Hindi Typing
From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Adding Hindi typing in ubuntu Ibus
- Logout from the Ubuntu Username.
- From login screen Select Ubuntu like below screen.
- Again login to Ubuntu user by using your ubuntu password.
- On the top right side of the desktop, click on En icon(on top of the right-side screen) and go to text entry setting.
- In the text entry window,
- Click on +(Plus), select Hindi Itrans(m17n)) or any select any other typing method then click on add.
(Note : Also in this step you can add other languages to type)
- Now, your select list look like this
- close all the windows and again logout from this window.
- In the login screen select Gnome classic (Metacity) and Login by using your ubuntu password.
- Now if you want to type Hindi by using Hindi Itrans(m17n)) press ctrl+space key or click on EN and change.
Typing Keyboard Layouts
Hindi typing Itrans Keybord layout Click here