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'''3.Story Books: (కధల పుస్తకములు)'''
'''3.Story Books: (కధల పుస్తకములు)'''
After reading and recording the stories with subtitle, the students gained the confidence that they can read the text in English. Then I supplied them the story books of Indian stories like Panchtantra and moral stories to address the teachers' opinion that the lessons in the  textbook are not interesting. After supplying the story books I have assigned them post reading tasks which result in comprehension. For example I asked them to complete the following table:
'''(చదివిన కధలను వీడియొ లో చూపించిన తర్వాత వారికి కధల పుస్తకాలను ఇచ్చినపుడు చక్కగా చదివారు. ఆపైన ఇచ్చిన కృత్యాలను చేయగలిగారు)   '''      
{| class="wikitable"
|Sentence in inverted quotes
|Who said?
|To whom?
4 . '''Visualising and drawing: (ఊహించి చిత్రం గీయటం)'''
After reading the storybooks students are  encouraged  to draw the characters in the story and created a bubble to write the dialogues, this activity helps them to comprehend the given story without the help of the teacher. My students love drawing , so they did this task with utmost care. Students started working in groups and helping each other and started discussion while drawing which resulted  in meaning making. Here is a sample drawing of my students.
'''(కధ చదివిన తరువాత వాటికి సంబందిoచిన వాటిని ఊహించి తగు చిత్రాలు గీయటం)   '''
'''5. Running Dictation:'''
Running dictation is total physical responses(TPR) activity which involves the mind and body coordination. Students are divided into pairs. One will act as reader and the other is a writer. Writer will sit at particular place where as reader keeps the book some distance from writer and reads the text and runs to writer to dictate the text. This activity helped the students to avoid monotony in the classroom. They enjoyed and repeatedly asked me to conduct this activity.
'''(ఈ కృత్యంలో మానసిక మరియు శారీరక సమన్వయం ఉంటుంది. జతలుగా విధ్యార్థులలో ఒకరు dictation చెప్పుటకు మరొకరు రాయుటకు ఉంటారు. రాస్తున్న వారీ దూరంగా పుస్తకాన్ని ఉంచి, ఒకరు పుస్తకం లోనిది చదివి పరుగున వచ్చి చెప్తారు. వారు దాన్నితమ పుస్తకము లో రాసుకోవాలి. ఇది రోజూ జరిగే dictation కు భిన్నంగా ఉంటుంది. )        '''
'''6 . Learning is transferable:''' ('''అభ్యసన బదలాయింపు )  '''
After practicing these activities I encouraged my students to read their regular class book. All most all the students started reading their textual lesson without much difficulty. This is an evidence that learning is transferable. Used their previous knowledge and skills in new situations. To collect the evidence of learning I recorded the audio files while they are reading the textual lessons and stored them in Google drive here are the link to those files.
'''(విధ్యార్ధులు తమ పూర్వ పరిజ్ఞానం ద్వారా ప్రస్తుత స్తాయి పుస్తకాలను కూడా అవగాహన చేసుకుని చదవగలరు.)'''
·      Link 1 (<nowiki></nowiki>)
·      Link 2 (<nowiki></nowiki>)
* Link 3  (<nowiki></nowiki>)
·       E-Portfolio link (<nowiki></nowiki>)
'''Findings and What I learned:''' By the end of this research what I have learnt there is no shortcut to language learning and particularly reading is a complex process which involves the continuous efforts from teachers as well as from students. Every child has an ability to learn. Teachers role is to find out how and when do they learn better. Another important observation is teacher frequently tries to test how far student is learning. When we are teaching reading skill this can't be visualized , when, where and how they have learnt reading. It happens only when we engage them meaningfully in variety of interesting tasks. Every individual is unique. As a teacher we need to address them individually this requires professionalism. Teaching is a profession not a job. Sharing and networking leads to continuous professional development , create your own personal learning network.
Doing mistakes is also a kind of learning . Allow them to do mistakes. Teacher needs to develop error tolerance. Teacher should focus on process not on product. Reading is thinking and not simply gaining information. Engaging them meaningfully will strengthen their learning. Don’t teach about the language teach the language. Don’t provide information. Give them real use of language i.e learning experience.
During my action research I came to know that action research is an effective professional    development tool to introspect our classroom practices and strategies which in turn help us to refine our teaching skill to meet the needs of 21<sup>st</sup> century learners. I also conclude that collaboration and engaging the learners in a meaningful contexts is vital to make our classroom an effective place for learning. We should also shift our focus from teaching to learning. Last but not the least shift our focus from product to process. Learning is a continuous process can't be visualized at a particular moment or time.
# Smith, Richard, and Paula Rebolledo. “A Hand Book for    Exploratory Action Research.” ''<nowiki>Https://</nowiki>'',    2016,
# '''“'''2016_Classroom_Based_Research.” ''Electronic    Village Online / 2016_Classroom_Based_Research'', 2016,
# '''“'''About Us.” ''Classroom-Based Research for    Professional Development EVO'',
# '''“'''Our Publications.” ''Tamil Nadu English    Language Development Programmes | British Council'',
# “Arms Project-2017-Strategies for Struggling    Readers.” ''Google Drive-Students' E-Portfolio'', Google, 2017,
