Management Development Program 2006 Karnataka
Educational Research suggest thatchallenges relating to shared vision, strategies, structures, processes and policies and that of individual government officials capacities in terms of educational leadership and managerial (ELM) impact the effectiveness of the government schooling system. The Management Development Program (MDP) was an initiative of the Policy Planning Unit (PPU) to strengthen the ELM capacities of individual officers in the education department of Karnataka, which consisted of two offerings:
(i) a strategic management training for the department seniors which itself had two parts – a personal and group effectiveness program conducted by the College of Leadership and Human Resource Development (CLHRD) and a ‘technical’ program by the Department of Management Studies of the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), which covered areas as finance, policy, program management, strategy, HRD etc. Both consisted of 10 days classroom learning as well as a single 'project' that provided an opportunity to practise the learning, and
(ii) an offering for officers at District and block levels to prepare them as ‘master trainers’ (Management Development Facilitators), which had the CLHRD component on personal and group effectiveness and a ‘technical’ component conducted by Canara Bank School of Management Studies (CBSMS), Bangalore University covering aspects such as educational perspectives, quality tools, people management and stakeholder management. The CHLRD component was similar in its duration and scope as in the strategic management training offering. The CBSMS program, intending to create MDFs was much more intensive, covering 36 days of classroom learning, combined with projects spread over a longer time period of around 3 months.
Click here for Monograph on the MDP
Programme curriculum
Aims of education
Quality tools
Stakeholder participation
Team Building
Research and documentation
[MDP Plans 2014 | Click here for MDP plans]]