Moodle challenges

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
Revision as of 22:21, 21 August 2017 by Gurumurthy (talk | contribs)

Challenges - UI

we are using the two column theme , so blocks can be either left or right but not on both side - but there are several other cutomization this theme allows like adding slideshow to front page and provides adding many blocks in grids as show in these screenshots of theme page -

Usual keyboard short cuts work - listed here -

Challenges - functionality

Further exploration

Reply to moodle post email will post on forum

Right now this is not the case as you will get "reply-to" header with a unique address to reply to forum posts via email.

First this needs to be enabled here - and configured with correct mail server values to handle incoming mails with mailbox in moodle at this place -

Then moodle will send email from the no-reply address but not the email of the forum poster and each user will be provided with reply-to address when they click to reply to a forum post via email for which some default expiry period can be set

There are lot of variables here and needs some testing before I can enable this feature considering it will use the same server resources which are used by regular mail server..


For the VTC course, we are opening it out to  teacher educators of other BEd colleges in Bengaluru. We need to have an email id for interested teacher educators to mail interest... or this can be a (moodle?) form.

I create a form within moodle use of plugin like this to create forms for anon users -

or we can also simply make a google form of what data we want to collect and give the link to same on our moodle frontpage. But why separate email id? we can provide [[1]] if we want them to contact us..

Check list on progress of student in course

1. Can it be changed to reflect progress like - (i) understand (ii) somewhat (iii) dont understand. Yes/ No - they may all say yes 2. In Edx kind of platforms, we have a progress bar- so can we break down the assignment question as completed PDL, completed concept map,etc...and they check only what they have completed - and it shows the progress completion? Even in each of these items, % completion will be useful to show. One of the good students said "if we have finished we say yes,otherwise we come back and say Yes when we finish". This may not be the best for their own self-tracking

Y - Progress bar and % completion is possible with the existing checklist activity. Additionally as a teacher, you can comment on individual student's items.

Automatic assessment

Can I configure so that I can set quizzes, collate participation in discussion forums, check views of resources to automatically assess a learner. (as can be done in EdEx)

Challenges - performance

How many students can enrol in a course in Moodle? Beyond which number will performance degrade