Digital Literacy capacity building workshop for Blore south2 CRPs, BRPs and ECOs - November 2022

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources


Objectives of the workshop

  1. To introduce Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) to BRPs/CRPs and ECOs
  2. Introducing the BRPs, CRPs and ECOs groups about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Open Educational Resources (OER)
  3. Introducing the BRPs/CRPs and ECO’s to use digital tools to collect and analysis data using FOSS
  4. Getting introduce to FOSS office tool to create text resources
  5. Getting introduce to the BigBlueButton (BBB) webinar platform to use it for online teachers meetings and training programs

Participant information

Agenda of the workshop

Sessions Particulars Activities Session Resources
10.30 to 11.00 Introduction to workshop
11.00 to 12.00 Accessing OER resources
  1. Introduction to the program
  2. What is OER? Explain different resource licenses
  3. Accessing resources from the web - text, images, videos, audio, and presentations
OER Resources

Text OER

12.00 to 1.30 Google drive
1.30 to 2.15 LUNCH
2.15 to 3.45 Working on text resources and data analysis
4.00 to 4.30 Use webinar FOSS tool to conduct online classes
  1. Why BigBlueButton (BBB) tool?
  2. Use BBB as a student to understand the platform
  3. Create classroom links to share it with students
  4. Use BBB as a teacher and familiar with all the features
  5. Use “BigBlueButton” FOSS webinar platform to interact in the virtual classroom
BigBlueButton handout


User manuals

Video tutorials

Reading resources

Feedback form