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= ICT MEDIATION – D.Ed. Syllabus =


Theory - One Unit in Teacher Development Studies - Year 2.


Practice – Will be integrated into each of the papers in Year 2.
Each of the papers will outline how they will use ICTs in their
syllabus - practice course.

== 1.3 Rationale ==

Rapid advancements in information and
communication technologies (ICTs) has created many changes in our
social, cultural, political and economic aspects of our lives. Since
they impact the basic human processes of information sharing and
communicating, these changes are creating new demands and priorities
for teaching-learning in the emerging information society. Formal
content transmission and hierarchical methods and
skills are being overshadowed and priorities for general
development, self- learning, team-work, project activities are coming
to the forefront. ICTs globally are playing a more and more critical
role in this process. But it will be an error to think that new ICTs
can automatically raise quality of education. In order to exploit
effectively the opportunities of ICTs, new methodological and
pedagogical approaches need to be understood, created and used by the
teachers. The role of a teacher is changing - s/he needs to be
exposed to self-learning, peer-learning methods , acquire
capabilities that enable response to new and unknown developments.
Also new teaching-learning methods and pedagogies are bound to be
more and more interlinked with technology. Hence a teacher needs to
be prepared in relation to these new needs and demands arising in the
school context, to engage with questions of school knowledge, the
learner and the learning process. The curriculum needs to encourage
and enable teachers as well as learners to understand the principles
and processes of the emerging information society, explore various
digital methods that impact teaching-learning processes and systems
and acquire basic capabilities, on both ICT literacy as well as
integrating these into their own teaching-learning.

== 1.2 Objectives ==

After studying this course student-teachers are
expected to acquire the following abilities.

# Understanding the evolution and impact of ICTs on society and in the education system.
# Developing capabilities in learning and using computer and web to negotiate the digital or network society[[1]] .
# Understanding the advantages and dangers of the internet, the new 'virtual world'.
# Use ICTs in the teaching learning process.
# Access available resources, review resources created by peers, collaborate to create their own digital teaching-learning resources
# Develop ICT skills towards professional development.




== 1.3 Units ==

'''Unit 1: ICT and
Society (12 Units) '''

# Meaning of ICT
# History and evolution of ICT
# Communication changes and its impact on society and the education system.
# Socio-cultural and economic implications of ICTs
# Social Networks
# Ethics and Philosophy of ICTs , Public Software - FOSS (Free and Open Source Software )


'''Unit 2: ICT in
Education (18 Units)'''


# ICTs and teaching-learning processes – computer literacy, computer aided learning, Digital Native/Immigrant[[2]]
# History of ICTs in education in India and Karnataka education system, ICT and Education policy, different models of ICT programmes adopted, benefits and drawbacks.
# ICT mediation for collaborative and peer learning – Meaning of open education resources, accessing, creating, sharing and critiquing digital resources.
# Virtual community – blogs, emails, discussion forums
# Explore use of a variety of ICT devices in Education – Digital Camera/Video, Radio.
# Explore the use of ICT applications that are available for children with disabilities.
# Teacher Professional Development - Blended Learning, its meaning and opportunities available for student-teachers, personalising learning through ICTs - exploratory , self learning.


'''Unit 3: Internet (6

# Internet and the world wide web
# Internet: A Library
# Cyber bullying – Chatting, Social Networks and Email
# Online Privacy – What information is private. What kind of private information is safe to put on the internet. How to control privacy of my personal information
# Methods of regulation available for teachers or parents. (both technological and pedagogical)

=== Practice ===


<u>'''Unit 1 &amp;
Unit 2'''</u>


'''Basic ICT Hardware
and use - '''How to connect a
computer, use various devices including printers, scanners, external
storage devices. Learn to use printer, Scanner.


'''Text and numeric
editing '''– Documents, Spreadsheet and Presentations. , typing in
multiple languages including Kannada, English, Hindi and other Indian
languages. Mind Mapping/Concept Mapping







<u>'''Unit 2 '''</u>


'''Use of pre-made
digital resources available in schools : '''Learn
how to use pre-made digital resources such as CDs , Videos available
and integrate it into meaningful lessons.

'''Creation of digital
resources : '''Develop digital
teaching-learning resources using the public educational software
tools, digital cameras and videos.


<u>'''Unit 3'''</u>


'''Internet Basics
'''Basics of Internet, Surfing the
World Wide Web; Email, '''Web 2.0 tools including blogs,
wikis ; '''navigating learning
environment like Moodle, Internet security controls.


<u>'''Integrating into
other subjects'''</u>


'''Computer Aided
Learning : '''Learn to use the
educational tools that are freely available and listed in Annexure A
in their subject practice in an integrated way.


collaboration amongst students (project work) by using digital
platforms and tools to access, review available resources and
co-create resources.


== 1.4 Mode of Transaction ==

Practice: Computer Lab

Theory: Classroom Discussions, reviews,


== 1.5 Requirements ==

D Ed college will need a minimum of 15 computers in their computer
lab available with a public Operating System such as Ubuntu GNU/Linux
installed with all the educational tools. Hundreds of educational
software applications (ref Annexure) should be bundled with the
operating system. SCERT will make available such custom distributions

enable hands on experience for all student-teachers , the ICT lab
hour and the library hour may be exchanged so that students can come
in batches to use the computers.

teacher-educators will be required to undergo training in the above
topics as they are new areas and skills.

the rapidly reducing costs of ICTs, students and teachers should be
provided information about different ICT devices available, features,
prices etc.

== 1.6 Mode of Assessment ==

assessment will done in the respective practice courses of other
papers based on how the student teachers uses ICTs in their projects
and assignments.


assessment – There will be one section pertaining to ICT mediation
in the Teacher Development Studies paper part 1. Assignments will
include online submission via email.


== 1.7 Special expertise required. ==

All teacher-educators will be required to develop
skills for this paper as per the syllabus.

All Teacher-educators and student-teachers are
required to create email ids.

== 1.8 Resources *** ==

'''Suggested Readings'''

for Change will collate and organise resources for teacher-educators
and student teachers.

'''Reading for

for Change will collate and organise resources for teacher-educators
and student teachers.

== 1.9 Suggested list of CDs/DVDs, Films, Websites. *** ==








== 1.10 Members ==

Dr. E.R. Ekbote

Professor, Dean of

Department of





Gurumurthy K

Director, IT for

#393, 17th Main, 35th

Jayanagar, 4th T

Bengaluru 560


Bindu Thirumalai

Programme Associate,IT
for Change,

#393, 17th Main, 35th

Jayanagar, 4th T

Bengaluru 560


== 1.11 Annexure A ==

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This shows
the periodic table and the properties of elements. It acts as an
encyclopedia, explaining states of matter, evolution of elements.
Basic equations can be balanced using this tool.


planetarium-Astronomy with over 130000 stars, all planets, etc.


This is a
desktop planetarium software that shows exactly what you see when
you look up at the stars.


interactive simulations of physical phenomenon


This tool
can be used to build your own circuits and explain its various




An algebra
and geometry package providing for both graphical and algebraic

Tux Math

A fun game
through which children can practise their addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.


This tool
can be used to explain fractions as well as for the children to
practice arithmetic problems.

and analytical thinking'''



The turtle
will follow whatever directions you give it. Can be used to draw
various symmetrical

and is a good exercise of logic.






Quiz on
different states and capitals across the globe


This acts
as a desktop atlas.





Guess the
correct work with a certain number of guesses allowed


the word


the alphabets by recognising the sound

'''Tux''' '''Typing'''

Typing&quot; is an educational typing tutor for children.



ORCA, is
an open source software (screen reader) for persons with visual
impairment. As it is open source, it has been modified and made
available in Kannada. It uses various combinations of speech,
Braille and magnification and helps provide access to applications
and tool-kits

Other Tools

To be


'''Public software
tools available and widely used on personal computers'''


{| border="1"

'''Sarvajanika Software'''

Operating system

Ubuntu GNU-Linux / Bhartiya Open Source System
(BOSS from CDAC)

Office Applications

Open Office / LibreOffice / Bhartiya OpenOffice
(from CDAC)

Email client

Mozilla Thunderbird / Evolution

Internet Browser

Mozilla Firefox / Chrome

Desktop Publishing

GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus

Video editing

PiTiVi, Kdenlinve, Openshot





copyrighted material/software must be purchased or have valid
licenses. It is preferable to use open education resources and Free
and Open Source Software which have enabling licenses that permit
free sharing and customising.

term 'network society' popularised by eminent sociologist Manuel
Castells is perhaps more useful a term in describing the impact of
ICTs on society, though the terms information society or digital
society are also used

Marc Prensky coined the term ''digital native'' in his work
''Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants'' published in 2001.



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