon, 2015). Research shows good readers are actively involved with the text, and they are aware of the processes they use to understand what they read. Teachers can help improve student comprehension through instruction of reading strategies. Predicting, making connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and summarizing are strategies shown by research to improve reading comprehension (Block & Israel, 2005).
'''Rationale of the action research (హేతు బద్ధ వివరణ)    '''
The purpose of this classroom-based action research was to help the struggling readers in government schools. Most of the teachers complain that students studying in regional medium are not exceeding well in English. During our research we try to find out the reasons for this problem and try to provide the possible solutions to them.
During our project, we identified the problem and collected opinions of teachers and students using questionnaires. Most of the teachers criticised the behaviour of the students and blamed them but students accepted that they are not showing interest in reading so they are not learning. After gathering the information from teachers and students, we designed a few strategies or activities which will help them to learn or become better readers of English.
We also came to a conclusion that most of the struggling readers are neglected by the teachers so they are demotivated to participate in the classroom activities. To address this issues we designed activities to engage them effectively and meaningfully.  During our action phase we tried out these activities in our class and collected learning evidences and observed the behavioural changes. We also used technology to collect the learning evidences and to provide meaningful learning environment. Our activities are not to bring the instant results but to build confidence among the struggling readers which results in increased participation of these children in the classroom activities.
We also concluded that learning is possible when the students are engaged in meaningful situations. The role of the teachers here is to think or design activities which engage them meaningfully. We also learnt that students learn better when they are engaged in collaborative tasks with their peers.
Most of students studying in Telangana State Regional medium students are struggling to read the text in English. Teacher  also complain that students are afraid of English and not showing any interest to learn the language. My research is to find out the better strategies to engage the ESL learners and remove the phobia of English language learning. While collecting the data I  considered the voice of students to solve this problem. Students accepted their problem that they are not showing any interest to learn English.To remove this we have planned or designed activities to engage them meaningfully and tried in our classroom and findings of our action research are shared with the teachers in our state during our in service training programmes.
A few students in ZPHS Jangepally are not able to read the text in English.  The researcher wants to find out the reasons why can't they read the text, what are the different reasons and what are different factors that influence their learning. During this exploratory research , The researcher has  taken the opinions of the teachers working in the same context and what do they think about the problem?
'''Video/ audio clip  of the gist  of the research finding. C 3'''
'''(Rationale of the action research (హేతు బద్ధ వివరణ)   )  Vinayadhar Raju Prathikantam, School Assistant (English)'''
'''(ప్రభుత్వ పాఠశాల లో మాతృభాష మాధ్యమం లో అభ్యసిస్తున్న విధ్యార్ధుల ఆంగ్లభాష పరిజ్ఞానం పై ఉపాధ్యాయలకు కల అపోహలను తొలగించుటయే ఈ తరగతి ఆధారత పరిశోధన ముఖ్య ఉద్దేశం   పరిశోధన లో భాగంగా చేసిన పలు ఉపాధ్యాయుల అభిప్రాయ సేకరణ లో  ఎక్కువ మంది విధ్యార్డుల  సామర్ధ్యం పై అపనమ్మకం వ్యక్త పరిచారు. దీని కొరకు పరిశోధన సమూహం కొన్ని భోదనాభ్యసన కృత్యాలను తయారు చేసి, వారిని భోదన అభ్యసన లో భాగస్వాములను చేసింది. తద్వారా అతి కొద్ది కాలం లోనే వారిలో ప్రవర్తనా మార్పులను గమనించారు. అర్ధవంతమైన వాతావరణంలో విద్యార్థులను అభ్యసన లో భాగస్వామ్యం ద్వారా వారు నేర్చుకోవటానికి తోడ్పడింది)        '''            
'''Main research question:''' Why are some students in my class not able to read the texts in English?
'''Specific questions:'''
* What are the different factors    that affect students’ reading?'''('''
* What are the students’    perceptions about their problem in reading?'''('''
* What are the teachers’    perceptions about the problem?'''('''
* Why can't the students read    fluently?'''('''
'''Location of the Study'''
ZPHS Jangapally of Ganneruvaram in Karimnagar district of Telangana state, India.
'''Data Collection methods'''
Both qualitative and quantitative
'''Students data:'''
Class 9 students of ZPHS Jangapally students.
11 Girls and 5 boys
'''Teachers’ data:'''
Teachers working in Telangana state government schools.
I work in government secondary school run by Telangana state government. Medium of instructions is Telugu and English. The students who participated in this action research are from Telugu medium background. Most of them are labelled that they can't learn so they are neglected. Their confidence level is also very low and fixed their mindset that they can't learn English. Initially I have taken students from two sections ; class 8 and class 9 .But , due to lack of time ,  I dropped the idea of going with the two classes and worked only with class 9 students. I planned to work with class 8 students when they come to me  next academic year.
'''Teachers' survey questions                                                                                                                          ''' 1. What do teachers think about their students and their problems in reading?
2. What are the pressing problems they face while handling the struggling readers?
'''Data Analysis:'''
The Collected data was analysed based on two categories. They are qualitative data and quantitative data. Quantitative data is based on numbers and figures which we can see and feel where as the qualitative data is one which we can't visualize and feel. They are like abstract ideas.
'''Teachers’ voice:''' Teachers' complain that they don’t have time to engage them in meaningful activities. They also opined that the text book is not interesting so students are not motivated to read the text on their own. Most of their complains are student centered and administrative but they didn't introspect their teaching and classroom strategies. Here are their opinions collected using Padlet wall.
“ Students don't have enough reading material other than textbook to get exposed to reading.”
“They were not properly motivated.”
“Forty five minutes time is not sufficient to address the individual needs.”
“Students don't know how to pronounce the words.”
“Lack of exposure to reading material.”
“No purpose for reading.”
“They are not being engaged meaningfully.”
“Teacher is busy in completing syllabus.”
“Lack of ample opportunities for reading.”
“Text has too many unknown words.”
“Topic selected or chosen is unfamiliar to them. “ '''   '''    
'''Students’ questionnaire:''' My action research also considered the voice of students along with the voice of teachers. To include the student’s voice we have designed the following questions and asked them to write their opinion in their mother tongue.
1. When do you learn better?
2. How do you learn better?
3. List two reasons for not being able to read the text in English?
4. What might be the main reason for not being able to read the text on your own?
5. How can we overcome that problem?
'''Student’s Voice:'''  To consider the opinions of students, I have given them the following questionnaire and asked them to answer in their mother tongue. I translated those answers into English. Here are their responses. I observed that most of students accepted that they are not showing any interest in studies, so they are not learning but if we check the responses of the teacher's most of them complained or found the fault with the students.
“.Our Teachers didn't encourage us to read.”                                                                                “Didn't study in English medium” (most of them are from Telugu medium)
“ Didn't understand English.”
'''Interesting observation''': Some of the problems can be addressed using extrinsic motivational strategies. For example, Students don't have proper reading material Solution: Providing story books. Some problems can be addressed by using intrinsic motivational strategies. For example: They were not properly motivated. Solution: Required intrinsic motivational trategies. For example: make our subject interesting by different means. This is the challenging part of teaching profession that requires professionalism.
'''Action phase:''' During this action phase, I designed the following activities and tried in my classroom. While implementing these activities, i frequently checked its possibilities and effects. Many a time I have changed my plan of action.
'''Reading strategies Audio clip  of the details   of each strategy in Telugu .'''
'''1. Peer Tutoring:'''  '''(సమ వయసు బోధన)'''
This is an interesting activity to engage the learners to motivate and work collaboratively. In this activity the students sit together and read the lesson one after the other. While reading if they face any problem the other will help so that they are engaged and learn together. If both of them find it difficult to read any part of the text they will make a list of those words. The teacher will help them to read the listed words. This activity also saves the problem of insufficient time. All the students in the class can read the text together by sitting in pairs. These strategies can be used to handle the large classes in Indian rural schools. Most of the students involved in the process of reading and gained the confidence that they can read the text in English.
'''(ఈ కృత్యం ద్వారా విధ్యార్ధులు తమ తోటివారి తో కలిసి అభ్యసించటానికి ప్రేరణ పొందుతారు. విధ్యార్ధులు జంటలు గా కూర్చుని ఒకరికొకరు సహాయ పడుతూ ఇచ్చిన అంశాన్ని చదువుతారు. తమకు తెలియని పదములను తోటి వారిని అడిగి తెలుసు కుంటారు. ఇలా చదువుతున్న క్రమం లో ఇద్దరికీ తెలియని పదములను వారు ఉపాధ్యాయుని నుంచి తెలుసుకుంటారు. తరగతి లోని విధ్యార్ధులు అందరూ ఇలా జతలు గా కూర్చుని చదువుకునే అవకాశం ఈ కృత్యం కలిగిస్తుంది. దీని వలన సమయం సరిపోదు ఆన్న సమస్య రాదు.)        '''    
2. '''Integration of technology:  (ICT ద్వారా బోధన)    '''
To address the problems of struggling readers I integrated technology i.e., using one computer and projector. I have chosen some Indian stories with subtitle. I have shown those stories to them and asked them to listen and read, listen and write which results in comprehensible input. Students comprehended the story with animations and subtitles in English which in turn helped  them to read the text while listening. This activity also helped to teach all the skills of LSRW in integration. We also recorded their voices while reading the text they have written from the screen using mobile phones.
'''(వెనుకబడిన విధ్యార్ధుల కోసం ICT ద్వారా బోధన చేయటం వలన వారి పఠనా నైపుణ్యాలను పెంచ వచ్చును. భాష  లోని నాలుగు నైపుణ్యాలను దీని ద్వారా సాధించ వచ్చు.)   '''  
'''3.Story Books: (కధల పుస్తకములు)'''


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