Violence against women HHS

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Gender is a concept and an analytical tool used to explain and understand the power relations and differences between men and women in society. Gender is socially and culturally constructed differences between men and women. Therefore , the way gender works varies from place to place and time to time.

Gender analysis has shown how certain norms privileges men,through imposition and reinforcement of gender norms and rules, society deprives women of rights, power, and resources. Traditional gender roles are a driving force behind women's lower economic status, low literacy and education, poorer health outcomes, and greater exposure to gender-based violence. Therefore, understanding gender, that men and women, boys and girls for example experience poverty or education differently and face different barriers in accessing services, economic resources and political opportunities has helped to understand marginalization women face better. This is in turn has informed the way development interventions in various parts of the world.

Watch the Video on Concept of Gender

Watch the Video on Impact of Gender

Rights Based Approach: VAW and Law

Violence against women(VAW) is most rampant human rights violation that happens around us. VAW is however, largely normalized by society. We see that unequal gender relations are socially and culturally endorsed and legitimized in various ways. VAW is a continuum of gender based discrimination and gender inequality , violence specifically is nothing but use of power to enforce gender norms. Violence and threat of violence becomes a major obstacle to women’s and girls’ development, and their welfare. Gender and Rights based approach believes all human being have equal value. It acknowledges the power imbalances between the genders and seeks to address this through investing rights to women. Our constitution also guarantees equal rights to all citizens of this country. Women’s groups and women’s collectives used rights based approach to address marginalization that women experience in their lives. Rights based approach has addressed issue of VAW by using already existing rights that women have in legal provisions to make their lives better as well as ask for newer rights for equal and a just society.

Watch the Video on Video on Violence Against Women. This video talks about the inter linkages between, gender and VAW.

Watch the Video on Constitution and Fundamental rights: Video talks about important rights listed under our Constitution.

Watch this video on the importance and differences between Rights and Law

Video on Gender and VAW

Why VAW happens on women: The video talks about the inter linkages between, gender and VAW. Video on Constitution and Fundamental rights: Video talks about important rights listed under our Constitution. Legal rights forms one of the important ways of addressing issue of VAW. Here are some resources that HHS has developed over decades in the course of its work with federations (coming together of various sanghas at Taluka and district level) in various parts of Karnataka.

[ Rights at the centre: Documentation of HHS work with federations in Karnataka]


Legal rights forms one of the important ways of addressing issue of VAW. Here are some resources that HHS has developed over decades in the course of its work with federations (coming together of various sanghas at Taluka and district level) in various parts of Karnataka.

Rights at the centre: Documentation of HHS work with federations in Karnataka. This document talks about the nature of engagement women;s groups at grassroots have on issues of gender, VAw and justice.

Law on Domestic Violence (DV): There is a criminal law as well as a law that offers civil remedies to women facing DV in India. Civil remedies to women facing DV in India. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence 2005 Act (PWDVA 2005 Act) provides civil remedies to women facing DV. Here is the video to know more about the major provisions of this law.

Watch the Video on the journey fo a case under the PWDVA ACT (2005)

A booklet on FAQs On PWDVA 2005: FAQs on the main features of PWDVA 2005

Click here to see the Flip Chart on the main provisions of PWDVA: A Flip Chart on the relief women can claim under PWDVA 2005 Act.

criminal law on DV. Video on 498A: Video presents legal provisions under 498A, criminal law on DV.

Crisis intervention booklet:This is a handbook for activists and people working with women facing violence. The handbook provides step by step details to be taken while handling cases of DV, Dowry and Rape.

Gender Training manual

The training manual features training modules on Gender, Gender discrimination, Gender stereotyping, Gender and VAW, Gender and Sexuality etc. The modules also carry notes for the trainer. The manual can be used in training context as well as to initiate discussion on Gender issues.

Research Report and Advocacy

  1. Support services for women facing violence
  2. Support services for women facing violence is one of the most important aspects of combating gender based violence. Counselling, shelter homes, medical help, legal aid are some of the services that women in distress need. It is the prerogative of the government to have these services available for women. HHS conducted a study to look into the quality and accessibility of already existing services that State offers for women facing violence in Karnataka. Here is the report:
Click here to see #State Services for women in crisis in Karnataka: A Study Report
  1. Ready Reckoner for Santwana: A ready reckoner for counsellors who work with women in Sanwtana centres. This document features some important pointers and information for counselors working at Santwana centers
  1. Protocols and SOPs for Santwana: As part of the advocacy work for better services for women, HHS evolved a standard operating protocol for Santwana counseling centres.

Laws on Sexual Assualt

  1. Watch the video on an overview of offences under Sexual Assault Laws
  1. Watch a video on Laws on Sexual Assualt, Part 1
  1. Watch a video on Laws on Sexual Assualt, Part 2

Videos Corner


Here are a series of interaction HHS did with the key members and activists of women's federations in Karnataka. Kindly go to for more information on these women fedrations in Karnataka.

  1. Interview with Uma, Spandana, Belgaum
  1. Interview with Roopa, Sangama Okkuta, Ilkal
  1. Sharanamma, Sangama Okkuta, Ikal
  1. Interview with Deviramma, Kittoru Rani Chennamma Okkuta,Harapanahalli
  1. Interview with Kumar, Reach, Harapanahalli
  1. Interview with Sukanya, Swaraj


498A, Criminal law on DV PWDVA, Case Journey Sh Law 2013 Sexual Assault law

Concepts Gender Impact of Gender Gender and VAW- Why VAW happens Rights and law Concept of equality Constitution and Fundamental rights.