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Created page with "=== Background === The [ Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT)], Karnataka in collaboration with [https://itforch..."
=== Background ===
The [ Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT)], Karnataka in collaboration with [ IT for Change (ITfC)] has piloted the program ‘[[Integrating Digital Story-Based Pedagogy in Language Education]]’ in Karnataka through 4 CTE’s – Mysuru, Chitradurga, Belagavi and Gulbarga from 2023-24.

As part of this program, ITfC has been working with the government Colleges for Teacher Education (CTEs) to conduct workshops focusing on creating rich audio story-based resources by government higher primary school teachers, CRPs and BRPs. The 1st set of workshops focused on story narration and recording and the second set of workshops will focus on enhancing and productionizing these audio stories by adding sound and music effects.

=== Objectives of the workshop ===

* Productionising the narrated audio stories to make them available for language teachers

* Enriching the "Sri Aluru Venkata Rao Language Lab" OER resources repository for language teaching-learning
* To help teachers to explore '''FOSS''' (Free and Open Source Software) tools for resource creation

=== Teachers information form ===
Please fill out [ this form]

=== Agenda of the workshop ===
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Things to Cover'''
| rowspan="7" |'''Day 1'''
|10:00 – 11:00
|Program introduction
|11:00 – 11:15
|KK installation
|[ Kathe-Khajane installation help page]
|11:15 – 12:00
|Audacity basic features/FOSS, OER
|[ Working with Audacity]
|12:00 – 1:00
|Folder creation & Basic editing on the sample short audio
|2:00 – 2:15
|Story allocation + go through the editing guideline
|2:15 – 4:00
|Basic editing (trim) of allocated story
|[ Basic audio editing]
|4:00 – 4:30
|L1 – Explain Save project and export audio to WAV
Working on Amplify – slider, envelope and amplify (Save project)
|[ Adjusting the volume in the audio]
| rowspan="8" |'''Day 2'''
|9:00 – 9:30
|Recap of Day 1
|9:30 – 11:00
|Noise reduction, Changing the pitch on audio
L2 export of two stories (Only after RP's approval)
|[ Reducing the noise]
|11:00 – 11:30
|Note down the sound elements needed
|11:30 – 12:00
|Search method to get relevant elements
|12:00 – 12:30
|Adding the theme music and intro track
|[ Adding multiple track]
|2:00 – 2:15
|Ice breaker
|2:30 – 4:00
|Adding the sound effects (Fade in/out, Amplify, generating silence)
|4:00 - 4:30
|Adding the BGM
|4:30 – 5:30
|Export the final version
Filling out the metadata
|[ Exporting the audio]
|5:30 - 6:00
|Starting with 2nd story, noting down the points
| rowspan="3" |'''Day 3'''
|9:00 – 9:30
|Recap of Day 1 & 2
|9:30 - 1:00
|Work on 2nd story

L1 – Explain Save project and export audio to WAV

Working on Amplify – slider, envelope and amplify (Save project)

Noise reduction, Changing the pitch on audio

L2 export of two stories (Only after RP's approval)
|2:00 - 4:30
|Note down the sound elements needed
Adding the theme music and intro track

Adding the BGM
|4:30 - 6:00
|Completing the edits of 2nd story

Exporting the final version with metadata
| rowspan="3" |'''Day 4'''
|9:00 - 1:00
|Continue working on next story sets
L1 and L2 export

Adding the sound elements and bgm

Exporting the final version with metadata
|2:00 - 3:00
|Continue working on the next story sets
|[ OER, Free and Open Source softwares (FOSS)]
|3:00 - 4:30
|Introduction to various Educational Free and Open source applications
Exploring an application, Learn pages, tutorials

Technology toolkit for teaching in classrooms
|[ Explore an application]
|4:30 - 6:00
Way forward


=== Resources ===

* [ Access stories from Kathe Khajane (ಕಥಾ ಕಜಾನೆ)]
* [ Story editing guidelines for teachers to follow]

==== Technology Resources ====
{| class="wikitable"
|Kathe Khajane
|[ ಕಥೆ ಖಜಾನೆ]
|To install the application and to listen to the stories
|Story Repository (Storyweaver)
|[ Storyweaver]
|One of the largest story repositories which allows anyone to download, translate and create stories
|Audacity handout
|[ Audacity handout]
|A detailed user manual page about audacity (by IT for Change)
|Audacity video tutorials
|[ Tutorial videos]
|Video tutorial series on variety of tools in Audacity (by IT for Change)
|Audacity official site
|[ Audacity official manual]
|Official site which keeps you updated on newer versions, tools and features
'''NOTE:-''' We have collected some great music and sound effects from all the above OER music repositories and put them in one folder. [ Click here to check out the music repository].

==== OER audio repositories ====
From the below table you can find quality OER music and sound effects to reuse it in your project
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Sl no'''
|'''Website name'''
|[ Bensound]
|[ Soundbible]
|[ Freesound]
|[ Pixabay]
|Wikimedia common
|[ Wikimedia audio]
|[ Chosic]

=== Workshop Feedback form ===
[ Click here for the feedback form]


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