BHS School Development program 2019

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Vijaya Teachers College (VTC) and IT for Change (ITfC) are collaborating in a program to strengthen BHS High school through the Teachers' Community of Learning program, (TCOL) whose objectives are:

  1. Introducing teachers to the use of ICT applications for their professional development
  2. Supporting teachers to teach using ICT to improve student learning outcomes and for school development
  3. Creating professional learning communities (PLCs) amongst teachers, by subject, across Bengaluru South 3 schools, to improve collaboration amongst schools and support teacher development and strengthen student learning.

A three day workshop for Class 9 students on Mathematics is organized as a part of this program.

Objectives of the workshop

  1. Support building of foundational skills and conceptual understanding in students
  2. Develop interest in Mathematics by supporting 'mathematisation of thinking'
  3. Strengthen teacher capacities by demonstrations and modelling
  4. Create resources that can be used by other schools / teachers

Agenda for the workshop

See agenda

Workshop Resources