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== Introduction of the program ==
During the 2022-2023 academic year, we initiated "Technology Integration for Equitable Education (TIEE)" Program aimed to encourage inclusive learning for students in higher primary schools (HPS). The project focused on equitable pedagogical approaches to support student learning and empowering teachers to effectively integrate technology in their teaching practices. The TIEE program was designed as a three-year endeavour, commencing with a one-year pilot project, followed by two years of program expansion. The pilot phase was implemented in selected HPS schools within Bengaluru South-3 block. In addition to demonstrating technology integration for inclusive education at the school level and building communities of practitioners, the teaching-learning materials from the project, were published on the Karnataka Open Educational Resources (KOER) repository, in English and Kannada, for teachers across Karnataka.

Based on our experience working with high schools and in-service teacher training for the last 14 years, as well as our work in the pilot phase of TIEE, we are aware that teachers need support and hand holding to integrate technologies effectively into their practice to strengthen students' learning experience. Though there are several open educational resource repositories, accessing resources, evaluating them and using them appropriately is a skill that needs to be developed through capacity building and peer interactions.

In its current phase (2023-2025), TIEE aims to continue addressing some of these challenges and make the classroom an effective learning space for all children by integrating digital technology meaningfully to promote equity and inclusion. TIEE’s approaches are aimed at enhancing the ‘academic support system’ in order to create an inclusive education environment by using a variety of digital methods.

=== Program objectives ===
The program aims to leverage meaningful EdTech integration in the classroom processes to promote equity and inclusion, thus making the classroom an effective learning space for all children. The key objectives of the program are:;

* To enable teachers to access and use digital technologies in their classroom practice through demonstration and hands-on support  
* To help teachers experience and internalise EdTech integration as a coherent learning experience in order to address the academic needs of their students using diverse pedagogies
* To provide opportunities for continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers through regular multi-faceted engagements
* To encourage peer learning and mentoring amongst teachers through the establishment of Communities of Practice (CoPs) where they can freely share ideas and experiences
* To support schools and education functionaries in integrating technologies in school development and administrative processes

== Maths-Science teacher's workshop objectives ==

* To help teachers reflect on their current beliefs and classroom practices and identify areas of possible refinement
* To help teachers explore various digital tools and resources for enhancing their TPCK
* Help teachers understand the diversity of needs in their classroom and imagine possibilities of using techno-pedagogy in the classroom
* To enable teachers to use multi-level, multi-modal resources and strategies
* To build a community of learning for sustained and continuous teacher professional development through sharing experiences, ideas and best practices
* To collectively identify common misconceptions and challenges that children face in understanding Math and science concepts
* To explore some alternate models of conception of mathematical concepts using PhET simulations, Geogebra sketches and other relevant tools.

== Agenda of the workshop ==
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="5" |'''Day 1'''
|10:00 to 10:45
|Introduction of the session – Context setting
|Presntation on ITFC work and TIEE project brief explanation, objectives of the workshop.
|Whats app group QR code print out
|Assembly and settling down. QR codes are stuck up in the lab and teachers join the WA group as soon as they come and share basic info in the group like their name, school, etc.
|10:45 – 12.30
|Discussion on Math and science pedagogy
|Reading handout followed by discussion on similar observations/experiences with resepect to Teachers' current practices related to specific concepts, associated misconceptions children may have, challenges children face and how alternate approaches to teaching may help,
Discussion about the challenges of Maths and Science teaching, Objectives of Maths and Science teaching, hurdles/difficulties in achieving the objectives.
|What did you ask in school today? Maths and Science related page.
|Ask teachers to share misconceptions observed in the specific concepts teaching – make mindmap. Discussion on how these can be addressed – take few examples.
|12.30- 1pm
|Technology integration in science teaching-learning
|Demonstrate sample resources and discuss how each works in the class room teaching using diverse pedogogies and strategies
|1 pm to 1.45
|Lunch break
|1.45 to 2:30
|Technology integration in maths teaching-learning
|Demonstrate sample resources and discuss how each works in the class room teaching using diverse pedogogies and strategies
|2.30 to 4.30
|Group activity and presentation, Conclusion and wind up
|Each group is assigned one/two PhET simulation and geogebra/related to a concept and certain questions/prompts are given for teachers to explore the resource. (30min) Each group is then asked to present their observations / experiences (max 10 min each)
|Group activity Teacher handout Selected offline PhET simulations and Geogebra files - Area Model - Number line - Visualizing Division - 2D and 3D shapes - Angle formation and types of angles
|5 groups consist of 6 teachers, Misconceptions : Questions needs to be framed for teacher mannual.
| colspan="5" |'''Day 2'''
|10:00-1.00 pm
|Exploaration of resources/tools/applications,
|Demo of sample geogebra and Phet resources(Show resources that can be downloaded from and, etc.,
Exploration of resources (Mobile based)- Teachers explore the other resources (PhET, Geogebra, KOER, Mathbot, etc)
|Acessing, downloading, sharing
|Hands-on practice,
(10 to 11 am – Phet simulation, 11 – 1 pm geogebra and Ophysics, CK-12 foundations exploarations)
|01:00 to 2:00
|Lunch break
|2 to 3. 30 pm
|Tech integration in classroom
|Discussion on Strategies to use it in their classroom and accessing resources based on the available classroom technology and troubleshooting tips.
|KOER pages, videos
|3.30 to 4.00 pm
|Conclusion and wind up
|Filling feedback form, reflections and feedback on workshop activities, discussion on way forward, group photo

== Resources ==

=== Mathematics ===

=== Science ===

=== Technology resources ===

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