
From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

About edu work

Due to the current pandemic condition, all the schools are closed and this may get continue further. The state government has also announced examination dates for class 10. Many low-income families are not able to support their children to continue learning due to many reasons. Many students are started preparing for the examination independently, and many of the students need continuous teachers to support them to do meaningful learning. In this condition, teachers need to do reach all the students to help students in their learning process. All the schools have created students whats groups to share learning resources with students. In many school teachers voluntarily doing online classes for the students and some of the teachers wanted support to start online classes.

We (IT for Change) under the “Teachers Community of Learning (TCOL) program, planned to conduct teachers capacity building workshop on conducting online classes for their students.

Objectives of the workshop

  1. To build basic digital literacy skills for teachers
  2. To help teachers to access existed OER resources from the Internet.
  3. To help teachers to create digital resources for the classroom teaching
  4. To help teachers to get familiar with online webinar tools to conduct classes
  5. To help schools/institutions to use FOSS webinar (BigBlueButton) platform to conduct online classes

Workshop agenda

Sl no Particulars Activities
1 Introduction to the program
  1. Introduce to the workshop
  2. go through workshop agenda
  3. Teachers sharing their expectation and requirements from the workshops
2 Getting Introduce to the Ubuntu
  1. Getting introduce Ubuntu and login to the system
  2. Go through Ubuntu application list and other basic ubuntu overview
6 Create simple presentation
  1. Creating LO- presentation on the selected - Adding text
  2. Typing local languages in a document
  3. Adding images and videos to the presentation, and basic formatting
    1. Browsing images/videos from the Internet
    2. Showing how to get OER resources
    3. Basic text and image formatting
    4. Export your presentation into a different format to share or open it on other platforms
8 Use webinar FOSS tool to conduct online classes
  1. Why BBB tool?
  2. Use BBB as a students to understand the platform
  3. Create classroom links to share it with students
  4. Use BBB as a teacher and familiar with all the features
  5. Use “BigBlueButton” FOSS webinar platform to interact in the virtual classroom