

From Karnataka Open Educational Resources
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[[ TCOL HMs Programme page]]

Vijaya Teachers College (VTC) and IT for Change (ITfC) are collaborating to offer a program to strengthen government aided schools through the Teachers' Community of Learning program, whose objectives are:
# Introducing teachers to the use of ICT applications for their professional development
# Supporting teachers to teach using ICT to improve student learning outcomes and for school development
# Creating professional learning communities (PLCs) amongst teachers, by subject, across Bengaluru South 3 schools, to improve collaboration amongst schools and support teacher development and strengthen student learning.

The activities of the program would include the following:
# Block level learning programs for all aided schools including subject based workshops, supported through mobile phone based groups and resource websites
# Supporting teachers through block level programs to create digital learning materials for classroom teaching
# School level interventions in interested schools to demonstrate new tools and resources in classroom teaching, conduct digital literacy classes, set up and maintain ICT labs and support IT use in school administration and communication.
# Support ICT labs through donation of working computers from CSR entities.

===Objectives of the workshop===
# Introduce TCOL program to the school HMs, discuss the program to identify common areas of concern and action items for block and school level academic work
# Create a professional learning communities (PLCs) amongst HMs on School leadership and development, to provide an autonomous space for collaboration and learning.
# Initiate block level program and school level program in Mathematics, Kannada / English and digital literacy for 2018-19 and discuss to evolve a shared understanding

===Agenda for the workshop===
{| class="wikitable"
|Session Name
|Session Details
|Workshop Resources
|Expected outcomes
|Day 1
|9.30 – 10.00
|Welcome and Introduction
|Registration and getting introduced
Logistics of the workshop
|Participant handout folder with agenda and workshop circular copy
|All teachers and the resource persons get to know each other
|10.00 – 11.00
|Introduction to the program
|Context sharing and expectation setting
The scope of the TCOL program and the activities
Indicative curriculum and timetable
|Presentation on planned program (ODP)
KOER page on mathematics program
|Shared understanding of the relevance and possibilities from technology integration for mathematics teaching learning
|11.00 – 1.30
|Technology for connecting and learning
|1. Creation of a personal digital library – for self learning and teaching learning
2. Learning how to access resources on the internet and building capabilities to create, collect, organize and use digital resources
3. Accessing and evaluating multiple resources for mathematics teaching learning
4. Introduction to licensing and copyright on the web – Open Educational Resources
|1. Introduction to Ubuntu
2. Introduction to Firefox
3. Creating a personal digital library
4. A compilation of useful web resources categorized by intended use
|1. Participants are able to independently work with the computer, creating and managing folders
2. Participants should be able to access and evaluate resources from the web for their use
- able to search for different kinds of resources
- be able to copy and paste links for sharing and in documents
- download images, videos, pages (whenever allowed legally) and organize in folders
- be able to document resources in a text document
3. Participants are able to identify OER
|2.15 – 4.00
|Geogebra for mathematics teaching
|1. Mapping how Geogebra can support attainment of mathematics learning
2. Getting familiar with creating sketches using Geogebra
|1. Textbooks
2. TPCK use cases document
3. Introduction to Geogebra (both pages)
|1. Participants are able to see how Geogebra can support mathematics learning in ways that complement traditional mathematics teaching
2. Participants are able to:
- Open a Geogebra file and play with it
- Play around with the interface
- Create skteches using Geogebra
- Using textbox, export image features
- Saving a Geogebra file
- Using the input bar
[[Category:Head Masters]]