Keeping Girls in Secondary School: Successes and Challenges Dharwad, Karnataka. Conference June 2015
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The 2 day Conference had presentations on the current status of girl education globally and in Karnataka, barriers to girls education and possible policy/programmatic steps to be taken to improve girls education. The session wise presentations is shared here.
Conference report
Session 1
- Keynote address: Global scenario of girls’ education – Evidence on why girls are not in school.K.G. Santhya, Associate II, Population Council Presentation: Improving school infrastructure and systems
- Presentation: Girls’ education in Karnataka – Successes and challenges, Dr H.B. Chandrashekhar, Asst. Programme Officer, SSA, Karnataka
Download presentation - Karnataka context to girls education
For a brief report on the Conference and the presentations for the remaining sessions, click here
Session 2
- Presentation 1: The impact of discriminatory gender and social norms on adolescent girls’ education. Purnima Gupta, Senior Fellow and Arunima Bose, Project Associate, Nirantar #Presentation 2: Early marriage of girls as a barrier to their education
- Presentation 2 - Sony Kutty George, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF, Hyderabad
- Presentation 3 - School level barriers to girls’ education. Rishikesh Shanker, Leader, Hub for Education, Law and Policy, AzimPremji University
Session 3
- Presentation 1 : Working with adolescent girls to address child marriage Indira Pancholi, President, Mahila Jan Adhikar Samiti
- Presentation 2: Involving the youth to address community gender norms, Shweta Bankar, Technical Specialist, Men and Masculinity, International Centre for Research on Women
Session 4
- Policy recommendations: School interventions to retain girl students. Sreeparna Ghosh. Asst. Professor, School of Development, Azim Premji University