Use Google doc voice-to-text to type the document

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources

Many times we struggle to type long documents using a computer keyboard and it takes time to do it. Also, there is a chance to make spelling mistakes in the document. Alternative for this, Google has an option called Voice to text which will allow typing documents using our voice input.

Also, you can use this to translate your document by simply reading out the translated script.

Requirement to use this feature in your computer

  • This feature is only available in Chrome browsers.
  • Your computer needs to have a microphone or you can use an external mic (headphone).
  • Your computer needs to have an Internet connection
  • You need to log in to your Google account (using @gmail ID)

Start voice typing in a document

Once you are ready with all the mentioned requirements, let’s start to know how to use this feature.
1. Open a Google Chrome browser and log in to Google Drive using your Gmail login credentials.
2 Click on the “New” on the top left side of your screen and select Google docs.
3. Click Tools > Voice typing. A microphone box appears on the left side of your screen, asking you to 'click to speak'.
4. Above the microphone box by default Google will be selected by “English” language. Click on “English” and select the language from the drop-down menu in which you are going to talk.

In case you want to speak in a different language, select your language from the language pull down menu shown in the image below. Most Indian languages are covered for voice to text translate.

5. Speak clearly, at a normal volume and pace.
6. When you're done, click the microphone again.

Use Voice-to-text for the translation

You can use the voice-to-text feature to translate your documents by following the bellow steps.

  1. Open your “Google chrome” browser on your computer/phone.
  2. Login to google drive account, click on “new” on right of your screen and select “google doc” to start using voice to text option.
  3. Click Tools -> Voice typing. A microphone box appears on your screen and asking you to 'click to speak'
  4. Click on the “English” button and select language from the pull down - Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Tamil and any other language listed there.
  5. Once you do that you Google doc is ready to take voice input on the choose language.
  6. Before you start speak you can write down the translated script on the paper to read out easily or translate the sentence into target language in your mind while giving voice input.
  7. Now, Click on 'click to speak' and speak the translated sentence
  8. It will get typed in the computer / phone
  9. Once you done with reading out your translated text, Of course you will need to go through the doc and make edits to correct incorrectly typed words. Also to end sentences, you could stay 'stop' and it will type 'stop' which you can use as the sentence ending.


Initially you may pronounce words in a way it will be spelt incorrectly but it is easy to figure out how to get the text you want, typed. You can repeat same sentence if you want a improved version

Correct your mistakes while voice typing

  1. If you make any mistakes while you are typing with your voice, you can move your cursor to the mistake and fix it without turning off the microphone.
  2. After you correct the mistake, move the cursor back to where you want to continue.
  3. To see a list of suggestions, right-click words underlined in red.

Add Punctuation

You can use different phrases to add punctuation to your text. Punctuation might not be available in every language:

  • Period
  • Comma
  • Exclamation point
  • Question mark
  • Newline
  • New paragraph

Tips to use voice commands

After you start voice typing, you can use commands to edit and format your document. For example, "Select paragraph," "italics," or "Go to the end of the line" but the voice commands are available only in English.

  • To stop voice typing: say "Stop listening"
  • To move the cursor to the end of the paragraph and start voice typing again, say "Resume"
  • To move the cursor to the end of a particular word or phrase, say "Resume with [word or phrase]"
    • Go to the end of the paragraph
    • Move to the end of the paragraph
    • Go to the end of the line
    • Move to the end of the line
    • Go to [word]

Additional resources

  1. Google help document
  2. Youtube video to know how to use voice to text
  3. Youtube video to know how to use voice commands