Urdu text editing

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

Setting-up language tool to type Urdu on Ubuntu GNU/Linux

  1. Install "ibus-m17n" by running the command "sudo apt install ibus-m17n". After installation, log out and then log back in.
  2. This will enable the Urdu (phonetic - m17n) input method in your language settings.
  3. Next, right-click on the "en" icon located on the top bar, then navigate to "Preferences" > "Input methods". Click on "Add" and select "Urdu phonetic" from the list.
  4. You will now be able to type in Urdu by simply changing the language from the "en" icon.

Typing Urdu fonts In Libreoffice on Ubuntu GNU/Linux

(Harish - pls update this)

Fonts to be used

Use "Noto Nastaliq Urdu" font for the better text rendering

(Open fonts, good-looking fonts, fonts easily legible)

Complexities in text editing in Urdu

Follow the instruction mentioned in this link to use Google doc to do voice to text feature

Voice to text (Google voice to text with Google Chrome)