Language enrichment program for English
Revision as of 13:02, 13 July 2023 by Reha Sharma (talk | contribs)
- To develop teachers’ abilities to use multilingual, inclusive and innovative pedagogies in language teaching for enabling students to become comfortable with the languages taught in the school
- To strengthen language teachers' abilities to use contextual digital resources for addressing the language learning needs of children in their classroom
- To help teachers experience and internalize technology integration strengthening their technology, pedagogy and content understanding (TPCK)
- To facilitate the setting up of teachers’ Communities of Practice (CoPs) that can promote peer learning and mentoring and therefore enable continuous professional development (CPD)
- To make available all the resources created by teachers on an Open Educational Resource (OER) repository for easy and universal access.
Sl. No. | Timing | Sessions | Session Details | Resource Links |
Session 1 | 10:00 to 11:00 AM | Shared Context Understanding | Understanding the diversity of learners, and teachers' perspectives on language learning; Discussing myths related to language learning (including MLE and insights from NCF) | |
Session 2 | 11:00 to 11:30 AM | Role of Storytelling in Language Learning | Storytelling as a pedagogical tool | |
Tea Break (11:30 to 11:45 AM) | ||||
Session 3 | 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM | How LL can help in Language Learning |