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Additional Information
Useful websites
- Surds starts with basic concepts,(to view the next page, please click on previous/up/next options in the bottom of the page
- Please refer Wikipedia page for Surds. This page discusses SuFNcY1z8dr6srds in detail.
- surds and other rootsThis page discusses surds and roots in detail.
- Video on Surds from Youtube :simplifying surds,rationalising surds,dividing and multiplying surds
Reference Questions
- what is the meaning of surds?
- Difference between like and unlike surds.
- Meaning of Pure and mixed surds.
- Simplification of rationalising the denominator.
Teaching Outlines
Concept 1: Definition of surds
Learning objectives
- know the meaning of surds
- recognising radicand and order of surds
Notes for teachers
If you can't simplify a number to remove a square root (or cube root etc) then it is a surd. If it is a root and irrational, it is a surd. But not all roots are surds.
Activity 1click here
Concept-2: Like and Unlike surds
Learning objectives
- Know the meaning of surd
- recognising the meaning of order and radicand
- Examples of like and unlike surds
- To change surd to simplest form
- Addition and Multiplication og surds
Notes for teachers
1.Like surds: A group of surds having same order and same radicand in their simplest form.
2.Unlike surds: Groups of surds having different orders or different radicandsor both in their simplest form.
3.Addition and sustraction of surds.
4.Multiplication of surds.
- Activity No:1 Activity for like and unlike surds click here
- Activity No:2
Assessment activities for CCE
Solving problems with same order and same radicand, same order and different radicand, different order and different radicand also different order and same order. Examples: Surds_CCE_Activity click here
Hints for difficult problems
Project Ideas
Hints for difficult problems
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Project Ideas
Math Fun
Teachers contributions for this page
- Tharanath Achar Sir, Graduate Assistant. Govt. P U College, Belthangady