Wiki challenges

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Technology challenges

  1. Uploaded Unused files?
  2. Rating of content : Status by Rakesh - this extension is still not completed for the users
  3. Title not working
  4. metadata - tag each resource with multiple labels - class, language, type of file, File:School improvement in context - Alma Hariss.odt

Aesthetic challenges

  1. Table creation and looks : Status by Rakesh - now it is easy to create table. after I updated wiki editor
  2. Long pages
  3. Modularized presentation is clumsy
  4. Limited options for layout

Extension issues

  1. widget - photo slide show
  2. Freemind - syntax has changed to simpler
  3. Geogebra - Ubuntu java is not supporting
  4. Unwieldy syntax

User challenges

  1. Coherence of exploration
  2. Not possible to tag
  3. Not possible to search
  4. Not possible to create a user collection
  5. Not possible to rate

=Meeting Discussion Sept 27th


Issues Status Solution/Comment
Geogebra files embed Ongoing geogebrawiki - extension, save as html visual editor
math formula typing should be easy Ongoing Example
different Skins Ongoing Example
insert youtube widget - will check Ongoing Example
automatic updates - editor details Ongoing Example
phet html - Embeding Ongoing Example
math formula typing should be easy Ongoing Example
portal : normal page?? Ongoing Example
different views for differents users Ongoing Example