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India adopted the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Year_Plans_for_the_National_Economy_of_the_Soviet_Union Soviet Union model of five year plans], and the initial focus was to support rapid industrialization of the economy. Under this approach, the 'public sector'became quite dominant. India's first prime minister, Sri Jawaharlal Nehru suggested that the Public Sector should hold the "commanding heights of the economy". Over decades, the movement towards a 'mixed economy' have been strong, yet the five year plans have an important role in guiding the economic development and growth in India.
India adopted the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Year_Plans_for_the_National_Economy_of_the_Soviet_Union Soviet Union model of five year plans], and the initial focus was to support rapid industrialization of the economy. Under this approach, the 'public sector'became quite dominant. India's first prime minister, Sri Jawaharlal Nehru suggested that the Public Sector should hold the "commanding heights of the economy". Over decades, the movement towards a 'mixed economy' have been strong, yet the five year plans have an important role in guiding the economic development and growth in India.
===Learning objectives===
===Learning objectives==
#Understand the importance of planning in an economy
#Become aware of the five year planning process in India
#Understand the gains and limitations of India's five year plans
===Notes for teachers===
===Notes for teachers===
A useful history of the five year plans of India is available in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Year_Plans_of_India Wikipedia]. The history shows how the priorities and focus areas of planning in India have changed over time. Initially the focus was primarily on industrialisation, which is more diffused now, with focus on services sector also. The direct intervention through establishing public sector units has reduced with role of regulation of private sector increasing, due to the liberalisation and privatisation processes in India. In response to the ill effects of liberalisation and privatisation processes, the recent five year plans have attempted to focus on 'globalisation with a human face' and on 'sustainable development'. There is also more attention being given to the environmental implications of economic activities. Explaining the planning processes and plans through a historical narrative will make it more realistic for learners.
#Activity No #1 '''Concept Name - Activity No.'''
#Activity No #1 [[Economy_And_Government_economic_planning_activity1]]
#Activity No #2 '''Concept Name - Activity No.'''
#Activity No #2 [[Economy_And_Government_economic_planning_activity1]]
=Assessment activities for CCE=
=Assessment activities for CCE=

Revision as of 08:14, 30 July 2014

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Additional References

The Indian Economy Since Independence has a simple overview of the Indian economy and covers different ideas relating to the role of Government / public sector.

How the topic is discussed in NCERT Books

The chapter has a few distinct components

  1. Role of Government in economy (this is very well written, lucid and easy to read and understand)
  2. Green revolution
  3. Globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation

There is no single equivalent chapter in the NCERT books.

  1. Karnataka Text Book Class 10 - Economics - Chapter 2 - Economy and Government => NCERT Text Book of class 10, Chapter 4 - Globalisation and the Indian Economy has a detailed discussion on globalisation, which is worth reading. The benefits of globalisation and its the harmful effects as well as possible methods to address the problems are discussed. Many examples from real life have also been given, e.g. IT Industry boom due to globalisation, the growth of Indian MNCs (multi national companies) of Tata, Birla, Reliance groups is discussed. The chapter has many photographs and cartoons which are illuminative. There are many discussion points given as 'let us work it out' which can be used for CCE purposes as well.

  1. Karnataka Text Book Class 10 - Economics - Chapter 2 - Economy and Government => NCERT Text Book - Class 12, Chapter 5 - The Government - Budget and Economy has a very brief discussion on Government role in economy.

Useful websites

Government and economy

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_India
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_state
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_system

Green revolution

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Revolution_in_India
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.S._Swaminathan


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalisation
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalisation

Reference Books

Teaching Outlines

Please describe the key ideas to be conveyed in this section. Also broken down in details by each idea

Key Idea #1 Role of Government

A couple of hundred years ago, it was believed that the Government should not enter into economic activities and only focus on core functions such as security (law and order, defence). This is termed 'Laissez Faire' (least interference) and was promoted by 'classical economists' such as Adam Smith, the 'father' of modern economics.

However, the experiences of the great depression of the 1930's as well as World War 1 and 2 convinced most that Government has an important role in the economic activities.

John Maynard Keynes, was an influential economist, who argued that Government had an important role in the economy, to stimulate economic growth, income and employment and counter business cycles. It is often said that 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_are_all_Keynesians_now "We are all Keynesians now"], since most people support some kind of a role for Government in economic activities. The role of Government covers many aspects such as

  1. Providing for public goods like law and order, defence, education, health, transport
  2. Re-distributing national income through fiscal measures such as taxation
  3. Promoting social justice and equity
  4. Creating and maintaining core economic infrastructure
  5. Countering business cycles (inflation and depression), through monetary and fiscal measures
  6. Regulating the private sector's economic activities, this includes both enabling/encouraging certain activities and discouraging others

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the role that Governments play in the economy of a country
  2. Understand the need for Governments to play such a role
  3. Be aware of the areas in which Indian Government has a role in Indian economy

Notes for teachers

It is important to understand that the role of Government in economic activities is very important one. This is also changing, in some areas the government is withdrawing and giving the space to the private sector, it is also expanding in some other sectors. Comparing the role played in India with other countries can help in broadening our understanding. Wikipedia has many articles relating to this topic which should be read to give a deeper understanding.


  1. Activity No #1 Concept Name - Activity No.Economy_and_government_role of government_activity1
  2. Activity No #2 Concept Name - Activity No.Economy_and_government_role of government_activity2

Key Idea #2Economic Planning

In theory, free market capitalism has stressed the need for governments to not interfere in economic activities ('Laissez Faire'), while socialism has made state planning the main method of deciding the goods/services to be produced and their quantities etc.

India adopted the Soviet Union model of five year plans, and the initial focus was to support rapid industrialization of the economy. Under this approach, the 'public sector'became quite dominant. India's first prime minister, Sri Jawaharlal Nehru suggested that the Public Sector should hold the "commanding heights of the economy". Over decades, the movement towards a 'mixed economy' have been strong, yet the five year plans have an important role in guiding the economic development and growth in India.

=Learning objectives

  1. Understand the importance of planning in an economy
  2. Become aware of the five year planning process in India
  3. Understand the gains and limitations of India's five year plans

Notes for teachers

A useful history of the five year plans of India is available in Wikipedia. The history shows how the priorities and focus areas of planning in India have changed over time. Initially the focus was primarily on industrialisation, which is more diffused now, with focus on services sector also. The direct intervention through establishing public sector units has reduced with role of regulation of private sector increasing, due to the liberalisation and privatisation processes in India. In response to the ill effects of liberalisation and privatisation processes, the recent five year plans have attempted to focus on 'globalisation with a human face' and on 'sustainable development'. There is also more attention being given to the environmental implications of economic activities. Explaining the planning processes and plans through a historical narrative will make it more realistic for learners.


  1. Activity No #1 Economy_And_Government_economic_planning_activity1
  2. Activity No #2 Economy_And_Government_economic_planning_activity1

Assessment activities for CCE

Project Ideas

Review your school academic plan (SAP). What are the components that involve receipt and expenditure of money? Compare the plan for current year, with the plans of the last five years. Please make a plan for the next five years for the academic and overall development of your school. What factors would you consider? Who all would you consult to make this plan?

Community Based Project

Conduct interviews with the local shop keeper, panchayat official about the role the Government plays in Indian economy. Ask if the role of Government has increased or reduced over time and the nature of the role played.

Textbook Feedback

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