
From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
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This widget allows you to add Picasa Web albums to your wiki page.

It is created by Sergey Chernyshev.

Interval added by Michael Verhaart (VirtualMV)

To insert this widget, use the following code:



  • user - Picasa user name
  • album - Picasa album ID, can be copied from Album RSS feed URL ("RSS" link at the bottom right corner of album page)
  • width and height are optional, 600x400 is a default
  • autoplay - toggles autoplay on/off (default)
  • captions - toggles captions on/off (default)
  • interval - time between each slide (seconds) default = 60 seconds
  • authkey - auth key for private albums (see "RSS" link parameters)


To show images in a specific order:

  • Go to the Web album in Picasa
  • In MyPhotos >choose the album, Under edit choose Organise & ReOrder.
  • You can either choose the Date, Filename or just drag the photos into the order you want.

In order for this to work the Album must be set to public.

  • Start Picasa, go to Web albums (Top right)
  • Click into the album you want to show
  • Edit > Album Properties and change visibility to "Public on the Web"

To copy this widget to your wiki, copy and paste the entire source of this article into a page with the title Widget:Picasa on your wiki.

If you don't have the Widget extension set up on your wiki, go to its description page on MediaWiki.org and follow the installation instructions.

Sample result