Trigonometry Angle Measurement activity 2

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Activity No # 2- Interconversion between degree mesurment and angle mesurment

Estimated Time

20 mint

Materials/ Resources needed

Black board, geogebra file

Prerequisites/Instructions, if any

  • Should know calculation of algorithm

Multimedia resources

Geogebra file

Website interactives/ links/ simulations

Process (How to do the activity)

relate the degree mesurment and angle mesurment and formulate this in formula then solve some problem on interconvert of units.

Developmental Questions (What discussion questions)

  • How much degree obtain when one complete circumference forms?
  • Compare the degree with cicumference of circle ?
  • Formulate the relation between degree and radian ?

Evaluation (Questions for assessment of the child)

  • what is the relation between degree and radian ?
  • what is the formula to convert degree into radian ?
  • what is the formula to convert Radian into degree ?

Question Corner

  • Convert the following into radia
  • convert followings into degree

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