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# '''“'''Our Publications.” ''Tamil Nadu English    Language Development Programmes | British Council'',
# '''“'''Our Publications.” ''Tamil Nadu English    Language Development Programmes | British Council'',
# “Arms Project-2017-Strategies for Struggling    Readers.” ''Google Drive-Students' E-Portfolio'', Google, 2017,
# “Arms Project-2017-Strategies for Struggling    Readers.” ''Google Drive-Students' E-Portfolio'', Google, 2017,
==== '''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms      by Neha Khan''' ====
Independent writing implies the ability of the students to write autonomously employing the skills and knowledge based on the guided instructions of the teacher. It involves writing under demonstrations given by the teacher which develops the creative elements of the students. It emphasizes the implementation of an environment where the students are given more access to write self-sufficiently. The focus is usually on creating opportunities to explore, experience and execute.
This project involved the students of grade VIII of a private unaided English medium school in an urban set up with English being the second language. After indulging in thorough observation, I was certain of the complications that my students encountered in writing specifically. They were more comfortable in copying from board but when it came to writing on their own, it was a problem. They seldom felt confident about their writing whether it was about locating answers from books, writing on a particular topic or just freely and confidently penning down their thoughts and experiences. The MUSE (Manageable, Urgent, Significant and Engaging) criteria helped me in deciphering my doubts and assumptions about the relevant obstacles sustaining in the class and I was sure that I was required to explore Independent writing further.
Using certain tools in the exploratory phase, I identified the various reasons responsible for the issue of writing with my students, and thereby I eventually arrived at my final question and sub questions which were:
'''Research Questions'''
How can I motivate my students to write independently in English?
# What activities do I use to engage my students in writing?
# What are the activities that are preferred by my students?
# What different methods can I use to promote writing?
# What are the different ways of instructions that can be used to    develop structural writing skills?
'''Data Collection Process'''
The next stage was the data collection which was one of the most crucial steps of the research. The data was collected in both Exploratory and Action phase. During the exploratory phase, I scrutinized the class dynamics and the pattern of writing that the students followed. The data was collected in order to decipher the reasons behind the obstacles faced which led to probing relevant interventions to be taken. I took assistance from various tools like Journals, Observations, and Interviews with students and teachers. While in the action phase, the data was derived from the interventions that were implemented. Tools like Reflective journals, Field notes and a rubric designed as per the need of the students were used. This process enabled me to examine my assumptions, gave me an intact picture of classroom dynamics and allowed me to implement an action plan to settle the hindrances.
Fig 1: Data Collection Tools used in the Exploration phase.
Fig 2: Data Collection Tools used in the Action phase.
'''Action Phase/Interventions'''
The action phase comprised of the plan, organized to resolve the concerns faced in the classroom. In this phase, I aimed at creating best possible opportunity for my students to work in an independent and explorative environment. As free writing helps narrow down the focus, reduce stress and provide perspective, I exposed them to free writing first and then I moved to independent writing. The students were usually divided into groups during the interventions while at times they attended the tasks individually. They were allowed to write freely on topics of their interests and wherein they could inculcate certain real-life experiences. The tasks were formulated considering the developing skills of the students. The instructions were given as per the nature of the task that was assigned. Audio visual aids were thoroughly used during the activities. The students were given some amount of liberty in following the structure. They were motivated at different levels to write as per their creativity and imagination. An example was shown as a model on the projector before assigning the activity to explain the task. A few tasks assisted during this phase were:
Fig 3: The tasks conducted in the classroom
Fig 4:  A glance at students’ artifacts
'''Analysis and Findings'''
The analysis was carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively after the data collected from the triangulation method.
For the qualitative analysis, I culled out certain common codes from the reflective journal and field notes that were used for data collection. The field notes and journals were based on the observation of behavior of students, nature of work and the class dynamics at the time of interventions. Once these codes were derived, I discovered the themes which played a crucial role in the development of the students.
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Fig 5: Themes derived after the coding of journals and field notes
For the quantitate analysis, a bar graph was formulated out of the rubric. After the activities conducted during the action phase, the students were assessed on the level of performance and skills based on certain important pointers in the rubric that were crucial in calculating the progress in the writing capabilities of the learners. It was observed through the bar graph that the learners were able to write creatively and innovatively after the action phase. A good shift in the grammatical approach was also visible.
Fig 3: Bar graph representation of the rubric
The following inferences were made after the analysis:
# The students can be motivated at different levels by being a    catalyst in penning down their thoughts.'''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms'''
# They preferred activities which helped them explore themselves and    include real life experiences'''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms'''
# Moving from free writing to structural writing can help the learners    in understanding the process of writing.'''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms'''
# Activities including the usage of audio-visual aids and textbooks    with vibrant themes and content encouraged them.'''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms'''
# There needs to be a balance between providing assistance to the    students and giving opportunities of learning on their own..'''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms'''
# Time management and proper planning make the writing tasks    productive and fruitful.'''Developing Independent Writing in English Classrooms'''
'''Reflection and Discussion'''
This research process transformed me into a reflective person. I learnt that the different dynamics in the classroom shouldn’t be pre- assumed but they needed to be thoroughly reflected in order to arrive at a concrete and relevant conclusion. It’s better to indulge in thorough observations and meaningful evidences. It was also inferred that Pre planning the tasks that are to be taken up in the class helps in better understanding of the learners as well as the teacher. It was noticed that being a second language, English classes need to be more creative and in alignment with the students’ interest area so that they can acquire the language and its skills instead of only being exposed to textual content.
In this research process, I discovered that reflecting on my classes assisted me in exploring my ways of teaching and reaching out to the areas of improvement, thus making me more confident professionally as well as personally. As there is a difference in the nature, behavior and dynamics of every class, the teacher needs to be more reflective in selecting the strategy of teaching. If the students are exposed to experimentation and exploration, they always tend to find ways for themselves. The concerns of the learners were catered to enhance the quality of teaching learning process. An improvement in the skills of the learner made the research a fruitful and successful journey.
1.     Smith R, Rebolledo P  (2018), ''A Handbook on Exploratory Action Research'', British Council
2.     Resource Material: Bright Ideas by ELTAI.
'''Questions for discussion'''
# What initiated the teachers to    take up these research studies?
# What are their research    questions?
# What data did they collect for    their classroom research?
# What were their action plans? Did    they succeed in implementing their action plans?
# What are the benefits of doing    such studies?
# What do you learn from the experience    of the above teachers?
=== '''GLOSSARY''' ===
'''Reflective practices : ప్రతిబింబించే అభ్యాసాలు'''
'''quantitative : పరిమాణాత్మక'''
'''qualitative :  గుణాత్మక'''
'''exploratory research:''' '''అన్వేషణ పరిశోధన'''
'''analysis:'''  '''విశ్లేషణ'''
'''strategies:వ్యూహాత్మక  వైకరి'''
'''scaffolding:''' '''తగినoత మద్దతు'''
'''monotony:మార్పులేకుండా/ అదేవిధంగా'''


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