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ಮಂಡ್ಯ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಯ ಮಾಹಿತಿ

  1. ಮಂಡ್ಯ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ
  2. Mandya district information

About the DIET



  1. ಭಾರತಿ. ಪ್ರಾಂಶುಪಾಲರು
  2. ಕಾಂತರಾಜು. ಕೆ. ಹಿರಿಯ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  3. ಶಂಕರ್. ಕೆ ಹಿರಿಯ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  4. ನಟರಾಜು ಹಿರಿಯ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  5. ಮಲ್ಲೇಶ್ವರಿ. ಎಸ್.ಎ. ಹಿರಿಯ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  6. ರೇಣುಕಮ್ಮ .ಎಂ.
  7. ಶಿವಲಿಂಗಯ್ಯ. ಎ.ಟಿ. ಹಿರಿಯ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  8. ಆನಂದ. ಹೆಚ್.ಎಸ್. ಹಿರಿಯ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  9. ಕುಮಾರಸ್ವಾಮಿ. ಸಿ.ವಿ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  10. ತೆಹೆರಾ.ಟಿ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  11. ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಿ. ಟಿ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  12. ಅಲ್ತಾಫ್ ಮೆಹ್ದಿ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು [ಕ್ಷೀರಭಾಗ್ಯ ಯೋಜನೆಗೆ ನಿಯೋಜನೆ]
  13. ಶೈಲಜ.ಎಂ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  14. ಲಿಂಗಯ್ಯ ಎಂ.ಎಲ್.ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  15. ಪದ್ಮನಾಭ್ ಹೆಚ್.ಎನ್. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  16. ಪ್ರಶಾಂತ್ ಕುಮಾರ್.ಹೆಚ್.ಕೆ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  17. ವಸಂತಮ್ಮ ವಿ . ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  18. ಬೊಮ್ಮರಾಜು.ಬಿ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  19. ಕಾಂತಶ್ರೀ.ಎಸ್.ಜೆ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  20. ರಾಜೇಶ್ವರಮ್ಮ ಜಿ.ಎಸ್. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  21. ನಾಗರಾಜು.ಕೆ.ಪಿ. ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  22. ರಾಜೇಂದ್ರ.ಎಂ. ಕಾರ್ಯಾನುಭವ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು
  23. ವಿರೇಶ್ ಲಿಂಬಿಕಾಯಿ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಕರು, ದೈಹಿಕ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ

Support Staff

  1. ಎಂ. ಹೆಚ್. ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಿಕಾಂತ್. ಅಧೀಕ್ಷಕರು.
  2. ಎಂ.ಎಲ್. ರಾಜಶೇಖರ್. ಅಧೀಕ್ಷಕರು
  3. ಎನ್.ಕೆ. ರಂಗೇಗೌಡ. ಶೀಘ್ರಲಿಪಿಗಾರರು
  4. ಟಿ.ಆರ್. ಕೃಷ್ಣಕುಮಾರಿ. ಪ್ರ.ದ.ಸ.
  5. ಪರವೀನ್ ತಾಜ್. ಪ್ರ.ದ.ಸ.
  6. ಡಿ. ಜೈಕೃಷ್ಣ. ಪ್ರ.ದ.ಸ.
  7. ಇಕ್ಬಾಲ್ ಅಹಮದ್. ಪ್ರ.ದ.ಸ.
  8. ವೈ.ವಿ.ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಮ್ಮ. ಪ್ರ.ದ.ಸ.
  9. ಆರ್. ಮಮತ. ಪ್ರ.ದ.ಸ.
  10. ಡಿ. ಮಂಜುಳ. ದ್ವಿ.ದ.ಸ.
  11. ಕೆ.ಎನ್. ಪೃಥ್ವಿರಾಜ್. ದ್ವಿ.ದ.ಸ.
  12. ಎಂ.ಎನ್. ಅವಿನಾಶ್. ದ್ವಿ.ದ.ಸ.
  13. ಶಿವರತ್ನಮ್ಮ. ಪ್ರ.ಶಾ.ಸ.
  14. ಮಹದೇವಮ್ಮ. ಡಿ.ದರ್ಜೆ.
  15. ಕೆಂಪಣ್ಣ. ಡಿ.ದರ್ಜೆ.
  16. ಕರಿಯಯ್ಯ. ಡಿ.ದರ್ಜೆ.
  17. ಜಯಮ್ಮ. ಡಿ.ದರ್ಜೆ.
  18. ಮಹಮದ್ ರಫಿ. ಡಿ.ದರ್ಜೆ.

PSTE programme details

DIET plans



PrOGRESS REVIEW -2014-15 AWP & B PLAN -2015-16 training

IN-SERVICE TEACHER TRAINING 1. District Training Back ground The district came into existence on July 1st 1939. Earlier it was a part of Mysore District. The district is located in the South-East of Karnataka surrounded by Mysore, Hassan, Tumkur and Bangalore Rural districts. The district is fertile with red soil mixed with sand, red clay-soil and red soil mixed with stones. it is a small district extending over an area of 4961 sq K. Ms with sun battered plains. As on 2011Mandya’s population was 18.09 (in lakh). From 2001 to 2011 consequently literacy rate showed an improvement every year. In the year 2001 literacy rate was 61.05 and in the year 2011 literacy rate showed 70.14 thereby gaining literacy rate of 9.09, which is above the state literacy rate of 8.96. The Dropout rate is continuously decreasing. MandyaDistrict consisting of seven revenue blocks and eight educational blocks. The position of schools & Working teachers is tabulated below: Level Primary Upper Primary High School Total Government schools 885 823 215 Social Welfare 2 24 24 Government aided schools 2 55 98 Un-Aided Schools 62 227 120 Central School - 1 1 Teachers in governmentSchools 1558 3284 1785 Teachers in government aided schools 6 309 713

2014-15 Progress Over view

i. Planned Training Programmes In The Year 2014-15:

The SarvaSikshaAbhiyan (SSA, 2001) has placed emphasis on continuous in-service teachers professional development, in this context 5 days of ‘training’ for all elementary teachers is being mandated by the MHRD. Out of which 2 days cluster level sharing meetings was conducted.

a) State Level Training: Selected resource persons from all the districts were trained for the following trainings:- 1) 1-3 rd Activity based Learning . 2) 4-5thStd Subject Oriented training. 3) 6-8thStd Science Training 4) 6-8th Mathematics Training

b) District Level Training.Five days MRP Training given on the following Subjects 1) 1-3 rd Activity based Learning . 2) 4-5thStd Subject Oriented training. 3) 6-8thStd Science Training

4)   6-8thMathsTraining

Objectives :  To develop awareness among the educational functionaries BRP /CRP/ ECO /TGT at all levels of the quality dimensions of classroom learning  To have Commitment to bridge the gap between expectation and performance of Primary& Secondary School Teachers through innovative Methods based on expertise and research.  To offer a wide range of high Quality Training and capacity building services.

ii. Information about Training literature prepared by DIET during 2014-15 Sl. No Name of the Training literature Objectives Duration To whom Developed by 1 Vikasana To enhance science knowledge 5 Days 6-8thSci teachers DSERT 2 Sinchana To enhance Maths knowledge 5 Days 6-8thMaths teachers DSERT 3 Samagama To enhance languages & core subject knowledge 5 Days 4-5th teachers DSERT

iii. Teachers Trained in total Number of Mandays SL No Name of the Block 10 days 09 days 08 days 07 Days 06 Days 05 days 4 days 3 days 2 days 1 day 0 day Total 1 KRISHNARAJAPET 642 72 714 2 MADDUR - - 530 - - - - 140 - - 29 699 3 MALAVALLI 430 80 179 689 4 MANDYA NORTH 45 15 243 45 348 5 MANDYA SOUTH 354 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 381 6 NAGAMANGALA 0 0 512 87 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 650 7 PANDAVAPURA 0 0 366 39 0 0 0 10 39 76 0 530

8 SRIRANGAPATNA 379 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 393 Total 733 14 1838 171 15 992 45 452 39 76 29 4404

I. Training Progress 2014-15

a. State level MRP Training progress – 05 days

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching Teachers 4 20 - 4 20 - 5 Days 2 Training of 4th to 5thstd teaching Teachers 4 20 - 4 20 - 5 Days 3 Training of 6th to 8thstd Science teaching Teachers 4 20 - 3 15 - 3.5 Days 4 Training of 6th to 8thstdMaths teaching Teachers 4 20 - 3 15 - 3.5 Days Total

b. District Level MRP Training progress – 05 days

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching Teachers 40 200 40000 38 190 38000 4.75 2 Training of 4th to 5thstd teaching Teachers 40 200 40000 36 180 36000 4.5 3 Training of 6th to 8thstd Science teaching Teachers 40 200 40000 28 140 28000 3.5 4 Training of 6th to 8thstdMaths teaching Teachers 40 200 40000 31 150 31000 3.75 Total

c. State and District Level MRP Training Progress (a+b)

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 42 210 42000 4.77 2 Training of 4th to 5thstd teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 42 210 42000 4.77 3 Training of 6th to 8thstd Science teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 28 140 28000 3.18 4 Training of 6th to 8thstdMaths teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 34 170 34000 3.86 Total 176 880 176000 149 745 146000

         *District level Finance

d.In-Service Teacher Training at block level – 05 days Sl. No. Training Subject Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Nali-Kali Kannada 2270 11350 11.35000 1993 9965 996500 4.38 2 Nali-Kali Urdu 160 800 80000 100 500 50000 3.125 3 4-5thStd Subject Oriented training. 1235 6175 617500 1146 5730 573000 4.63 4 6-8thStd Science Training 413 2065 206500 401 2005 200500 4.85 5 6-8thStdMaths Training 413 2065 206500 0 0 0 0 Total 4651 23255 2325500 3577 12885 1288500 2.77

e. Cluster sharing meetings- 5 days

Sl. No Meeting agenda Target Achievement Mandays

	 	Phy	Mandays	Fin	Phy	Man days	Fin	Average

1st Follow up of block level Training 4651 4651 465100 4656 4656 465600 1 2nd Nali-Kali, 4-5th& 6-8 Subject 4651 4651 465100 4183 4183 418300 0.89 3rd Nali-Kali, 4-5th& 6-8 Subject 4651 4651 465100 4325 4325 432500 0.92 4th Hard topics on Maths& science, CCE - - - - - - 5th Hard topics on Maths& science, CCE - - - - - -

Total 13953 13953 1395300 13164 13164 1316400 0.94

       f. Block and Cluster level training progress - 10 days. ( d+e)

Sl. No. Name of the block Target Achievement Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin Average 1 KRISHNARAJAPET 807 8070 807000 642 6420 642000 7.95 2 MADDUR 735 7350 735000 528 5280 528000 7.18 3 MALAVALLI 709 7090 709000 366 3660 366000 5.16 4 MANDYA NORTH 393 3930 393000 343 3430 343000 8.72 5 MANDYA SOUTH 410 4100 410000 309 3090 309000 7.53 6 NAGAMANGALA 710 7100 710000 589 5890 589000 8.29 7 PANDAVAPURA 474 4740 474000 405 4050 405000 8.54 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 413 4130 413000 293 2930 293000 7.09 Total 4651 46510 4651000 3475 34750 3475000 7.55

g. Short notes on each training programme – objectives, process and outcomes, feedback along with relevant photos 1. State Level MRP Training: a) Activity Based Learning (1-3) : In order to improve quality in Primary education an activity based learning approach, has been initiated with an objective to improve enrollment & to retain children in schools and to open the classroom to a more holistic and learner based way of working with children through the day, throughout the year.


	To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  to develop their professional skills and apply them  while giving training at Block level .
	To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  to adopt &  to create learning practices to help &   to retain children in  school and bring in those not attending school

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching Teachers 4 20 - 4 20 - 5

  • State level finance

Outcomes of the Training: o MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S opine students absenteeism may coming down. o MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S feel that students may attend classes voluntarily. b) 4th to 5th Subject oriented Training. INTRODUCTION :. In order to enhance the quality of education in 4th to 5th Subject oriented Training given to the teachers to develop their personal and professional qualities, and to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment, and the development of their organization... OBJECTIVES

	To improveMRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S language  teaching training skills.
	To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S to be confident to give training on core subjectsto the teachers at Block level.
	To enrich the qualitative aspect changes in  teaching-learning activities at primary level .
	To acquaint theMRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S with the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 4-5std teaching Teachers 4 20 - 4 20 - 5

  • State level finance

Outcomes of the Training:

	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  will be able to acquirelanguage  teaching training skills.
	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  will be able to be confident to give training on core subjectsto the teachers at Block level.
	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in  teaching-learning activities at primary level .
	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to understood the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

6th to 8th Subject orientedVIKASANA-ScienceTraining:


	To  make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT  importance of 6 to 8th science textbook 
	To  make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT  to understand the objectives of new textbook 
	To  make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT  to understand  the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom 

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 6-8std Science teaching Teachers 4 20 - 4 20 - 5

  • State level finance

Outcomes of the Training: • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th science textbook • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to be confident to give training on Science subjectsto the teachers at Block level. • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Science teaching-learning activities at primary level .

c) 6th to 8th Subject oriented SINCHANA -MATHSTraining:

OBJECTIVES ; • To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT importance of 6 to 8th Maths textbook • To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT to understand the objectives of new textbook

	To  make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT  to understand  the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom 

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 6-8std MATHS teaching Teachers 4 20 - 4 20 - 5

  • State level finance

Outcomes of the Training: • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th Mathstextbook • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to be confident to give training on Mathssubjectsto the teachers at Block level. • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Maths teaching-learning activities at primary level .

2. District Level MRP Training: a) Activity Based Learning : Kannada & Urdu

Despite sincere and dedicated efforts at various levels to improve quality in education,  there is a long way to go. When one thinks of usual primary classes, the picture of any teacher cenrtic classrooms that comes to one’s mind is as under:

In order to address the above issues, an activity based learning 5 days i refresher course training for teachers organized in our district, to make the classroom to a more holistic and learner based way of working with children through the day, throughout the year.


To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S to develop their professional skills and apply them while giving training at Block level .

	To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  to adopt &  to create learning practices to help &   to retain children in  school and bring in those not attending school

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 42 210 42000 4.77

  • District level finance

Outcomes of the Training: o MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S opine students absenteeism may coming down. o MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S feel that students may attend classes voluntarily

.2 ( b)4th to 5th Subject oriented Training. INTRODUCTION :. In order to improve the quality of education in 4th to 5thStd, Subject oriented Training given to the teachers to develop their personal and professional qualities, and to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment, and the development of their organization. OBJECTIVES:

	To improveMRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S language  teaching training skills.
	To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S to be confident to give training on core subjectsto the teachers at Block level.
	To acquaint theMRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S with the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

CASCADE :In Mandya district, 42 BRP/ CRP & TGT teachers were given training at diet level as Resource persons to impart trainings at block level. Every group consist of 5 to 6 members will be given topics for discussion to prepare activities to be conducted in the class room situation. Later the master resource persons gives positive and constructive feed back.

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 4-5std teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 42 210 42000 4.77

  • District level finance

Outcomes of the Training:

	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  will be able to acquirelanguage  teaching training skills.
	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S  will be able to be confident to give training on core subjectsto the teachers at Block level..
	MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to understood the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

2(C) :6th to 8th Subject oriented VIKASANA-ScienceTraining:


	To  make the BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT  the importance of 6 to 8th science textbook 
	To  make the  BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT   to understand the objectives of new textbook 
	To  make the  BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT  to understand  the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom 

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 6-8std Science teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 28 140 28000 3.18

  • District level finance

Outcomes of the Training: • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th science textbook • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to be confident to give training on Science subjectsto the teachers at Block level. • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Science teaching-learning activities at primary level .

2(d) 6th - 8th Subject oriented SINCHANAMathsTraining:

OBJECTIVES ; • To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT importance of 6 to 8th Maths textbook • To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT to understand the objectives of new textbook • To make the MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S /TGT to understand the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 6-8std MATHS teaching Teachers 44 220 44000 34 170 34000 3.86

  • District level finance

Outcomes of the Training: • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th Mathstextbook • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to be confident to give training on Mathssubjectsto the teachers at Block level. • MRP / BRP / CRP / ECO’S will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Maths teaching-learning activities at primary level .

3. Block Level in-service teachers training 3(a)Activity Based Learning : Kannada & Urdu

To improve quality in education at primary level an activity based learning 5 days refresher course training for teachers organized in our district,at Block level to make the  classroom to a more holistic and learner based way of working with children through the day, throughout the year,  


To make the teachers to develop their professional skills and apply them in classroom situation.

	To make the teachers  to adopt &  to create learning practices to help &   to retain children in  school and bring in those not attending school

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching (kannada)Teachers 2270 11350 11.35 1993 9650 9965000 4.25 2 Training of 1 to 3rdstd teaching (Urdu)Teachers 160 800 8000 100 500 50000 3.12

  • Block level finance

Outcomes of the Training: o Teacher’s opine students absenteeism may coming down. o Teacher’s feel that students may attend classes voluntarily

3(b) 4th to 5th Subject oriented Training:. INTRODUCTION :. In order to improve the quality of education in 4th to 5thStd, Subject oriented Training given to the teachers to develop their personal and professional qualities, and to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment. OBJECTIVES:

	To improveTeacher’slanguage  teaching  skills.
	To make the Teacher’s to be confident  on teaching core subjectsin the classroom
	To acquaint theTeacher’s with the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 4-5std teaching Teachers 1235 6175 6175000 1146 5730 573000 4.63

  • Block level finance

Outcomes of the Training:

	Teacher’s will be able to acquirelanguage  teaching training skills.
	Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on core subjectsto the teachers at Block level..
	Teacher’s will be able to understood the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

3(C) 6th to 8th Subject oriented VIKASANA-ScienceTraining:


	To  make theTeacher’sto know the importance of teaching 6 to 8th science textbook 
	To  make the Teacher’s to understand the objectives of new textbook 
	To  make Teacher’s to understand  the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom 

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 6-8std Science teaching Teachers 413 2065 206500 401 2005 200500 4.85

  • District level finance

Outcomes of the Training: • Teacher’s will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th science textbook • Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on Science subjectsto the teachers at Block level. • Teacher’s will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Science teaching-learning activities at primary level .

3(d) 6th - 8th Subject oriented SINCHANA-MathsTraining:

OBJECTIVES ; • To make the Teacher’sto know the importance of teaching 6 to 8th Maths textbook • To make the Teacher’s to understand the objectives of new textbook • To make the Teacher’s to understand the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom

Sl No Name of the Training Programe Target Achievement Achieved Mandays Phy Mandays Fin Phy Mandays Fin 1 Training of 6-8std MATHS teaching Teachers 413 2065 206500 0 0 0 0

  • Block level finance

Outcomes of the Training: • Teacher’s will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th Mathstextbook • Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on Mathssubjectsto the teachers at Block level. • Teacher’s will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Maths teaching-learning activities at primary level

4. Cluster Level Meeting / Training

In the first sharing meeting following subjects were discussed

• Follow up of Block level Trainings. • 1 to 3rd Activity Based Learning, 4 to 5th subject oriented, 6 to 8th science &maths.subjects were discussed. In the second sharing meeting following subjects were discussed • Discussed about CCE. • Follow up of Block level Trainings. • 1 to 3rd Activity Based Learning, 4 to 5th subject oriented,. • Hard spots in Science and Mathematics. • Implementation of 10 points programme at school

Cluster sharing meeting Out comes: Teachers took part in the meeting with enthusiasm & discussed Hard Teaching Topics with the Resource persons. They share their experiences found solutions to their problems & cleared their doubts. They felt the activities conducted in sharing meetings & Trainings are very much interesting and useful.

a. Short note on feedback received from trainees (consolidated)

	5 days training is not sufficient it should be given in 2 phase of 5  days each 
	It should be given in early months of academic year 
	 It gives a platform to theTeachers toclearedtheir doubts.

b. Problems faced in the implementation of training

	Teacher posts are vacant so it is very difficult to draw the teachers to the training. 
	The unit cost 90rs is not sufficient to conduct the training. 
	It is difficult to conduct the trainings by using only CRPs and BRPs as resource persons.

c. Suggestions to overcome the problems faced in training  Vacant posts should be filled immediately  Training unit cost must be increased  Training amount should be released in the month of June

Plan for 2015-16 SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA): is Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right. The programme provides to open new schools in those habitations which do not have schooling facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grants. Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength are provided with additional teachers. The capacity of existing teachers is being strengthened by extensive training, grants for developing teaching-learning materials and strengthening of the academic support structure at a cluster, block and district level. SSA provides quality elementary education including life skills. SSA has a special focus on girl's education and children with special needs. SSA also provides computer education to bridge the digital divide. Education is the main source behind the social and economic development of any nation. In this context, it is evident that both male and female population needs education for the progress of the country. Special Features NCF-2005  Connecting knowledge to life activities  Learning to shift from rote methods  Enriching the curriculum beyond text books  Learning experiences for the construction of knowledge  Making examinations flexible and integrating them with classroom experiences  Caring concerns within the democratic policy of the country  Make education relevant to the present and future needs.  Softening the subject boundaries integrated knowledge and the joy of learning.  The child is the constructor of knowledge. RIGHT TO EDUCATION  Right of children to free and compulsory education till completion of elementary education in a neighbourhood school.  It makes provisions for a non-admitted child to be admitted to an age appropriate class..  It provides for appointment of appropriately trained teachers, i.e. teachers with the requisite entry and academic qualifications.  It prohibits (a) physical punishment and mental harassment; (b) screening procedures for admission of children; (c) capitation fee; (d) private tuition by teachers and (e) running of schools without recognition,  It provides for development of curriculum in consonance with the values enshrined in the Constitution, and which would ensure the all-round development of the child, building on the child’s knowledge, potentiality and talent and making the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety through a system of child friendly and child centred learning.

 The new books are produced based on three fundamental approaches namely.
	Constructive approach, 
	Spiral Approach    and 
	Integrated approach

The learner is encouraged to think, engage in activities, masters skills and competencies. The materials presented in these books are integrated with values. The new books are not examination oriented in their nature. On the other hand they help the learner in the total development of his/her personality, thus help him/her become a healthy member of a healthy society and a productive citizen of this great country india. VISION OF THE DIET

	To emerge as a Center of Excellence in Capacity Building of  BRP’s & CRP’s of Block Level Centers 
	To emerge as a Center of Excellence in Capacity Building of  Primary & Secondary School Teachers
	To emerge as a Center of Excellence in Capacity Building of  Primary & Secondary Head Masters

Objectives to be Achieved in the year 2015-16  To "Transform the Functionaries involved in the process of Teaching by building their capacity and enhancing their competence to respond to needs of children.  To systematically move towards need based training and learning.  To offer a wide range of high quality training and capacity building services.  To develop effective methods, so as to change the attitude of the Teachers towards efficient service.  To have commitment to bridge the gap between expectation and performance of Teacher Community through innovative methods based on expertise and research.  To upgrade the knowledge and skill among primary & secondary teachers to implement RTE-2009 Act.  To generate awareness, Knowledge and skills with regard to school development plan.  To provide practical hands-on training in computers. to primary & Secondary schools Head Masters  To provide practical hands-on training in computers. to CRP’s & BRP’s & BRC  To enhance the managerial Skills &administration knowledge to Head masters.  To promote the moral, academic, social and personal development of students in consultation with the parents.  To ensure achievement of basic literacy and numeracy competencies of primary school children.  To improve quality in teaching and learning process.  To Train the teachers to prepare and use low cost / no cost TLM

          2. Total number of Teachers (Working).

Sl no Name of the Blocks Government Aided schools Local Body Social welfare High schools (1/3) KGBV Total LPS HPS LPS HPS LPS HPS LPS HPS 1 KRISHNARAJAPET 358 529 0 7 0 0 0 7 127 0 1028 2 MADDUR 180 499 0 59 0 0 1 13 172 0 924 3 MALAVALLI 205 540 0 31 0 0 0 13 154 0 943 4 MANDYA NORTH 149 301 0 24 0 0 1 5 97 0 577 5 MANDYA SOUTH 100 372 6 81 0 0 0 5 136 0 700 6 NAGAMANGALA 264 388 0 17 0 0 0 18 111 0 798 7 PANDAVAPURA 165 335 0 52 0 0 0 10 102 0 664 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 137 320 0 38 0 0 0 16 86 0 597 Total 1558 3284 6 309 0 0 2 87 986 0 6231 As per dise 2014-15

  3.  Total number of HM’s (Working).

Sl no Name of the Blocks Government Aided schools Social welfare Local Body Total LPS HPS LPS HPS LPS HPS LPS HPS 1 KRISHNARAJAPET - 68 - 2 - 3 - - 73 2 MADDUR - 58 - - - - - - 58 3 MALAVALLI - 101 - 5 - 4 - - 110 4 MANDYA NORTH - 36 - - - 1 - - 37 5 MANDYA SOUTH - 40 - 15 - - - - 55 6 NAGAMANGALA - 53 - 3 - 4 - - 60 7 PANDAVAPURA - 38 - 10 - 4 - - 52 8 SRIRANGAPATNA - 36 - 4 - 4 - - 44 Total - 430 - 39 - 20 - - 489

As per dise 2014-15

4. Number of Monitoring Staff (Block level)

Sl No Name of the block BRC & AD BRP’s CRP’s ECO’s


IERT Total 1 KRISHNARAJAPET 03 5 27 6 01 01 43 2 MADDUR 03 5 22 6 01 01 38 3 MALAVALLI 03 5 23 6 01 01 39 4 MANDYA NORTH 03 5 15 5 01 01 30 5 MANDYA SOUTH 03 5 12 5 01 01 27 6 NAGAMANGALA 03 5 27 6 01 01 43 7 PANDAVAPURA 03 5 15 4 01 01 29 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 03 5 11 4 01 01 25 Total 24 40 152 42 8 8 274 As per dise 2014-15 5. District Monitoring Staff

Sl No DDPI(Admn) & DDPI (Dev) BEO & BEO Cadre officers SI,APC & Lecturers in DIET Total 1 02 19 31 52 Total 02 19 31 52 As per dise 2014-15

6. Number of New Teachers Sl No Name of the Block New School Additional Teacher to Primary School HM to Primary school Up- graded School Additional Teacher to Upper Primary School HM to Upper Primary school Part Time Teacher Total

	 	 	 	 	Maths / Scince	Social Science	Language	Maths / Scince	Social Science	Language	 	Art Edn	Health &PhyEdn	Work Edn	 




  • Training will be conducted as soon as the vacancy filled

7. Number of New TGT Teachers

Sl No Name of the Block 8thStd addition - Up- graded School Add TGT Teacher to Upper Primary School Total Maths / Scince Social Science Language Maths / Scince Social Science Language Maths /Scince Social Science Language 1 KRISHNARAJAPET Nil 2 MADDUR 3 MALAVALLI 4 MANDYA NORTH 5 MANDYA SOUTH 6 NAGAMANGALA 7 PANDAVAPURA 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 9 Total

  • Training will be conducted as soon as the vacancy filled

8. Training programmes – 17 Days (12+5)

District level Training programs included following   Concerns.

a. District teacher needs. b. Conformity with constitutional values; c. All round development of the child. d. Building up the child’s knowledge, potentiality and talent. e. Development of physical and mental abilities to the fullest extent. f. Learning through activities, Discovery and exploration in a child friendly and child centered manner. g. Making the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the child to express views freely.

h. The comprehensive and continuous evaluation of the child understanding and knowledge the ability to apply. i. Content of the Subjects. j. RTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, Learning Indicators Trainings: As per K.S.Q.A.A.C. 2013-14 study Mandya district student’s achievement of class 5th, 7th is as follows. Class Kannada English Maths Science Social science Class wise % District % 5th 50.49 19 34.45 33.57 32.85 37.63 37.84 7th 47.96 25.68 35.18 32.07 27.18 38.06

1.Activity Based Learning (1-3): Kannada & Urdu Number of programs across the country such as DPEP, SSA, NPEGEL have been implemented towards universalization of elementary education. As a result since past one decade there has been significant improvement in the enrollment and retention of children at the primary level. However, despite sincere and dedicated efforts at various levels to improved quality in education, there is a long way to go. When one thinks of usual primary classes, the picture of any teacher cenrtic classrooms that comes to one’s mind is as under: Teacher dominates the classroom all the time, with no allowance for children to learn of develop on their own. It is assumed that all children will learn the same thing at the same time and in the same manner. The problems of multi-grade and multi-level nature of classroom are not addressed. TLMs are rarely used by children as a normal practice. Most of the materials used are not prepared for self-learning. There is no opportunity for the child to learn the lessons missed during his/her absence from class. In order to address the above issues, an Activity Based Learning (1-3) approach, has been initiated with an objective to correct and overcome these difficulties and to open the classroom to a more holistic and learner based way of working with children through the day, throughout the year. Why, Activity Based Learning (1-3): It gives children an opportunity to learn at their own pace and level

	It Provides children a platform to learn through experience
	It offers a chance to learn from teachers and peers
	It gives child an exposure to various project work and field work
	Children are learning without burden

         Objectives of the training :

 Teachers should become aware with the various methods of classroom teachings, activities and innovative educational trends.  Teachers should develop their professional skills and apply them in making their classroom teaching more effective.  Teachers should adopt & to create learning practices to help & to retain children in school and bring in those not attending school

Changes in schools Due to Activity Based Learning (1-3)

	Teachers opine students absenteeism is coming down. 
	Teachers feel that students voluntarily attend classes. 
	Children speak without fear or hesitation and demand their help whenever necessary. 
	Confidence in the face of children while recording their progress in the progress chart. 
	Parents are willing to accept methodology as the children are showing remarkable progress in  learning. 
	Children are learning joyfully and stay in the school even after the last bell rings. 

2). Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE):

CCE is intended to be an integral part of the learning process, giving credible feedback to students and teachers on a continuing basis. CCE has the potential to be a powerful assessment tool .This diagnostic information also guides teachers in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students’ needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices.

Objective:  To capture information about each student’s progress through methods which are compatible with classroom teaching strategies and which, most importantly,  To reduce the pressure placed on learners by formal Board exams.

The key characteristics of CCE are: a) The system is school‐based and places teacher judgement at the heart of the process. b) The focus is on both the ‘scholastic and co‐scholastic aspects of the pupil’s growth’ c) Two approaches to assessment are used – formative assessment and summative assessment.

   The formative assessments in particular are intended to be ‘informal’ and largely diagnostic.

d) Reporting for scholastic and co‐scholastic achievement should not be in the form of raw score but interms of broad grades.

Outcomes :  CCE gives teachers flexibility in deciding the assessment tasks they will use to measure learning.  It helps to evaluate all round development of the Students  It helps to documentation of every individual achievement in each competency  It helps to develop the self-evaluation ability, in the minds of the students

PINDICS:- PINDICS is based on the provision in section 24,29 of RTE Act NCF-2009 & SSA frame work2011. Section 24 of the RTE Act says, a Teacher shall maintain regularity and punctuality in School. Provision of sub-section 2 of the RTE Act 29 the Teacher shall complete the curriculum & asses the ability of each child. According to guidelines of MHRD performance indicated for elementary school teachers is the one way to find out the teachers attitude about teaching. PINDINCS programme is being introduced first time in Karnataka. The programme envisages the elementary school teachers to introspect their professional skills and maintain regularity& punctuality in School. On 8th of January 2015 one day workshop was held at DIET Mandya.In this workshop objectives & need of Pindics was explained to DYPC’S,BEO’S,BRC’S,BRP’S,CRP’S, & DIET faculty. Objectives:

 To make the teacher to complete the curriculum & asses the ability of each child.  To make the teachers aware with the various methods of classroom teachings, activities and innovative educational trends.  To make the teachers should develop their professional skills and apply them in making their classroom teaching more effective.  To make the teachers should adopt & to create learning practices to help & to retain children in school and bring in those not attending school  To make the teachers to introspect and self evaluatetheir professional skills.

Outcomes:  Teachers will be able tomaintain regularity and punctuality in School.  Teachers will be able to adopt a wide range of high quality teaching and capacity building services.  Teachers will be able to develop effective methods, so that they change their attitude towards efficient service.  Teachers will be able to commit and bridge the gap between students & parentsthrough innovative methods based on expertise and research.  Teachers will be able toupgrade the knowledge to implement RTE-2009 Act.  Teachers will be able to make the children free of fear , trauma & anxiety and help the children to express Views freely

  3). 4th to 5th Subject oriented Training:.

INTRODUCTION :. In order to improve the quality of education in 4th to 5thStd, Subject oriented Training given to the teachers to develop their personal and professional qualities, and to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment. OBJECTIVES:

	To improveTeacher’slanguage  teaching  skills.
	To make the Teacher’s to be confident  on teaching core subjectsin the classroom
	To acquaint theTeacher’s with the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

Outcomes of the Training:

	Teacher’s will be able to acquirelanguage  teaching training skills.
	Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on core subjects to the teachers at Block level.
	Teacher’s will be able to understood the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

4) 6th to 8th Subject oriented ScienceTraining:

Subject Enrichment training for science teachers who teaches 6th - 8thstd Introduced with an intention, to impove the quality of education at school level, by giving special training to science teachers, to improve the ability of teaching.So that expected change in learning standard of pupils is hoped. OBJECTIVES ;

	To  make the Teacher’s to know the importance of teaching 6 to 8th science text book 
	To  make the  Teacher’s to understand the objectives of new textbook 
	To  make Teacher’s to understand  the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom 

Outcomes :

• Teacher’s will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th science textbook • Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on Science subjects to the teachers at Block level. • Teacher’s will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Science teaching-learning activities at primary level . • To make the teachers to develop their professional skills and apply them while giving training at Block level . • To make the teachers to adopt & to create learning practices to help & to retain children in school and bring in those not attending school Outcomes of the Training: o Teacher’s opine students absenteeism may coming down. o Teacher’s feel that students may attend classes voluntarily 5) 6th - 8th Subject oriented MathsTraining:

Subject Enrichment training for MATHS teachers who teaches 6th - 8thstdIntroduced with an intention, to improve the quality of education at school level, by giving special training to MATHS teachers, to improve the ability of teaching.So that expected change in learning standard of pupils is hoped OBJECTIVES ; • To make the Teacher’s to know the importance of teaching 6 to 8th Maths textbook • To make the Teacher’s to understand the objectives of new textbook • To make the Teacher’s to understand the concepts of constructivism and CCE in the classroom Outcomes of the Training: • Teacher’s will be able to acquireimportance of 6 to 8th Mathstextbook • Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on Mathssubjectsto the teachers at Block level. • Teacher’s will be able to understood the qualitative aspect changes in Maths teaching-learning activities at primary level Physical Education Training : Physical Education was integrated into educational curriculum and became an examination subject. Then in 2011-12 the curriculum and syllabus were revised on the basis of NCF-2005 & KCF-2007.In 2009-10 Physical Education was introduced in school education from 6th-9thstd this year it was extended to 7th& 10th standard also. Objectives: • To make the physical education teachers to encourage and stimulate active creatively among children instead of just passive learning. • To make the physical education teachers to observe every child very carefully and guide them every moment Outcomes: • physical education teachers will be able to guide the students and encouraging them to participate in state level / national level sports • it improves the health status of every individual Head Master,s Training:The comprehensive trainingprogrammewas initiated in order to equip the headmasters with DISE, RTE, CCE, OOSC CWSN communication; influencing and time-management skills & Administrative skills to enable them to understand their roles and perform better. The training programme will be designed to help them relax, get to know each and make the programme more participatory. The entire course will be designed ,to be activity based, interactive and informal. Brainstorming, role play and fun-filled exercises Training for CRP, BRP &ECO :Block Resource Coordinators play a key role in making schools programmes successful. They are responsible for driving the programme, and ensuring it is integrated into the wider practice of the school. Block Resource Coordinators will be leader of the Block Resource Centre and will be accountable.. They will influence the thinking and practice of colleagues and other stakeholders across the Block. Block Resource Person: Block Resource persons will be a resourceful leader of the Block Resource Centre . They will influence the thinking and practice of colleagues and other stakeholders across Block and the teaching community. Cluster Resource Person: Cluster Resource persons will be a resourceful leader of the Cluster Resource Centre . They will influence the thinking and practice of teachers and other stakeholders across cluster and the teaching community. Objectives: The BRP / CRP / ECO plays a key leadership role in welcoming and supporting Head Teachers Teachers& meeting with SDMC members. • To make the BRP / CRP /ECO to make the BRP / CRP /ECO to develop a creative learning community across the BLOCK / CLUSTER • To make the BRP / CRP /ECO to build a community of creative learning practice across the BLOCK / CLUSTER • To make the BRP / CRP /ECO to involve parents, SDMC and other members of the community extensively throughout the programme • To make the BRP / CRP /ECO to develop, through dialogue with the wider school community, an enquiry based approach which addresses a range of issues relevant to the broader developmental needs of the school and its learners and is linked to the school development improvement plan • To make the BRP / CRP /ECO to facilitate the long-term development of creative teaching and learning at a structural and systemic level, using the Creative School Development framework and other resources • To make the BRP / CRP /ECO to establish a Creative Partnerships programme plan on an annual basis, linked to the Creative School Development Framework self-assessment process Programme and project management Outcomes • BRP / CRP /ECO will be able to act as a facilitator in school, • BRP / CRP /ECO able to translate the school’s vision for creative learning into practical implementation • BRP / CRP /ECO to take overall responsibility for programme and project management, delegating extensively across the school community and ensuring roles and responsibilities are understood clearly by all • BRP / CRP /ECO to coordinate, in partnership with the Creative Agent, meetings and activities with creative practitioners, school staff and other partners • BRP / CRP /ECO will be able to ensure that external partners engaged in the programme are able to develop appropriate communications across the school community • BRP / CRP /ECO will be able to ensure all programme activity is carried out with due regard to health and safety and the safeguarding of children

CWSN Training. In MandyaDist there are 3429 CWSN children were identified. In order to teach those children a teacher should have a special skill / training. When teaching children with special needs it is especially important to emphasize the unique abilities of each child. The strength and weakness of each child’s must be identified and game play adapted to those findings. For example a child with a limited attention span may require simple one-step directions and frequent redirection. The very timid child may need extra encouragement and reinforcement to participate. A good technique is to rotate children through the various positions to determine where they are most comfortable and perform best.

Sl No Name of the Training Duration Target Phy Man days Fin 1 State Level MRP training - (6 persons for NaliKali + 6 persons for IV and V std teachers + 6 persons for VI to VII std teachers from each educational districts. 12 days 18 216 0.43200 2 District Level MRP Training – 14 persons from each block (4 for Nali Kali + 4 for IV and V and 6 for VI toVIII) 12 days 112 144 2.68800 3 In-Service Teachers Training for I to III std Teachers ( Strengthening of early grade reading, writing and early mathematics) 12 Days 2550 30600 61.20000 4 In-Service Teachers Training for IV to V std Teachers (Strengthening of early grade reading, writing, comprehension and early mathematics, inclusion of CCE in all subjects) 12 Days 1765 21180 42.36000 5 In-Service Teachers Training for VI to VIII std Teachers (Strengthening of mathematics, science and social science at UPS, inclusion of CCE ) 12 Days 1916 22992 45.98400 Total _ 6361 75132 150.26400 Note: Man-days = duration X physical = 12 x 6361=75132

  Financial = man-days X 200 = 75132 x 200 = 150.26400

ii. Cluster level sharing (follow-up training of the block level training) - 5 days

Sl No Meeting Target Phy Mandays Fin 1st Follow up of block level trainings 6231 6231 623100 2nd Hard core topics on maths and science 6231 6231 623100 3rd CCE 6231 6231 623100 4th DISE 6231 6231 623100 5th QMT 6231 6231 623100 Total 31155 31155 31.15500

  Note: Financial=Man-days X 100 =31155 x 100 =31.15500

iii. Training of educational administrators [BRC, BEO, DDPI(AD), DDPI(DEP), DYPC, EO, APC, DIET Faculty, Subject Inspectors - 6 days]

Sl No Name of the training Duration Target Phy Mandays Fin 1 CCE 1 54 54 0.16200 2 RTE Act 1 54 54 0.16200 3 Quality monitoring 1 54 54 0.16200 4 Managerial Skills 2 54 108 0.32400 5 Monitoring & Supervision 1 54 54 0.16200 Total 6 324 324 0.97200

               Note: Financial= Mandays X 300
                         324 X 300 = 0.97200

iv. Training for CRP, BRP & ECO - 10 days

Sl No Name of the training Duration Target Phy Mandays Fin 1 CCE 2 234 468 1.40400 2 RTE Act 1 234 234 0.70200 3 Quality monitoring, DISE, analysis of school data. 2 234 468 1.40400 4 Content Enrichment 2 234 468 1.40400 5 Monitoring & Supervision 1 234 234 0.70200 6 School Leadership & Development 2 234 468 1.40400 Total 10 2340 7.02000

                Note: Financial = Mandays X 30              2340 X 300 = 7.02000
                                Training of Finance & Accounts Personnel

Sl.No Dist Name No of Accounts/Financial Personnel Total Duration of Training Unit cost (0.002) Total Budget for 5 days Remarks DPO DIET BRC One from each BEO Total 1 Mandya 1 2 17 8 28 5 Days 28*5*0.002 0.028

V. School Leadership Development Training for HPS Head Masters (50 HMs each from Yadgir, Raichur, Kalaburagi, Vijayapura districts and 12 SRGs from each of the above districts)

Sl No Name of the training Duration Target Phy Mandays Fin 1 SRG Training for School Leadership Development Programme 10 12 120 0.72 2 HMs Training 16 205 3280 9.84

      Note: Financial for SRG Training   =  120 X 600=0.72

for HM Training = 3280X 300=9.84

Vi. Training Target.

Sl No Particulars Duration Target Phy Man-days Fin 1 In-service Teacher Training 12 6231 74772 149.54400 2 In-service Teacher Training - Cluster Sharing Meeting 05 6231 31155 31.15500 3 Training of educational administrators 06 54 324 0.97200 4 Training of BRP, CRP & ECO 10 234 2340 7.02000 5 School Leadership Development - SRG Training 10 12 120 0.72 6 School Leadership Development Training – HMs 16 205 3280 9.84 7 Training of Finance & Accounts Personnel 05 28 140 0.028 Total 199.25100

Class wise Total No of Teachers working Sl. No Name of the District Nali-kali Kannakda Nali Kali Urdu Kali Nali - 1st to 3rd std teachers (Aided, Marati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam Teachers Teachers who are teaching in 4th std Teachers who are teaching 5th std Teachers who are teaching 6th std Teachers who are teaching 7th std Teachers who are teaching 8th std in HPS 1/3 of HighschoolTeachres PE/WE Teahers Total 1 MANDYA 2430 120 - 900 320 280 890 168 986 136 6231 2 Total


2) ªÀÄAdÆgÁVgÀĪÀ ªÀÄÄRå ²PÀëPÀgÀ ºÀÄzÉÝAiÀÄ°èPÀvÀðªÀå ¤ªÀð»¸ÀÄwÛgÀĪÀªÀgÀ ¸ÀASÉåAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ªÀÄÄRå ²PÀëPÀgÀ £ÀªÀÄÆ£ÉAiÀÄ°è ¨sÀwð ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅzÀÄ. Activity based learning(1-3) trainingMandya North

Activity based learning(1-3) trainingMandya North

4-5 Std training held at brcPandavpurtq

Trainees of 6 to 8th science training held at BRCSrirangapatnaTq

Trainees of 6 to 8th science training held at BRCMadduruTq

RP Shridhar, showing an activity 4-5StdSubject training held at BRC K.R.PetTq

Plan for 2016-17 Objectives to be achieved in the year 2016-17:

	To ensure achievement of basic literacy and numeracy competencies of primary school children.
	To improve quality in teaching and learning process.
	To Train the  teachers to prepare and use low cost / no cost TLM
	To provide practical hands-on training in computers. to CRP’s & BRP’s & BRC 
	To enhance the managerial Skills &administration knowledge to Head masters..
	To "Transform the Functionaries involved in the process of Teaching by building their capacity and enhancing their competence to respond to needs of children.
	To systematically move towards need based training and learning.
	To offer a wide range of high quality training and capacity building services.
	To upgrade  the knowledge and skill among primary & secondary teachers to implement RTE-2009 Act.
	To generate awareness, Knowledge and skills with regard to school development plan.
	To provide practical hands-on training in computers. to primary & Secondary schools  Head Masters  

In the year 2016-17 following orientation training will be given to the teachers, Head teachers, CRP/BRP/ECO to enrich their knowledge. Activity Based Learning (1-3):

It is assumed that all children will learn the same thing at the same time and in the same manner.Teacher dominates the classroom all the time, with no allowance for children to learn of develop on their own. In order to address the above issues, an Activity Based Learning (1-3) approach, has been initiated with an objective to correct and overcome these difficulties and to open the classroom to a more holistic and learner based way of working with children through the day, throughout the year

         Objectives of the training :

 To make the teachers to adopt new methods of classroom teachings, activities and innovative educational trends.  To make the teachers to develop their professional skills and apply them in making their classroom teaching more effective.  To make the teachers toadopt & to create learning practices to help & to retain children in school and bring in those not attending school

Expected Outcomes:

	To make the teachers  to develop their professional skills and apply them  in classroom situation.
	To make the teachers  to adopt &  to create learning practices to help &   to retain children in  school and bring in those not attending school
	4th to 5th Subject oriented Training:

In order to improve the quality of education in 4th to 5thStd, Subject oriented Training given to the teachers to develop their personal and professional qualities, and to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment. OBJECTIVES:  To make the Teacher’s to be confident on teaching core subjectsin the classroom  To acquaint theTeacher’s with the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

Expected Outcomes:  Teacher’s will be able to be confident to give training on core subjects to the teachers at Block level.  Teacher’s will be able to understood the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

6th to 8th Subject oriented Training on Science and Mathematics: Subject Enrichment training for science and mathematics teachers who teaches 6th - 8thstd Introduced with an intention, to impove the quality of education at school level, by giving special training to science teachers, to improve the ability of teaching.So that expected change in learning standard of pupils is hoped.


	To  make the  Teacher’s to enhance and update their knowledge on new topics of science and mathematics syllabi

Expected Outcomes:

	To make the teachers to develop their professional skills and apply them while teaching in the class room situation.
	To make the teachers  to adopt &  to create learning practices to help &   to retain children in  school and bring in those not attending school

Physical Education Training : Physical Education was integrated into educational curriculum and became an examination subject. Then in 2011-12 the curriculum and syllabus were revised on the basis of NCF-2005 & KCF-2007.In 2009-10 Physical Education was introduced in school education from 6th-9thstd this year it was extended to 7th& 10th standard also. Objectives:

	To make the physical education teachers to update their sports knowledge.  
	To make the physical education teachers to identify and extract children hidden talents in sports.

Outcomes: • physical education teachers will be able to identify the students who are interested in sports and encouraging them to participate in state level / national level sports Training for District monitoring staff: In order to enhance the newly recruited/transferred officers like DDPI(Admin), DDPI (Academic), Education officers, DYPC(SSA), DYPC(RMSA), BEO’s, BRC’s, APC’s and Subject inspectors, five days training is proposed on the following subjects - RTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, CCE, CWSN, OOSC, DISE

Head Masters Training: in order to enhance the knowledge of Head Masters of higher primary schools 10 days orientation training will be design to equip them subjects likeRTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, CCE, CWSN, OOSC, DISE. They will be given training on time-management skills and Administrative skills to enable them to understand their roles and perform better.

Training for BRP, CRP and ECO In order to improve the newly recruited/transferred BRP/CRP/ECO 10 days training is proposed on RTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, CCE, CWSN, OOSC, DISE, QMT. Content enrichment and monitoring/supervision skills .

Plan for 2017-18 Objectives to be achieved in the year 2017-18  To enrich the knowledge of teachers on new programmes of the education department.  To enrich the knowledge of teachers on need based training and learning.  To enrich the knowledge of teachers onto offer a wide range of high quality training and capacity building services.  To develop effective methods, so as to change the attitude of the Teachers towards efficient service.  To enrich the knowledge of teachers on innovative teaching methods based on expertise and research.  To enrich the knowledge of BRP/CRP/ECO’s on upgrade the knowledge and skill among primary & secondary teachers to implement RTE-2009 Act.  To enrich the knowledge of BRP/CRP/ECO’s on school development plan.  To provide practical hands-on training in computers. to primary & Secondary schools Head Masters  To enrich the knowledge of BRP/CRP/ECO’s on practical hands-on training in computers.  To enhance the managerial Skills &administration knowledge to Head masters.

For the year 2017-18 need based orientation training will be design to the District Monitoring Staff, Diet faculty LPS and HPS teachers, Head teachers, CRP/BRP/ECO on following subjects to enhance their knowledge Activity Based Learning (1-3):

It is assumed that all children will learn the same thing at the same time and in the same manner.Teacher dominates the classroom all the time, with no allowance for children to learn of develop on their own. In order to address the above issues, an Activity Based Learning (1-3) approach, has been initiated with an objective to correct and overcome these difficulties and to open the classroom to a more holistic and learner based way of working with children through the day, throughout the year

         Objectives of the  training :           

 To make the teachers to adopt new methods of classroom teachings, activities and innovative educational trends  To make the teachers toadopt & to create learning practices to help & to retain children in school and bring in those not attending school 4th to 5th Subject oriented Training: In order to enhance the quality of education in 4th to 5thStd, Subject oriented Trainingon work book etc. is proposed to the teachers to develop their teaching skills, professional qualitiesand to improve their knowledge, skills and practice, leading to their empowerment. OBJECTIVES:

	To make the primary teaching Teacher’s to be confident  on teaching cores subjects 
	To make  theprimary Teacher’s to enrich their knowledge about the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

Expected Outcomes:  Teacher’s will be able to be confident while teaching core subjects.  Teacher’s will be able to understood the changes made in the resource books and student’s activity books for classes 4 and 5

6th to 8th Subject oriented Training on Science and Mathematics:

Subject Enrichment training for teachers who teach science and mathematics for 6th - 8thstd is proposed with an intention, to improve the quality of education at school level, by giving special training on science and Mathematics.


	To  make the  higher primary Mathematics and Science Teacher’s to update their knowledge on new topics of science and mathematics syllabi

Expected Outcomes:

	Teachers will be able to develop their professional skills and apply them while teaching in the class room situation.
	Teachers will be able to adopt &  to create learning practices to help &   to retain children in  school and bring in those not attending school

Physical Education Training : Physical Education was integrated into educational curriculum and became an examination subject. Then in 2011-12 the curriculum and syllabus were revised on the basis of NCF-2005 & KCF-2007.In 2009-10 Physical Education was introduced in school education from 6th-9thstd this year it was extended to 7th& 10th standard also. Objectives:

	To make the physical education teachers to update their knowledge on yoga and sports.
	To make the physical education teachers to identify and gifted children hidden talents in sports.

Expected Outcomes: • physical education teachers will be able to train the students who are interested in sports and encouraging them to participate in state level / national level sports

Training for District monitoring staff: In order to enhance the newly recruited/transferred officers like DDPI(Admin), DDPI (Academic), Education officers, DYPC(SSA), DYPC(RMSA), BEO’s, BRC’s, APC’s and Subject inspectors, five days training is proposed on the following subjects - RTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, CCE, CWSN, OOSC, DISE Head Masters Training: in order to enhance the knowledge of Head Masters of higher primary schools 10 days orientation training will be design to equip them subjects likeRTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, CCE, CWSN, OOSC, DISE. They will be given training on time-management skills and Administrative skills to enable them to understand their roles and perform better.

Training for BRP, CRP and ECO In order to improve the newly recruited/transferred BRP/CRP/ECO 10 days training is proposed on RTE, NCF-2005, KCF-2009, CCE, CWSN, OOSC, DISE, QMT. Content enrichment and monitoring/supervision skills.


AWP & B CALC PLAN -2015-16

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - Karnataka Annual Work Plan & Budget – 2015-16



 The computer Aided Learning Program (CAL) creates an environment, where learning and assessment is fun and the opportunities to learn is equitable among the rural and urban children. The CAL is primarily introduced in rural government elementary schools covering the classes 1 to 8 to attract and retain children and also in the process, enhance the quality of learning by making “Learning Play”, “Assessment Fun” and “Equal knowledge for all”.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, a flagship programme of Government of India for the promotion of Universalisation of Elementary Education, has several features that seek to improve the quality of elementary education. The physical spaces of schools can be transformed into learning spaces only if certain basic provisioning is ensured. This provisioning includes structures to provide regular on site academic support to aid classroom instruction in which using of technology is a vital part. Computer Assisted Learning Programme has been initiated under SSA to bring changes in classroom transaction through visual media which also enforces learning through evaluation embedded in it.

Objectives of CAL:

 To supplement the teaching instead of substituting the teachers.  To focus on rural government school children by providing access to learning through modern technology.  To make the Students and Teachers familiar with Computer.  To teach the subjects through ICT.  To use the educational software for hard spots.  To enable the government school students especially rural area students to be at par with the urban and advance school students.  To supplement the teaching instead of substituting the teachers  To improve achievement levels of children, attract out-of-school children to schools and also improve the attendance rate.

Identification of location

 Priority to the schools located at the cluster headquarters.  Schools having more than 100 strength, an additional room and electricity facility have been selected.  Integrating CAL with the school curriculum by dedicating 2 periods/ week in HPS.

PROGRESS DURING 2014-15 TABLE-1 Coverage of schools under CALC Sl.No. Block Total HPS in the Block Number of CALC schools upto 13-14 Selected CALC schools for 2014-15 Total coverage Total children in CALC schools Total teachers in CALC schools 1 KRISHNARAJAPETE 136 22 1 23 3274 161 2 MADDUR 129 21 2 23 2824 156 3 MALAVALLI 142 24 2 26 3617 183 4 MANDYA NORTH 75 16 1 17 2925 127 5 MANDYA SOUTH 71 18 1 19 2645 137 6 NAGAMANGALA 125 23 1 24 2768 145 7 PANDAVAPURA 84 23 1 24 3305 163 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 61 18 1 19 3441 147

	Total	823	165	10	175	24799	1219

CAL hardware installation in schools against CAL sanctioned

• Out of 823 Higher Primary Schools of the district, 175 schools were covered with computer aided learning program; which is 21% schools in the district. 24799 children who are studying in Govt Higher Primary Schools are benefited from the program up to 2014-15.

In 2014-15, 10 Schools were selected for CAL Program and these schools Rs.20,000/- was sanctioned from State office for site preparation. Some schools HM’s felt it was not sufficient and they approach the local donors and they succeeded in their effort. Approximately remaining 25000 to 30000/- amount will be collected from donors and all the HM’s take their own responsibility to prepare the CAL lab.

GHPS, Valagerehalli, Maddur Tq. Mandya Dist. made a good effort in their regard.  Mr.Girish, President of Shivapura Lions Club was donated 5 Computer tables and it costs Rs.15,000/-  Mr. Roopeshkumar, PDO, Grama panchayath, has taken the responsibility of Ear thing & Wiring work and it cost Rs.10,000/-  Smt. Sarojamma, donated 15 Plastic chairs and it costs Rs.3,000/-  Mr. Srinivas sponsor 2 ceiling fans and it cost Rs.4,000/-  Department amount Rs.20,000/- was utilized for painting, vinyl flooring, & exhaust fan.  Total expenditure was Rs.52,000/- Out of this, Rs.32,000/- from donars & Rs.20,000/- from department.

GHPS, Thalasashana, Pandavapura Tq, Mandya Dist.  SDMC members donated 3 Computer tables & window curtains and it cost Rs.11,100/-  Smt.Bhagya, incharge DDPI, Mandya donated 2 computer tables & it cost Rs.5,000/-  Sthree shakti sanga donated chairs it cost Rs.5,400/-  Department amount Rs.20,000/- was utilized for painting, vinyl flooring, exhaust fan,Electrification & ear thing.  Total expenditure was Rs.41,500/- In this Rs.21,500/- from donors & Rs.20,000/- from department.

Training of teachers under teacher training component TABLE-2 Sl.No. Block Total HPS in the Block Number of CALC schools upto 14-15 No of teachers/HMs in CAL schools Total Trained Teachers/HMs teachers HMs teachers HMs 1 KRISHNARAJAPETE 136 23 161 23 63 41 2 MADDUR 129 23 156 23 75 38 3 MALAVALLI 142 26 183 26 76 39 4 MANDYA NORTH 75 17 127 17 39 27 5 MANDYA SOUTH 71 19 137 19 60 30 6 NAGAMANGALA 125 24 145 24 56 41 7 PANDAVAPURA 84 24 163 24 61 40 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 61 19 147 19 64 30

	Total	823	175	1219	175	494	286

• 6 days training has been imparted to all the CAL teachers which include hands on training to introduce them to the basics of computers and computer based education, and also orientation for effective utilization of e-contents through concerned DIET. • 2 days maintenance / refresher training for head teachers have been imparted to all the CALC schools during 2012-13. • These 6 days has been designed for 3 days on training module “SUDEEPTHI” and 3 days on training module “ÜBUNTU”.

Training Module

Training module “SUDEEPTHI” developed at the state level in collaboration with various organization working in the field of Computer Education.

 	Training module “UBUNTU”(Public Software) printed at state level, developed and collaboration with IT for Change for the training of MRPs/Teachers at state/district  level.

E-Contents/ Teaching-Learning Materials developed and used so far: E-contents using in Computer Aided Learnig Centers

Sl.No Developed by Content List 1 APF

English : 1. Deeds of courage 2. Friendly Animal 3. Girish weds Harini 4. Journey on the Clouds 5. Rickatoo greets you 6. Tell a tale 7. The cruel king 8. Troublesome twins Hindi: 1. Daaku 2. Giluka vivah 3. Hubahu 4. Khel male 5. Mysore mein ek din 6. Parakrami vikram 7. Swatantra divas Kannada: 1. Aata paata 2. Akshara bandi 3. Janapada sampathu 4. Kathe Upakate 5. Mysorinalli ondu dina 6. Oorige bantu circus 7. Payana 8. Puttuvina Madhuve 9. Shaikshanika Pravasa 10. Swatantra Dinacharane 11. Vikramana Parakrama 2 APF EVS: 1. A day with maya 2. Citizenship 3. Latitude and Longitude 4. Magic potion-1 5. Magic potion-2 6. Shambus green friends 7. The story of a seed 8. Chhoo mantar 9. Chhoo mantar returns 10. Earthy worthy 11. Local self-government 12. Motis lesion on safety 13. The magic of light 14. Vikram and bethal 15. In the jungle 16. On battle field with wbc 17. The mystery of shadow

Sl.No Developed by Content List General Science: 1. A dream come true 2. Cave and hidden treasure 3. Robbery at science museum 4. The joy of duty 5. Building science museum 6. Mansion and measurement 7. The bean chronicle English 8. Trip to village fair 9. Buzz and boond 10. Prince and his brave friends 11. The bean chronicle kannada Social Science: 1. India and her neighbors 2. Rivers of India 3. Weather and climate 4. Weather and climate-Uttarkhand 5. Africa Co-Curricular: 1. Eye care 2. Managing small business 3. Fan 4. How things works - computers 5. How things works - Telephone 6. How things works – Television 7. Solar system 8. Know your vitamins 3 APF-3 Mathematics: 1. A day with kadooji 2. Adventure –LCM & LCF 3. Angle Tangle 4. Average 5. Brain storm 6. Chatur char 7. Children day out 8. Children’s day 9. Children’s day1 10. Division 11. Eco day 12. Fractions 13. Fun with Chinchoo 14. Grandpas Journal 15. Magic Box 16. Magic Marbles 17. Mitu the smart guide 18. Mixing Fixing 19. Nature Adventure 20. Out dream school 21. Perimeter 22. Place Value 23. Profit and Loss 24. Rainbow toys 25. Ravi’s dream 26. Ravi’s dream 27. Rikki’s Adventure 28. The dream boat 29. Trip to Kolkata 30. Visit to an orchard 4 EDC & DSERT-1 Science 1. Blood circulation – class-6 2. Bones and Muscles – class-6 3. Day and Night – class 4-5 4. Digestive system – class-6 5. Digestive system – class- 4-5 6. Earth – class-4-5 7. First Aid-1– class-4-5 8. First Aid-2– class-4-5 9. Force 1 - class-4-5 10. Force 2 - class-4-5 11. Keetagalu 1 - class-4-5 12. Keetagalu 2 - class-4-5 13. Levers – class -4-5 14. Light - class -4-5 15. Moon- class -4-5 16. Nela Jala Gaali class -4-5 17. Nervous system - class -4-5 18. Photosynthesis – class-6 19. Respiration – class 6 20. Water – class 4-5 21. Wind – class-4-5 5 EDC & DSERT-2 Social Science: 1. Gommata Thorida Jaina Darshana – class 4-5 2. Jaataka Kathe Heluva Budda Charite – class 4-5 3. Kadala Daarigalu Kanisuva Itihaasa – class 4-5 4. Shasana Saaruva Itihaasa – class 4-5 5. Shilpa Nudiyuva Itihaasa 6. Vaaniya Vahiyalli Itihaasa – class 4-5 7. Vachana Odina Itihaasa – class 4-5 Mathmatics: 1. Bhinnaraashi and Dashamamsha-class 4-5 2. Enikeya Aata – class 4-5 3. Gunakaara – class -4-5 4. Kaleyuvudannu kali-class 4-5 5. Koodona Baa – class 4-5 6. LCM and HCF – class 4-5 7. Niranthara Ganita – class 4-5 8. Place Value – class 4-5 9. Sari Sarasari – class 4-5

Sl.No Developed by Content List 6 Education Development Center(EDC): Group Teaching Learning (GTL) 1. Fun with Geometry 2. Pranigala Anweshana Kalika Aata 3. Hygiene and Sanitation Learning Game 4. What is Disease – Learning Game 5. Parisara Vyavaste Mattu Vasastana 6. Physics in Action 7 Life Skill – Balona Banni 1. Episode1: Introduction 2. Episode2: Time Management 3. Episode3: Negotiation 4. Episode4: Vision 5. Episode5: Goal Setting 6. Episode6: Values & Beliefs 7. Episode7: Gender Sensitivity 8. Episode8: Holistic Health 9. Episode9: Communication 10. Episode10: Last Episode 8 EDC Cells: Kannada Video Series 1. Building Blocks 2. Parts of the cell 3. Understanding the functions of cell membrane 4. Experiments with cell membrane 5. Working together.. Cells, Tissues and Organs 9 EDC Food: Kannada Video Series 1. Food as the source of energy 2. I am what I eat 3. Exploring connections: Food, culture and Traditions 10 EDC Force & Motion: Kannada Video Series 1. Types of forces 2. Newton’s laws of motion 3. Exploring connections: simple and complex machines 11 EDC The Magic of Numbers: Kannada Video Series 1. Numbers in everyday life 2. All about fractions 3. Exponents and square roots 12 EDC Seeing the Light!: Kannada Video Series 1. Discovering shadows 2. Bouncing light with reflections 3. Bending light with refraction 4. A world of colours 5. How our eyes work 6. Optical Illusions 7. Experiencing optical illusions 13 EDC Cells: Kannada Audio Series 1. Cell structures 2. Types and parts of cells 3. Understanding the purpose and functions of organelles 4. Cell organelles and their functions (Part 1) 5. Cell organelles and their functions (Part 2)

Sl.No Developed by Content List Food: Kannada Audio Series 1. Exploring food as a source of energy 2. I am what I eat 3. Constructing a balanced diet 4. Me and my health Force &n Motion: Kannada Audio Series 1. Relationship between distance, speed, time, velocity and acceleration 2. Exploring types of motion 3. Exploring connections: simple and complex machines Geometry: Kannada Audio Series 1. Understanding angles and their properties 2. Constructing triangles 3. Properties of circles Light: Kannada Audio Series 1. Overview of light and its properties 2. Exploring light phenomena: reflection and absorption 3. Exploring light phenomena: reflection and retraction Numbers: Kannada Audio Series 1. Positive and negative numbers 2. Exploring the commutative property (addition and multiplication) 3. Understanding and applying fractions 4. Understanding and applying decimals 14 DSERT & SSA (Set of 42 Chapters) Developed in the year 2013-14 Social Science – 8th Std 1. Sthaliya Swayam Sarkara 2. Prajaprabhutwa (Chunavane) 3. Jalagola – Jalarashigalu 4. Pragaithihasika: Adimanava & Badalaguttiruva Samaja 5. Gura Kaigarikegalu & Sanna Pramanada Kaigarikegalu 6. Manava Sampanmula Science – 8th Std 1. Naisargika Sampanmulagalu 2. Dainandina Jeevanadalli Rasayanikagalu 3. Jeeva Vikasa 4. Bhoomi inda Aachege Mathematics – 8th Std 1. Marata Terige mattu VAT 2. Ayata Ghata mattu Chouka Ganagala Melmai Visteerna mattu Ganaphala 3. Daihika Shikshanadalli Ganita 4. Janapada Ganita (Ogatu Ganita Vinoda Ganita) English – 8th Std 1. Luther Burbank 2. The boy who asked for more 3. The Jamaican Fragment 4. A day in the Ashram 5. Axe in the wood 6. For a five year old Kannada (1st Language) – 8th Std 1. Billa Habba 2. Kannadigara Tayi 3. Talakadina Vaibhava 4. Bharatiyate 5. Geletana 6. Sartaka Badukina Sadhaka Mathematics – 5th Std 1. Vinyasagalu 2. Hana Billu Tayarisuvudu, Hana Upayoga 3. Tooka mattu Gatra 4. Binnarashigalu Science – 5th Std 1. Vidyuth Shakthi 2. Shakthi 3. Dhatu, Samyukta mattu Mishrana 4. Sajeevigalu 5. Dahana 6. Dravya Social Science – 5th Std 1. Globe mattu Nakashegalu 2. Bhoomi mattu Adara Chalane 3. Nagara Samudaya 4. Bhoomi-Namma Matru Graha 5. Dakshina Bharatada Pracheena Arasu Manetanagalu 6. Samajika mattu Aarthika Pragathiyatta

Teachers are using these teaching learning materials in schools while teaching their subjects accordingly.

Multimedia Package:

The multimedia kit is aimed at higher primary schools targeting classes 6 to 8th. It aims at improving the learning gains in students as well improving the classroom transaction of teachers. The decision was made to design audio (cassettes or CDs) and video (cassettes or DVDs) materials that would be used off the air and supported by print guides. The off-air mode allows for pauses and repetitions while at the same not saturating the airwaves.

The audio component would focus on the students while guiding the teacher and would be used during classroom time. The video component would be directed at the teacher demonstrating models of good practice and focus on providing visual examples for the better conceptual clarity, which was otherwise difficult for both students and teachers. This would be used after or before an audio programme or outside the classroom time using a TV or computer. It was decided to structure the audio as a standalone product, to be enable teachers and students who may not have access to video technology to still benefit fully from the package. Several drafts were made on the basis of the feedback from the team, Focus group discussions and field testing.

The three areas for professional development identified while designing the module are: Facilitation skills, collaborative learning, and questioning skills.

The scientific method approach to science and a problem solving approach to math is being used. In addition brain based learning strategies such as goal setting, graphic organizers, inquiry based learning is being incorporated in the modules.

Each module is divided into 3 to 4 parts. The actual recording of each audio part is about 20 to 25 minutes excluding the pauses. Since the programmes are done off air, teachers have the liberty to get the pause time required to do the activity depending on the condition of the class. The segments in the audio are designed in such a way that each segment compliments the other and at the same time stands alone. This provides the freedom for the teacher to choose what they need for their class.

Each module has a video programme of 40 minutes which is again broken down into three or four part depending on the module. The video programmes are also made interactive. The video programmes will certainly compliment the audio and at the same time they can be viewed independently also.

What came out resoundingly was the need to carefully guide the teacher step by step and provide opportunities for refection, which we hope would promote an understanding of the “why” and the “how” of active learning, thus encouraging teachers to embrace learner-centered pedagogy.

Each module would culminate in a project. This project can be in pairs or small groups and showcased in the class, the school, or the cluster.

To help the teachers to implement both audio and video programmes effectively, a teacher guide is provided in the kit. This guide includes the activities of the audio programme tilted ‘ Topic over view’ additional resources related to the module titled ‘ Extending Ideas’, Student project page and student work sheet.


Focus group discussions were conducted with the science and maths teachers. Hard spots were identified and were prioritized in the workshops. EDC has produced multimedia kit on 15 topics in both science and maths. In the first phase we have produced programmes on Numbers in maths, Food, Cells, and Force and Motion in Science. There is one intro module which will be used as a source material for the teacher training on the effective implementation of the multimedia kit.

Group Teaching and Learning Software (GTL)

With information and communication technologies (ICTs) gaining recognition as effective learning tools in developing countries like India, most government run schools have introduced computers as a means to improve the quality of education.

Education Development Centre (EDC) working under the Technology Tools for Teaching and Training (T4) dot-EDU project in India, funded by USAID, has been producing educational software through an intervention called Group Teaching and Learning (GTL) software. It embraces a whole class or group learning environment on a single computer; supports the teacher; and integrates various pedagogical approaches such as games and competi¬tion, peer-to-peer cooperative learning, group discussion, familiar characters and songs, and locally stylized anima¬tion and audio samples.

As many as 20 or 25 students can play and learn together with the software when using a standard 14 inch computer screen. The teacher positions the students in their teams close to the computer screen for maximum visibility. Students are grouped into between two and five teams. While the software does contain supplementary activities with scope for self-guided learning, the highly interactive team game activities are at its core. The upcoming title called ‘Fun with Physics’ takes this approach further by using the multi-mice technology from Microsoft which allows each of the teams to have access to the screen with their unique cursor and multiple mice. This technology advancement will increase the level of interactivity and team play and help students to develop team skills and group working methods.

The GTL intervention shows that computer technology can produce learning gains and increase motivation if it is compatible with and emerges from the environments and current conditions in which students live and learn. The GTL method of using multimedia technology in a group attempts to build bridges and create simple ways to maximize the effectiveness of technology, to leverage proven pedagogical strategies, and customize to the environment joyful interactive learning. Multi Media Kit DVDs, GTL software and Educational Videos developed in collaboration with various agencies are duplicated and supplied to all the CALC Schools and KGBV schools. The schools can use the Audio and Video content whenever they require for teaching and learning process. E-content development

In Collaboration with DSERT e-content resource developed on hard spots / abstract concepts of the 5th & 8th Std. syllabus and the same is in DVD form is being supplied to all the CALC schools.


 This program will improve the IT literacy in the rural areas particularly and will go a long way in removing the digital divide in the state.  It will improve the interest of students in school studies and thus increase school attendance and better performance in examinations.  It will improve the teaching process with the integration of the IT in the class.  It will improve the student and teacher learning productivity.

                                               CAL Proposal for 2015-16

TABLE-3 Computer Aided Learning (CAL) Sl. No Block/ Municipal Area No. of Govt. UP Schools Schools covered under CAL No.of Children covered No.of teachers trained on CAL No.of New Schools to be covered this year (2015-16) along with UDISE code of that school No.of Children to be covered (2015-16) No.of teachers to be trained on CAL in 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 KRISHNARAJAPETE 136 23 3274 104 1 106 72 2 MADDUR 129 23 2824 113 3 337 78 3 MALAVALLI 142 26 3617 115 2 322 84 4 MANDYA NORTH 75 17 2925 66 1 102 54 5 MANDYA SOUTH 71 19 2645 90 2 283 63 6 NAGAMANGALA 125 24 2768 97 1 69 75 7 PANDAVAPURA 84 24 3305 101 1 132 75 8 SRIRANGAPATNA 61 19 3441 94 1 88 60 Total 823 175 24799 780 12 1439 561 Please Specify Rural block with (R) and Municipal area with (U) Source: DISE 2014-15 Note: For proposing new schools for the year 2015-16 under Table 10 (Table-3), column 7, availability of one good condition room and electricity connection should be ensured for set up computer lab in schools and provide the same list in table-3(a).


No of new schools to be covered in the year 2015-16

S.N Name of the Block DISE School Code School Name & address with pin code Availability of additional room for computer lab Yes/No Power supply & power back Yes/No Enrolment as per DISE No of teachers as per DISE 6th Std 7th Std 8th Std 1 to 8th Total 1 KRISHNARAJA PET 29220109001 GHPS CHOWDENA HALLY yes yes 18 11 24 106 5 2 MADDUR 29220212501 GHPS NIDA GHATTA Yes yes 37 39 41 213 7 3 MADDUR 29220206401 GHPS HOSA KERE Yes yes 4 15 12 63 5 4 MALAVALLY 29220302801 GHPS CHIKKABAGILU Yes yes 33 30 29 117 7 5 MALAVALLY 29220302301 GHPS BENDARAVADI (RMSA UPGRADED) yes yes 29 23 37 205 16 6 MANDYA NORTH 29220803601 GHPS MADE GOWDANA KOPPAL Yes yes 22 13 15 102 6 7 MANDYA SOUTH 29220418902 GHPS POLICE COLONY Yes yes 36 43 27 144 7 8 MANDYA SOUTH 29220417301 GHPS URMAR KASALAGERE Yes yes 27 31 0 139 6 9 NAGAMANGALA 29220509901 GHPS DODDA JAKKANA HALLY Yes yes 22 11 13 69 5 10 PANDAVAPURA 29220603901 GHPS DINKA Yes yes 12 20 23 132 8 11 SRIRANGA PATNA 29220700101 GHPS ACHHAPPANA KOPPALU Yes yes 19 13 19 88 7 12 MADDUR 29220209802 GHPS KONGABORANA DODDI yes yes 12 10 22 61 6

Out of 63 upgraded schools 90% of the schools covered under CALC the rest 10% of the schools could not covered lack of amenities. Hence one school which has strength of 139 was selected for the forth coming year 2015-16.

A. Procurement of computers & UPS to new CALC schools:

There are 823. Government Higher Primary Schools in the district. Out of which 175 schools covered under CAL. Remaining 648 schools have to be covered under CAL. During the year 2015-16 12 schools identified for CALC program. Procuring computers and UPS of Rs.37.44 lakh in the proposed schools and preparation of site for setting up of CAL is Rs.6.00 lakh, the budget is proposed.

CALC budget for 2015-16 TABLE-4

(Rs. in lakhs) SNo. Activities Details Target Phy Fin Infrastructure 1 Technology Infrastructure 5 Desktops and one UPS to each school (At the rate of Rs.3.12 lakh per school) 12 37.44 2 Non technology infrastructure Preparation of site for setting up of CAL (At the rate of Rs.0.50 lakh per school) 12 6.00 Total 43.44

B. Augment CAL in elementary schools

The procured 2012-13 onwards computer’s peripherals and UPS are under warranty. During the warranty period online monitoring mechanism is being put in place to address the complaints from the schools. However, there are 28 CALC from 2001-02 to 2004-05. Since these computers & UPS with batteries are 10 years old, & also warranty period was expired. These 80 Computers are non-functional. Many of the computer components like Mother board, Hard disk, RAM, SMPS, Processor etc., are not in usable condition. 28 UPS are non functional. (UPS components like Charging card, Circuit board etc., are not in usable condition). Computer supplied during 2005-06 to 2009-10 there are 101 CALC. Out of these 120 Computers, 47 UPS and 141 Batteries have to be repaired. All the above centers now required annual maintance fund. The computers and UPS which are procured from 2001-02 to 2011-12 are not under warranty. Many of the computers peripherals and UPS are under repair and need annual maintenance fund. Hence budget is proposed under Management Cost.

TABLE-5 Augment CAL

SNo. Activities Details Target Phy Fin Augment CAL 1 Maintenance at district level Budget required for Repairs for computers 505 15.15 Budget required for maintenance of functional computers 95 1.425 Budget required for Repairs for UPS 101 5.05 Budget required for maintenance of functional UPS 31 0.62 Total 22.245 Note: As per MHRD guidelines the CAL plan should reflect the assessment of existing computers and UPS. Before proposing budget for augment under Table-5, please compulsorily visit the CAL schools with DIET ET wing staff and block / district computer programmer.

Capacity Building of Teachers under CAL TABLE-6

Capacity Building of Teachers under CAL (out of Teachers’ Training Fund)

	Activity	Phy	Fin

1 06 days induction training for newly identified CALC school teachers as per 2015-16 plan at the rate of Rs.200/- per teacher per day. (Two teachers per school) 24 0.288 2 Training for HMs for 2 days for all the CALC schools at the rate of Rs.200/- per HM per day (One HM per school) 187 0.748 3 Refresher Training Refresher training of teachers’ for 3 days at the rate of Rs.200/- per day per teacher [Including KGBV schools] for all CALC schools. (Two teachers per school) 350 2.100 Total 561 3.136

• 6 days induction training for newly identified CALC schools has to be planned which include hands on training to introduce them to the basics of computers and also orientation for effective utilization of e-contents. • 2 days training for head teachers has to be planned to all the CALCs. • 3 days refresher training for teachers working in CALC has to be planned. • All these training will be planned under teachers’ training component.

C. Development of educational software:

• Development of educational content for hard spots of syllabus and uncovered concepts in co-ordination with DSERT will be taken up during 2015-16. • Duplicating and supply of e-content of educational DVDs for newly identified schools also taken up during this year. • Hence, Rs3,424 lakh is earmarked.

D. Issues, strategies and activities (inputs and processes) related to effective use of CAL in 2015-16

Issues relating the effective use of CAL 

1. Up to 2004-05 CALC schools systems are not working due to outdated software & hardware. 2. Lack of computer knowledge to HM’s & AM’s to handle properly relating to both hardware & software. 3. There is no proper computer maintance mechanism in the block level. 4. No adequate funds for school to annual lab maintance. 5. There is no regular orientation to teachers for updated their computer knowledge. 6. Present thin client technology is not supporting to install and configuring educational software.( EDBUNTU & others) 7. There is no DVD-RW to read educational DVD’s in old systems.(DVD writer)

• Strategies and activities that could be adopting for effective use of CAL in 2015-16

1) Provide adequate funds for computer lab maintenance for every CALC schools. 2) At least one computer knowledge teacher or technician has to be placed or deputed to each block for regular monitoring. 3) Regular orientation on both hardware & software will be needed. 4) Replacement of outdated systems. 5) Provide individual systems to install software properly. (CPU,Monitor,keyboard,mouse)

E. District should give brief notes on below points

Note: Reference should be given if any district / DIET study on CAL

1. Impact on learning outcomes of classes 5th to 8th in CALC schools with special reference to the usage of DVDs

The school has been provided with 42 DVD cassettes supplied by the department .Three cassettes ‘’ Prathi Spandana Aatagalu ‘’is very useful to the children .DSERT has provided a series of EDUSAT PICTURE LESSON DVDs for 5th to 8th standard . These DVDs has been shown to the children

   According to the Class time table the teachers are using the DVD in the classes. While imparting the lesson to the children in their respective subjects
    Group activities are conducted simultaneously according to the circumstances provided in the relay of the DVD programmes. Suggestions are given to conduct similar other group activities. 
                 In Language they introduce simple methods to learn Grammar and other aspects easily. In Mathematics the simple and important activities are based on fundamental theories. The DVD's regarding 5th to 8th standard has complete descriptions about area, circumference and formula in Mathematics and Science.

2. Impact on learning outcomes of classess 5th to 8th in CALC Schools with special reference to Mathematics and Science

         Use of DVD makes teaching–learning process is very effective .Its helps   the teacher to disseminate the lesson very easily and makes the class room transaction easy and effectively. DVD lessons helps the students to answer the questions immediately pertaining to the lesson taught, Its makes the students to understand the lesson in a better way  and memory retention is high. Due to this Children attend the computer classes happily and with interest of their own.
    DVD in all subjects to all class is available in the school, we are displaying the lesson by using the projector, children like the activities provided through the DVD All the 42 DVDs given by the DSERT are useful.  Many activities included in the DVD are useful, not only for children but also to the teachers.  Lessons such as Combustion, Electricity, solutions attract the children very much. Children learn the method of conducting the experiment through these DVDs. The children try to conduct the experiment of their own by taking the guidance of the teacher. The children actively take part in the science exhibition and have won prizes. DVD lessons on living cells, work and energy, food components are very useful for both teachers and children.
             DVD's supplied with reference to mathematics, Science are very useful to the students to solve the problems related to sales tax, VAT (Folk Mathematics) fractions weight and volume, areas of different spheres, Financial transactions and preparation of bills etc, Students are well versed in using keyboard, Mouse to get the answers easily. Some of the lessons in Math’s are highly creative and they promote logical thinking among the students.
           The Science DVD which have the concept like natural resources, beyond earth, Electricity evolution of life etc are described clearly with suitable illustrations and pictures. This creates interest and curiosity among the students.

3. CALC success stories.

      During the period 2008-09 our school Government higher primary School. K.Kodihally has been provided with Five computers, Till now five systems are working very smoothly without any problem and all the children are using till now. The computer room is well equipped with all the accessories of the system. Computer Classes are going on as per the scheduled class time table. The children of class 5, 6, & 7 are able to use the computer on their own. They work on power point, and excel. We have maintained all the record   of the classes handled in the computer section. Overall the school children are learning well with computers.

TABLE-7 Time Frame

Activity Jan 14 Apr’ 14 May’ 14 Jun’ 14 Jul’ 14 Aug’ 14 Sep’ 14 Oct’ 14 Nov’ 14 Dec’ 14 Jan’ 15 Feb’ 15 Mar’ 15 Identification of schools  Site preparation  Tender process for the supply of computers  Supply and installation of computers   Induction training of new calc teachers Refresher training to all calc teachers Training of Head Teachers E-content development

F. CAL proposal for 2015-16:

• Table-8 ( 1 to 3) shows the proposal under CAL for procuring computers; UPS, preparation of site for setting up of CAL, Teachers training and development of e-content/duplicating DVDs are included. The total CAL budget for district is proposed of Rs.50.00 lakhs. • Proposal for augment of CAL which are procured previous years and not under warranty (2001-02 to 2010-11) is mentioned as in Table-8 ( 4) of Rs. 22.245 lakhs additional amount is required for Maintenance and repairs of computers and UPS. Table-8 CAL Proposal for AWP&B - 2015-16 SNo. Activities Details Proposal for 2015-16 Phy Fin 1 Infrastructure Technology Infrastructure 5 Desktops and UPS to each school @ Rs.3,12000/- per school 12 37.44 Non Technology Infrastructure Site preparation – provision of electrification, earthing, furniture etc (Rs.50000/- per school) 12 6.00 2 Capacity Building of Teachers under CAL For newly identified schools 6 days induction training for newly identified CALC school teachers as per 2015-16 plan at the rate of Rs.200/- per teacher per day. (Two teachers per school) 24 0.288 2 days Training for HMs for all CALC schools at the rate of Rs.200/- per HM per day (One HM per school) 187 0.748 Refresher Training for all CAL schools Refresher training of teachers’ for 3 days at the rate of Rs.200/- per day per teacher [Including KGBV schools] for all CALC schools. (Two teachers per school) 350 2.100 3 Content/ Teaching Learning Materials Development Development of content CDs of uncovered concepts in co-ordination with DSERT and Duplicating and supply of e-content of educational DVDs for newly identified schools 3.424 Total 1 to 3 50 Additional Budget required for Augmenting of existing hardware

4 Augmenting of existing hardware

	Maintenance at district level	Maintenance & Repairs which are not under warranty	Phy	Fin
	a)	Repair needs for computers 	505	15.15 
	b)	Maintenance needs for functional computers	95	1.425
	c)	Repair needs for UPS 	101	5.05
	d)	Maintenance needs for functional UPS	31	0.62
	 	Total 	22.245

Grand Total 1 to 4 72.245

                                              COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION
                                   A. Activities undertaken by District in 2014-15

Community Participation

	                             The process  of  building  enthusiasm and commitment  within  a  community  or  group of  stakeholders  to  establish a formal working relationship in order to work together in order to accomplish a common goal.

The success of an integrated programme like Sarva Shikshana Abhiyan can be ensured if and only if there is an active participation of the Community. The main objective is to strengthen community participation in elementary education with the ultimate aim of community ownership in fulfilling the objectives of UEE. Our main tasks are to enable the persons in the community, who still believe that issues related to access, enrolment, retention and quality education and fulfilling RTE implications depended largely on Govt. machineries and teachers, for realizing the actual situation and to motivate them for performing their specific tasks to reach the social target through SSA.

         The major activities undertaken in the current year the school Development committee Training program (SDMC) 3 days was implemented for SDMC members in module of Spandana.
        In the first stage District level SDMC Training from 8 Blacks include 4 members CRP, s will be given 3 days Training at DIET mandya.
     In the next stage and also SDMC Training for resource persons to rest of CRP/BRP and ECOs training to be given at large level thereafter cluster level SDMC Training to be given for 6 Members One Headmaster from each school and five SDMC members for SDMC training                                                                                                                            

After the training ends SDP is prepare in all 1735 schools as per the instruction and followed by RTE

Responsibilities of CAC/SDMC

Assessment of the educational needs of the village population through a process of micro-planning exercise every year.

	Maintaining micro level database for the children through a Child Register (School Education Register) .
	Building of awareness of the community and mobilizing parents and community for ensuring enrolment and retention of all children

	Making recommendations/suggestions to the teachers for better performance of the school.
	To receive and utilize fund and maintain proper bank account. SDMC is primarily responsible for sending Utilization Certificate of funds placed at its disposal to the higher authority. Fund which will be collected from the community/any person (donor) will be deposited in the same bank account and maintain expenditure statement separately.
	Mobilizing community contribution and extending support for construction of school buildings and other required support to the primary, upper primary, AIE centers, Looking after civil construction of schools etc.
	Identifying out of school children/drop out children and ensuring their enrolment in different school set up.
	Arranging remedial teaching/alternative education, Bridge course, etc. by engaging community volunteer.
	Ensuring convergence of different rural/urban services (with the help of local bodies like Panchayat /Municipality) for building of school infrastructure/school beautification etc. and implementing other works assigned by BIC & District SSA Committee i.e. DIC.
	Sending monthly report to CRC from SDMC. Head Master as Secretary and Chairman of SDMC will keep all records, reports etc. in their custody. SDMC will maintain accounts; preserve all vouchers, cashbooks, reports etc. and place before the parents and community time to time for ensuring transparency.
	 Providing Home Based Education for the children with special needs in consultation with IERT.
	Ensuring enrolment and retention of the children of SC/ST and minority groups, other categories of special focus group namely, hardest to reach children/Deprived Urban children etc.
	Organizing parents meeting in the form of PTA/MTA on quarterly basis. 

Developing School development Plan

Community Contribution for Quality Education Guided by the principles of self-determination, empowerment, and sustainable development, education is seen as critical component to the community development process in Mandya. The implementation of a strategy for action regarding the needs within the area of education seeks to find a balance between both formal learning (driven by external organizations) and informal learning (driven by the community). Taking into consideration the socio-economic situation of the people within Mandya, a major concern is the creation of programs which are not only attractive to community members, but how these groups can be integrated into their daily schedules. Our District and Community Participation

Types of parental and community Part

1. Monetary Contributions

	In our district parents recognized that the school needed financial resources, and they wanted to support the schools. We can see such contributions for the development of the schools.

Contribute of SDMC Members GHPS Pattasomanahalli at Pandavapura Taluk.

2. In-Kind Contributions

Second in emphasis to monetary contribution, the community participates in our district by providing labor and materials for infrastructure projects, such as building new desks or repairing classrooms. This effort included the collection and transport of building materials, the actual process of construction, and the provision and preparation of food and coffee to nourish the laborers. Providing learning materials, Uniform, Books, Scholarships, for children, etc. Community members’ willingness to contribute in kind was significantly greater than their ability to contribute cash.

3. Parental Monitoring of Students

Parents also monitor students’ school attendance and study time. Parents themselves were most likely to report that they participate in schooling by “seeing to it” that their children go to school every day. This did not usually mean that parents visited the school on a regular basis, but rather that they made sure their children left for school in the morning and impressed upon their children the importance of regular attendance. Students also know that their parents often encouraged them not to skip class or be late to school, parents also encouraged their children to study, leaving them time at home to do school work and asking if they had completed assignments. As one father remarked, “I myself am thirsty for knowledge, and so I always ask my students what they learn in the classroom.” One mothers explained that even though they themselves had not been to school, they make a point of discussing school with their children. She used to ask her child, “ ‘What did you learn, how was class?’. . . Because she wants to tell her child the importance of education.”

4. Meetings at the School In all schools teachers, parents, students, and PTA members commonly meet in the school to discuss about learning performance of their children. Teachers initiate meetings, most commonly to discuss about learning achievement of the children, misbehavior, and occasionally to discuss irregular attendance. And discuss to overcome those problems.

Emerging and Potential Forms of Participation

In addition to the more commonly reported forms of participation discussed above, there are a number of other, less frequent ways some parents and other community members are currently involved in schooling. These activities included helping to create and implement a school income generation plan; collaborating with teachers to plant trees around the school compound; and participating in awareness activities at the school, such as community theater presentations that address problems of education, and health.

Factors that Encourage Parental and Community Engagement in School,

In addition to describing the varying ways parents and communities participate in schooling, Parents involved in schooling — when they have a choice — because of their belief in formal education and their desire to see their children succeed and prosper. 1. Encouragement from school staff to welcome and motivate parents to participate. 2. School staff expressing their respect for parents and the value of different community contributions to schooling. 3. More meetings among school staff, PTA, parents, and other community members. 4. Granting a small amount of financial resources to support school expenses and improvement projects. 5. Technical assistance to help PTAs manage schools better and facilitate parental/community involvement in activities such as the Girls education. Impact on Schooling Attributed to Parental and Community Engagement In addition to reporting the actions, actors, and factors behind community participation are: Student Attendance and Learning The most common benefits attributed to the involvement of parents and community members, beyond materials and infrastructure, relate to student preparedness for school and their motivation to learn. Many parents and students asserted that parental monitoring motivated students to study harder and take school more seriously. As one fourth-grade boy reported, “After my father came to school to see if I was there, I won’t skip class now. Instead … I’ll follow the teachers attentively.” As another student said, “Parents should have to come to school in order to communicate with teachers regarding the problems of education and behavior of their students. Domains of Community Participation in Mandya The basic partnership models, however, are limited in that they do not seek to demonstrate the education domains in which the community may be involved. The question of domains of action is critical to understanding the process through which community participation might actually effect positive change in school efficiency and school-based teaching and learning. • The community’s role in school management and administration • Extend the concept of participation to school curriculum and lesson delivery. • Participation in schooling infrastructure and maintenance, management and administration, teacher support and supervision, pedagogy and classroom support, student supervision, and student recruitment. • Communities to have a true effect on school efficiency and student learning, their involvement needs to reach into each of the possible domains.  Student  Enrollment  Finance  Infrastructure  Student Attendance,  Behavior & Performance  School Planning  Girls’ Education  School-Based Income Generation  Staffing & Teacher  Monitoring  Advocacy.

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Azim Premji Foundation District Institute, Mandya (Brief report on progress of 2014-15 and plan for 2015-16)

Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization working towards deep, large scale and institutionalized impact on the quality and equity of education in India, along with related development areas.

Vision: Azim Premji Foundation aspires to facilitate a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society District Institute focuses areas: 1. Teacher professional development 2. Head Teacher capacity development 3. Capacity enhancement of block functionaries/teacher educators 4. Capacity enhancement of key leaders in leadership & management 5. Capacity enhancement of DIET Broad strategies: • Block as the unit of change • Intense engagements with 20 to 25% of teachers and head teachers • Establishment of Teachers Learning Centers • Create voluntary teachers (subject wise) & head teachers forums (VTFs & VHTFs) for continuous learning and development • Develop Facilitators among education functionaries and teachers to drive Teacher Professional Development & Education Leadership & Development in the district • Promote voluntary participation among teachers, HT and functionaries to engage in high intensity program • Demonstrating high intensity program in 15 SMCs and 4 GPs Strategy for 2014-15:

Block as the unit of change. • Our focus is on the blocks in the district. Our teams were deployed maintaining the block focus in mind – a 3 to 5 member team was dedicated to each block

Focus intense engagements in Mandya North & Maddur Blocks • During the reporting period, in Mandya north and Maddur blocks our work was continued based on the rapport already created by implementing Institutional Capacity Development Project. Our direct engagements with teachers, HTs and functionaries was multi-dimensional in nature and targeted towards increasing their voluntary participation • This year the aim was to identify the subject facilitators from functionaries and teachers who voluntarily engaging with us. These facilitators will be able to reach out other teachers and head teachers once they are capacitated.

First level engagements in the 6 remaining blocks • In the remaining 6 blocks we continued our presence through first level formal & informal engagements viz; orientation at the block level for the block functionaries. In these blocks the idea was to cast wider net reaching out as many as functionaries as we can and giving them the opportunities to voluntarily engage with us in future. Plan: 2014-15 Teacher Professional Development:

Target group Coverage Nature of engagement • Teachers Engagement with 50 teachers in Mathematics i.e. Mandya North block -25 & Maddur-25 50 teachers in Kannada i.e. Mandya North-25 & Maddur-25 • Trainings / workshops • On-site support • Voluntary teacher forums • Sharing workshops • Review meeting • Seminars / colloquium's

Broad Areas to be covered: • Education Perspective, nature of subject, etc. • Subject content • Pedagogy Establishment of 2 Teacher Learning Centers in two blocks i.e. Mandya North & Pandavapura

Achievements: • Teacher training need analysis has been conducted across the district (60% sampling) • A batch of 25 teachers each in Maddur & Mandya north block are engaging in Mathematics subject • A batch of 20 teachers each in Maddur & Mandya north block are engaging in Kannada subject • Establishment of Teacher Learning Centers (TLC) in Mandya North, Maddur and Pandavapura blocks

• Voluntary teacher forums (VTF) on mathematics, Kannada & other subjects • Evening events( one to one & half hour), Saturday (half day) events & theme based events (during holidays) are taking place covering various subjects/topics • 16 Subject Facilitators capacity development in English from 2 blocks is underway • 16 Subject Facilitators capacity development in Math’s from 2 blocks is underway • Theme based workshops on Earth – 35 teachers who teach different subjects participated in the three day theme based workshop on theme “Earth” during holidays. Significance of this workshop was to include language, mathematics, science and social science in this theme and discuss various concepts of Earth in different dimensions by following activity based methodology. • Theme based workshops on “Art in Education” – 28 teachers who teach different subjects participated in the three day theme based workshop on theme “Art in Education” during holidays. Significance of this workshop included promoting art in every subject to enhance children learning. o Another Theme based workshop on “Issues of Environment” – 36 teachers were participated for two days. It was on teaching EVS to children. • Mathematics & Science Workshop: 2 one day workshops were carried out in two blocks in Mathematics and Science. 55 primary school teachers and 39 high school teachers participated in this workshop. External resource person from ISRO conducted the workshop on “Space & Solar system”.

• 2 day workshop was held on “Perspective on Mathematics in education” for 22 teachers of Maddur block. The resource person from APU was invited for this workshop. • 3 days’ workshop was held on “Games in Maths” which introduced various ways of teaching mathematics using different games, puzzles, activities and TLMs. 25 teachers who were interested in Maths teaching participated in this workshop voluntarily.

• 3 day workshop was conducted for 53 teachers in 2 blocks in 2 batches were held at NEENASM, Shimoga on “Philosophical concepts in Kannada language”. Major focus of this workshop was to provide an insight to teachers on effective conversation, voice modulation, rhythm in speech, different models of classroom teaching, child philosophy quoting the examples of Bendre, Panj Mangesharaya, Kuvempu and others.

• 2 days’ workshop was held for the teachers on preparation and usage of TLMs. 29 teachers participated in the workshop. • Children Festival was held in two blocks on the eve of children's day. 229 children and 135 teachers participated in the event. Posters, poems, stories, drawings etc. prepared by children were exhibited during the event. Scientific input was provided through ‘science magic’.

Science Drama: A SDMC president of one school in the block initiated an innovative event “Science Drama” for the children of 12 schools of that cluster. DI team members supported the schools to select the theme for the drama and supported in anchoring the program and conducting the discussions. 250 students, 50 teachers from 12 schools, 10 functionaries and about 100 villagers participated in this event.

Plan: 2014-15 Capacity enhancement of Head Teachers:

Target group Coverage Nature of engagement • Head Teachers Field testing of level 2 & 3 modules for 30 HTs of Mandya North

Level 1,2 & 3 interventions for 30 HTs of Maddur block • Trainings / workshops • Voluntary HTs forums • Sharing & Reviews • Seminars / colloquium's • School development initiatives • On-site support • SDMC members of 15 schools 195 SDMC members of 15 schools in 2 clusters of Mandya North. • Sharing & review meetings • Follow-up workshop • Exposure within the district


• Head teachers’ need analysis conducted across the district (5% sampling) • Conducted Education Perspective workshop for 30 HTs each in Mandya North and Maddur block for a period of three days • Conducted 3 days of workshop for 36 Head Teachers from Mandya North and Maddur blocks and provided inputs for improving role effectiveness and personal effectiveness of HTs along with tasks for application in the field. • On-site support provided for engaging SDMC members in school development activities • Support given to schools & SDMCs for them to take up school development initiatives Plan: 2014-15 Capacity enhancement of block functionaries:

Target group Coverage Nature of engagement • Block functionaries In addition to ongoing development of facilitators in Mathematics & English, we will engage with Kannada group in 2 blocks (currently operational) – Maddur & Mandya North 8 x 3 subjects x 2 blocks = 48 SFs (English, Mathematics & Kannada) • Trainings / workshops • On-site support • Voluntary forums • Sharing workshops • Review meeting • Seminars / colloquium's

Achievements: • 3 day residential workshop on “education perspective” conducted covering 75 newly recruited BRPs/CRPS/Eco of all the 8 blocks in three batches • As a part of resource group development, 25 functionaries across the district were provided with the IT user capacity training for a period of 15 days in 4 intervals. Few of them are facilitating the IT user capacity development trainings in their respective blocks. • 2 day training was held in 2 batches on “Computer Hardware” for 18 CRPs from 8 blocks who will be the IT resource persons for the district. 15 days of software training is provided to these resource persons. 15 days curriculum for hardware is designed by the IT resource person from the DI.

• Regular monthly meetings were held in two blocks (Maddur and Mandya North) with the block level functionaries and discussed on the entire DI plan and about the multi modal approach/strategy of DI on teachers, head teachers and functionary development

Plan: 2014-15 Engagement with district key leaders in leadership and management:

Target group Coverage Nature of engagement • District key leaders 8 BEOs & 8 BRCs from 8 blocks of the district • 4 days reflective meeting/sharing session will be conducted with BEOs and BRCs of 8 blocks for strengthening collaboration and alignment (once in six months-2 days). • 2 days of outbound activities will conducted for BEOs and BRCC of 8 blocks & key officers of district


• 2 day residential workshop on “Educational leadership and management & Educational change” was conducted for the key district Leaders. 22 key leaders (DDPI, DyPC, Vice-Principal (DIET), BEO’s, BRC coordinators) participated actively in this workshop. • Organized and conducted core committee meeting to review and discuss the plan of activities of district institute, APF. All the BEOs, BRCCs, DDPIs, DyPCs and EOs were participated.

• Regular meetings were held with BEOs/BRCs in two blocks and discussed on the entire DI plan and about the multi modal approach/strategy of DI on teachers, head teachers and functionary development

Plan: 2014-15 Engagement with DIET:

Target group Coverage Nature of engagement • DIET faculty • 24 faculty members of DIET • Six days capacity development residential workshop with the support of KSI • 1 day special event (interactive session, seminar, colloquium, talk from external experts, etc.) will be conducted once in a month for DIET faculty • Enhancing user capacity in education technology (DIET faculty & selected block functionaries) to promote self- learning & also for management purpose

Achievements: • One day orientation on ‘DIET in the 12th Five Year Plan’ was held at DIET for the 25 DIET faculty & 5 key officers from DDPI and CTE. The discussion focused on the MHRD guidelines for DIET restructuring & recommendations of Justice Verma Committee. • One day workshop was conducted for discussion on teacher education aspects (NCFTE) • Provided computer training to faculty and staff • Six Senior lecturers participated in the 3 days’ workshop in two batches on teacher education and 12th five year plan guidelines at Bangalore

Things went well:

• Department officers cooperation for conducting all the workshops, half day events, voluntary teacher forums and Saturday half day events • Participating and motivating teachers, HTs and block functionaries for involving in various learning events • Visit to Chamarajanagar TLC and exposure to Kerala education system • Department support for establishing Teacher Learning Centre in three blocks (two are in the BRC premises and one in school) • Department support for conducting teacher need analysis • Teachers interest and enthusiasm in participating continuous learning & sharing events • Head teachers interest and their motivation in continuous learning

Challenges: • Tenure of CRP/BRPs: The experience says that it is really difficult to develop good teacher trainers as the CRP/BRPs go back to school every three years. It takes considerable time (approximately 2 years) to develop a good teacher trainer. • Transfer of HTs from one block to other blocks • In-adequate space in one of the TLC • Teacher association is not supporting the events/trainings/workshops organized during holidays even though teachers/Head Teachers are showing interest to engage for continuous improvement. • Head Teachers and teachers engagement is increasing in non-academic activities • Single teacher LPS and two teacher HPS is an obstacle for participation in capacity building programs • Head Teacher capacity enhancement is also found to be challenging due to various reasons like in-adequate number of teachers in schools, data management etc. The HTs age is also a factor as most of the HTs are beyond 56 years. There is a need to look into HT recruitment policy. • Decreasing trend of enrolment due to various reasons predominantly on account of systemic issues and private school competition

Key activities planned for the year 2015-16 Block as the unit of change. Our focus will be on the blocks in the district. Our teams will also be deployed maintaining this block focus in mind – 3 to 5 member team will be dedicated to each block. This year apart from Mandya north & Maddur blocks, we are extending our intense engagement to another 2 blocks namely Pandavapura and Mandya South. Our direct engagements with teachers, HTs and functionaries will be multi-dimensional in nature and targeted towards increasing their voluntary participation. First level engagements in the 4 remaining blocks will continue through formal & informal engagement. In these blocks the idea is to cast wider net reaching out as many as functionaries as we can and giving them the opportunities to voluntarily engage with us in future. Creating awareness among Head Teachers and teachers for voluntary participation for continuous improvement will continue. One person will continue to engage with each block as single point of contact with BEO, BRC and block functionaries.

 Teacher development:

• Organizing both formal and informal interventions for teachers/head teachers in Teacher Learning Centres (evening events, Saturday events, workshops/trainings, providing reading materials, providing onsite support etc.) • Capacity enhancement of teachers in academics and pedagogy (100 teachers each from Mandya and Maddur blocks, 50 teachers each from Mandya South & Pandavapura) • Establishment of 2 Teacher Learning Centers in two blocks viz; Mandya South & Malavalli) • Subject Resource Persons Capacity development at block level (8 nos x 3 subjects x 2 blocks=48, 4 nos x 3 subjects x 6 blocks=72 nos in 6 blocks) • Organizing two large scale interactive programs for teachers, head teachers and functionaries.

1. Head Teacher capacity development in school leadership & management: • Fine tuning of 12 days of modules for Head Teachers of HPS (Education perspective, role effectiveness & personal effectiveness) • 90 HTs from 3 blocks of the district will undergo 12 days of capacity development program in three phases • 30 HTs from one block will undergo 8 days of capacity development program in two phases • 120 HTs from 4 blocks will undergo 4 days of level-1 capacity development program • Module will be developed for ELM facilitators development • Capacity enhancement program for 32 block level functionaries will be initiated to develop them as ELM facilitators.

2. Capacity development of Block level functionaries: • Module development will be done for capacity development of block level functionaries and Leaders of the district • Education perspective building workshop (3 days each) for 60 block level functionaries of 8 blocks will be conducted in 2 batches. • 60 block level functionaries will undergo level-2(role & personal effectiveness) workshop 3. BEO/BRC capacity development: • 4 days capacity development workshop will be conducted for BEOs and BRCCs of 8 blocks. • 2 days of outbound activities will conducted for BEOs and BRCC

4. DIET faculty capacity development: • Six days capacity development workshop in Academics and Pedagogy for diet faculty • 1 to 2 days special events will be conducted once in a month for diet faculty in the areas of education perspective, personal effectiveness and also on policy documents • Enhancing user capacity in education technology (DIET faculty & selected block functionaries) for management purpose 5. Community Participation: • Working with the current 15 SDMCs in 2 clusters, and work with 8 Gram Panchayaths of 4 clusters will continue 6. Research: Conducting Research studies on; • Study on the sustainable aspects of TLC functioning • Study on the effective processes for developing Subject facilitators • Participatory action research Report on critical processes of primary education system from school to district • Study on change in practices of HTs

7. Documentation: • Process documentation & reports of DI interventions/activities • Case study & success stories on Head teachers leadership & management • Teacher best practices • Community participation-parents and SMC • Development of audio-visuals o Best practices of HTs and teachers o Success stories • Monthly/Quarterly /annual reports • News letter

8. Communication & Engagement: • Networking, advocacy at block, district and state level • Sharing workshops to disseminate best practices • Organizing youth engagement programs • Networking & linkages with NGOs and other institutions

Community Mobilization: 2015-16

Name of the State/UT: Mandya

Progress 2014-15 1. School Management Committee members Training (Physical/ Financial achievements)

Type of Training Target for 2014-15 Achievement 2014-15 Physical Financial Physical Financial Non-Residential 10.410 31.23.000/- - The training at block and cluster level was not yet started due to delay in the preparation of training literature. But, at district level M.R.P training had been given to 29 CRP/BRPS.

Total 10.410 31.23.000/- - -

SDMC RP’s Training at District Level in Mandya DIET.

Committees constituted Total No. of members trained No. of women members trained No. of PRI members trained Duration of training Trained by whom (BRC/CRC resource persons, teachers, EGS/ AIE instructors /NGOs.) Name of Training Module SMC/SDMC - - - - CRP Spandana

2. District wise break up: (Ask for reason for low & high success rate)

Non-Residential 2014-15 Physical Financial Name of District Non-Residential Target Non-Residential Achievement Non-Residential Financial Target Non-Residential Financial Achievement Mandya 34 29 19.890/- 18.016/-

SDMC RP’s Training at District Level in Mandya DIET.

3. (a)Types of committees in the Schools other than SMCs and their role.

Sl.No. Name of the Committee Total No. Total 1 Thayindira samiti (Mother Committee)

In school Mother Committee is already in existence. It not only looks at the tastiness of the food but also look after the cleanliness while preparing the food. It also extends its kind cooperation while serving food to children. 1735 1735

(b) Number of SMCs with Bank Account & School Development Plan.

Name of District Total no. of Schools Total no. of SMCs Total no. of SMCs with Bank Account Total no. of SMCs in Composite Schools SMC with SDP Mandya 1735 1735 1735 Nil 1735

(c) Structure of SMCs in Composite Schools.

Not Applicable.

(d) Total No. of SMCs in Million Plus Cities. The background (socio/economic/) of the SMC members.

Not Applicable: Mandya city comes under city municipal council administration & not comes under million plus city.

(e) Local Authority as Per the State Notification: Yes

Gram Panchyath, Taluk Panchyath, Zilla Panchyath in rural areas and Nagara Sabha( Town Muncipal), Pura Sabha( City Muncipal) are utilizing their funds allotted for education. At Gram Panchyath V.E.C. is in existence and is being coordinating with school S.D.M.C. in the developmental works of school.

(f) Is Social Audit conducted? If yes, then who all are involved? Has Social Audit lead to efficient functioning of the School? If no, then please give the reason?

Department is realizing many types of grants to schools. D.D.P.I and B.E.O’S are inspecting the documents related to grants and it is being published at schools for public reference.

(g) Grievance Redressed system, if any, wherein SMC plays an important role.

Majority members in the S.D.M.C are unable to take part in its work as they are illiterate and do not have basic education. Only few members with good educational background will actively participate in the developmental works of the school. In the case of women members, because of their family commitment or problems, they too are not actively participating in the works of S.D.M.C.

(i) Role of SMCs

S.No Role of SMCs ( Financial, Procurement & Administrative) Yes No 1 Is SMC involved in design of uniforms and their procurement ✓ 2 Is SMC involved in procurement of books & furniture for setting up of school library? ✓ 3 Is SMC involved in procurement of furniture for schools? ✓ 4 Is SMC involved in school infrastructure development (Civil) ✓ 5 Whether construction activities under SSA are undertaken with community & SMCs involvement. ✓ 6 Is SMC involved in procurement of TLE? ✓ 7 Role of SMCs in expenditure of school Grant. ✓ 8 Role of SMCs in expenditure of maintenance Grant. ✓ 9 Any other function performed by SMC. ✓

4. Meeting details. (i) Frequency of SMC meetings conducted in 2014-15.

Mention last 6 meetings conducted Participation level (particularly women & members of SC/ST)

                      5	                                          52%

In majority of schools S.D.M.C meeting is being held every month and in some schools S.D.M.C meeting is held once in two months. But during SAMUDAYADATTA SALE Programme, which is conducted twice in an academically year each and every parents, Department Officials, S.D.M.C members and teacher actively participate in it. Here they discuss on the school progress and other developmental works in the schools.

5. Networking with NGO/ institutions for community mobilization under SSA (As per Grant in Aid Committee (GIAC) approval)

Name of the NGO/ Institution Name of the district covered by the NGO Area of assistance (e.g. Training of community leaders, Campaigns, any other) APF MANDYA School development and management committee (SDMC) And Gram panchayat (GP) are important stakeholders of school, and its member’s roles are indispensable for the development of school and further for quality education in schools. Keeping this in mind Azimpremji foundation (APF) is closely working with 15 SDMCs and 195 SDMC Members of 15 Schools in 2 Cluster of Mandya North, to create awareness among the members regarding their roles and responsibility towards school, as well to make them effectively involve in school development process, and to strengthen them to bring the concept of decentralization in real sense. To achieve this, APF has organized workshops, exposure visits and rendering onsite support for the members. The rich body of knowledge obtained by these close association with SDMC will be analyzed carefully and will be spread to other blocks across the Mandya district.

Annexure Enclosed.

6. Provide details of the best practices/case studies of SMCs/SDMCs.

		The Government Lower Primary School Eregowdana Koppallu, Sunkathonnuru, CRC, Pandavapura Taluk, Mandya Dist. is away from the Taluk Headquarters I feel proud to say that our school is one of the Best School in our Taluk. Our school has its one special characteristic it has good school atmospheres means well equipped class rooms school gardens, strong compound, drinking water facilities and clean well maintained toilet rooms. I am single school teacher of this school. With the corporation of SDMC and the active participation of community marinating all school academic activities very well. Because of all these factors, our school is considered as a good school.

Contribute of SDMC Members GLPS Eregowdana Koppalu at Pandavapura Taluk.

		We grow verities of vegetables in our school guardian and department programmes are well written in our garden pillars which look beautiful. The beautiful fountain in the park makes school premises much beautiful all these things become possible as I utilized the grants successfully and the perseverance of our SDMC President and all members they punctually attend the monthly meeting and also exchange their corporation to all programme arranged in our school. For the last three years we are conducting school annul programme (Cultural Programme) successfully in the school which was built by the only that was collected from the generals donators with the corporation of our SDMC.

		If we talk about the Nali-Kali classes it has created a good learning atmosphere and all the students are engaging in activity based learning class. In the point of learning view we appointed a guest teacher by paying a honorable payment to her with our risk, but now the department its self-appointed her as a guest teacher with honorary payment, our school achieved a good progress in KSQAAC and Secured first place in the district. One of our students has been selected to Navodaya School

Government Higher primary School, Thalashasana, Pandavapura Taluk.

      Smart Class & Tele Conferrence Room               Traning the SDMC Commety through the IT
                                                                                                  Technology to develop the School

If a school’s S.D.M.C and its teachers work together they can do wonders. This is true in the case of G.H.P.S Thalashasana.

This school with the cooperation of S.D.M.C and community, they have established a well-built infrastructure. Here one can see 08 fully furnished classrooms with separate arrangements for radio programme, toilets, kitchen, storeroom, stage, and satellite based learning center with home theatre and a good park.

             During 2013-14 with the help of S.D.M.C and Community the school has organized Learning Festival or Kalikotsava. On 09-04-2014 Satellite Based learning Centre was inaugurated and this function was telecasted in Severna 24x7 and was reported by many leading News Paper of our state.
	    This was possible because of the hard work, dedication and determination of teachers and S.D.M.C members this school is emerged as the best school.

SD.M.C plays a vital role in the development of a school. If S.D.M.C and teachers work together, a school can definitely achieve anything. The best example to this is G.H.P.S Puttasomanahalli. It is not an exaggeration if this school S.D.M.C. is called as the best S.D.M.C in the district. The overall development of this school is definitely a role model for other school. This school’s SD.M.C. Is not only utilizing the government grants but also investing their own funds for improving school’s infrastructure. Here, one can see a well-organized school rooms, library, computer room, good and clean drinking water facility and the best kitchen (Annapoorneshware) which cannot be seen elsewhere in the district. Many innovative steps have been adopted in this school. They have using ASTRA STOVE for cooking and have installed BIOMETRIC system. Thus, one has to appreciate the efforts of this school’s S.D.M.C and its teachers for adopting modern technology and making the school in par with the changing world.

Government Higher Primary School, Pattasomanahalli, Pandavapura Taluk.

           Annapoorneshwari Dining Hall                    Using Bio-Metric System to Collect the
								     Students Attendance.
	SD.M.C plays a vital role in the development of a school. If S.D.M.C and teachers work together, a school can definitely achieve anything. The best example to this is G.H.P.S Puttasomanahalli. It is not an exaggeration if this school S.D.M.C. is called as the best S.D.M.C in the district.
	The overall development of this school is definitely a role model for other school. This school’s SD.M.C. Is not only utilizing the government grants but also investing their own funds for improving school’s infrastructure. Here, one can see a well-organized school rooms, library, computer room, good and clean drinking water facility and the best kitchen (Annapoorneshware) which cannot be seen elsewhere in the district.

	Many innovative steps have been adopted in this school. They have using ASTRA STOVE for cooking and have installed BIOMETRIC system.
	Thus, one has to appreciate the efforts of this school’s S.D.M.C and its teachers for adopting modern technology and making the school in par with the changing world.

SDMC SUCCESSFUL STOTY Government Girls Middle School, K.R Road (GGMS) Mandya

This school was established before independence at 1940. It is placed heart place of the Mandya town. At present this school 93 students are studying from 1 to 7 standards. Before that at once it has 600 girls were studying in this school in two shift timings. It has finishing and high compound with gate and all basic facilities with good environment functional toilets with any time water facility and cleaned. It famous as GGMS School by teachers, officers and publics. But nowadays strength becomes decreased by parent’s hi-tech nature. Now in this school studying 93 students and 4 teachers are working as per student and teacher ratio according to right to education 2009. This school has 14 rooms. 3 rooms are engaged by Azim Prem Ji Foundation Teacher’s Learning Centre. 1 computer room is well developed by donors. SDMC contribute 50,000 valued cash and other peripherals like book, geometry box, uniforms, tie belt for students, water filters. This school is adopted according to government rules by Mr. Ravikumar Ganiga, Social worker and he donates teaching aids, note books and uniforms. Recently a program “Shalegagi navu neevu” was conducted by school to develop admission and attendance.

The school garden has indoor and growing color full flower plants, show plants, medicinal plants and use full trees like coconut, sandal wood, teak, honge, etc. Totally school campus is beautiful environment with enjoyable better learning center by the government educational department.

Books and Bags distribution function at Gandhi Bhavan, Mandya of the GGMS School.

SDMC SUCCESSFUL STOTY Government higher primary school, Kiragandur, Mandya south

This school was established at 1947 independence year. It is nearer village to the Mandya town. Now 116 students are studying and 6 teachers working in this school. As the result of SDMC cooperation and teacher involvement edusat facility is provided. School kitchen and toilets were constructed by not only in government grant, extra money also contributed by SDMC. It has all basic facilities with good environment functional toilets with any time water facility and cleaned.

By SDMC cooperation every year school day was conducted, and Mr. Manjunath, ex-Zilla panchayat president started “Makkala Mane” before 5 year, it was encourage all cultural and co-curricular activities of the students. He invested nearly up to 50000 Rs. every year for lunch program and teaching aides to the school. His father Mr. Siddegowda donates 100*100 sites for school campus. Physical environment of the school is attracted and related the better learning process and appreciated by department officers and villagers.

Sl No. Name of SDMC Members Contact Number Contribution 1 Mahadeva Swamy Satellite Based learning Centre 2 T M Anand 32inch LCD TV 3 H D Mahadeva Swamy Canon LBP2900B Printer 4 Sri. Aravinda Raghavan 2 Computer, Note book, Rs. 40,000/- Worth “Sharp Projector” 5 Narayan 61/2 Foot Almirah

Status of District Level Monitoring Committee.

State Total numbers of District in the State/ UTs Name of districts in which committee stand constituted Name of districts in which committee has not yet been constituted Composition/Structure of DLMC Details of No’s of meetings held in each district so far Outcomes of the meetings Remarks if any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

YES - ZP Health & Education standing committee chairman CEO DDPI (Adm) DYPC 3 1.Quality in education 2.mid-day meals, civil works 3. Pure drinking water& clean toilets. 4. Sports Shortage of Teacher’s

1. Kindly Explain steps taken by State for planning on preparation of effective School Development Plan in 2015-16.

2. Detailed district wise costing of Training of SMC members (NON-RESIDENTAIL) -2015-16

   (3 day Non -residential training for SMC members including PRI members) District Total number of existing SMC’s Members to be trained from one SMC 1 Mandya 1708 1708 X 6 = 10248

Note: 6 members from each SDMC to be trained during the year 2015-16

3. Proposal for training of SMC members 2015-16 Activity Target for 2015-16 Unit cost Phy Fin Non-Residential 0.003 10248 30.744

4. Budget proposal for training of SMC members

Target for 2015-16 Phy Fin 10248 30.744

   5. Strategies for mobilization of communities in Special Focus Districts (SFD) 

District Activities planned for SFD in 2015-16 Mandya Not Applicable

6. Monthly activities calendar planned for 2015-16. S.No Activity Apr 15 May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep15 Oct 15 Nov 15 Dec 15 Jan 16 Feb 16 Mar 16 1. MRP’s Training √ √ 2. Distribution of Training Materials √ √ 3. Publicity √ 4. Training of the Members √ √ √ 5. Follow-up √ √ √



Training programmes

  1. ಎಸ್.ಟಿ.ಎಫ್. ಗಣಿತ ವಿಷಯ ತರಬೇತಿ 2014-15
  2. ಮೊದಲನೇ ತಂಡ ದಿ:16-12-14 ರಿಂದ 20-12-14 ಒಟ್ಟು ಶಿಭಿರಾರ್ಥಿಗಳು 32
  3. ಎರಡನೇ ತಂಡ ದಿ:29-12-14 ರಿಂದ 02-01-15 ಒಟ್ಟು ಶಿಭಿರಾರ್ಥಿಗಳು 20
  4. ಮೂರನೇ ತಂಡ ದಿ:03-02-15 ರಿಂದ 07-02-15 ಒಟ್ಟು ಶಿಭಿರಾರ್ಥಿಗಳು 20
  5. ಟಾರ್ಗೆಟ್-75
  6. ಸಾಧನೆ-72
  1. ಎಸ್.ಟಿ.ಎಫ್. ಗಣಿತ ವಿಷಯ ತರಬೇತಿ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಾರದ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ

Objectives of the training: The STF programme will work with ICT Phase 3 school teachers and the focus of this year's MATHS STF District workshops will be to: Build the computer literacy skills for teachers Learning to use Geogebra for creating simulations in Algebra and Geometry How to use the internet as a learning resource - to create a resource library for my use and for the classroom and build digital resource libraries Use emails, MathsScience Subject Mailing Forum to communicate Access the Karnataka Open Educational Resources and Contribute. Understand how resources are organized on KOER and share feedback and activities Develop digital literacy skills - email, internet search and downloading, using image editor and text editor

ತರಬೇತಿಯ ವರದಿ:

1st Day. ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ 9.30 ರಿಂದ 10.00 ಘಂಟೆಯವರೆಗೆ ತರಬೇತಿಗೆ ಹಾಜರಾಗಿರುವ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರ ನೋಂದಣಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಯಿತು. 10.05 ಕ್ಕೆ ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಡಯಟ್‌ನ ಉಪಪ್ರಾಂಶುಪಾಲರಾದ ಶ್ರೀಯುತ ಕೆ.ಕಾಂತರಾಜುರವರು ತರಬೇತಿಯನ್ನು ಉದ್ಘಾಟಿಸಿ, ತಮ್ಮ ಉದ್ಘಾಟನಾ ಭಾಷಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ ಜ್ಞಾನದ ತಿಳುವಳಿಕೆಯ ಅಗತ್ಯತೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅನಿವಾರ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸಿದರು. ನಂತರ ಈ ಎಸ್‌.ಟಿ.ಎಫ್.ತರಬೇತಿಯ ನೋಡಲ್‌ ಅಧಿಕಾರಿಯಾಗಿರುವ ಶ್ರೀಮತಿ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀ ರವರು ಹಾಜರಾಗಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರುಗಳ ಪರಿಚಯ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಂಡರು. ನಂತರ ಪೂರ್ವಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯನ್ನು ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರುಗಳ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ ಜ್ಞಾನವನ್ನು ಅರಿಯಲಾಯಿತು. ನಂತರ ಶ್ರೀ ರಮೇಶ್‌ ರವರು ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ ಬೇಸಿಕ್‌ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಿದರು. ಇದರಲ್ಲಿ ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್‌, ಔಟ್‌ಪುಟ್‌, ಸಿ.ಪಿ.ಯು, ಮೆಮೊರಿ ಯುನಿಟ್‌ಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಸವಿಸ್ತಾರವಾಗಿ ವಿವರಿಸಿದರು. ಮದ್ಯಾಹ್ನದ ಅವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳಾದ ಶ್ರೀ ಉಮೇಶ್ ಆಚಾರ್ಯರವರು ಉಬುಂಟು ಓ.ಎಸ್‌. ನ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಪಿ.ಪಿ.ಟಿ.ಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಿ ಅದರ ಉಪಯುಕ್ತತೆಯನ್ನು ಹಾಗೂ ಅದರ ವಿಶೇಷತೆಯನ್ನು ವಿವರಿಸಿದರು. ನಂತರ ಇನ್ನೋರ್ವ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯಾದ ಶ್ರೀ ಸಂದೀಪ್‌ಕುಮಾರ್‌ ರವರು ಉಬುಂಟು ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಷನ್‌ಗಳಾದ ಟಕ್ಸ್ ಟೈಪಿಂಗ್‌, ಟಕ್ಸ್ ಮ್ಯಾಥ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಟಕ್ಸ್ ಪೇಂಟ್‌ ನ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನೀಡಿ, ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ಕಲಿಯಲು ಅವಕಾಶ ನೀಡಲಾಯಿತು. 2nd Day. ಎರಡನೇ ದಿನದ ಕಾರ್ಯಾಗಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ ಉಮೇಶ್‌ ರವರು ಲಿಬ್ರೆ ಆಫೀಸ್‌ ರೈಟರ್‌ನ ಕುರಿತು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನೀಡಿ, ಅದನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕೆಂದು ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿಕೊಟ್ಟರು. ನಂತರ ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರು ಒಂದೊಂದು ಕಛೇರಿ ಸಂಬಂಧಿತ ಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡಿದರು. ಮಧ್ಯಾಹ್ನದ ಅವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂದೀಪ್‌ರವರು ಲಿಬ್ರೆಆಫೀಸ್‌ ಕ್ಯಾಲ್ಕ ನ ಕುರಿತು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನೀಡಿ, ಅದದ ವಿಶೇಷತೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅದನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ವಿಧಾನವನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸಿದರು. ಎಲ್ಲರೂ ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ಸಿ.ಸಿ.ಇ. ಅಂಕಗಳನ್ನು ಕ್ಯಾಲ್ಕನಲ್ಲಿ ನಮೂದಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ಕಲಿತರು. ಇದಾದ ನಂತರ ಲಿಬ್ರೆ ಆಫಿಸ್‌ ರೈಟರ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಕನ್ನಡವನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ವಿಧಾನ ಹಾಗೂ ಟೈಪ್‌ ಮಾಡುವುದನ್ನು ಕಲಿತರು. ನಂತರ ಇಂಟ್‌ರ್‌ನೆಟ್‌ ಬಳಸುವ ವಿಧಾನ ಹಾಗೂ ಇ-ಮೈಲ್‌ ಐಡಿ ರಚಿಸುವ ವಿಧಾನ ತಿಳಿಸಿಕೊಡಲಾಯಿತು. ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರು ತಮ್ಮ ತಮ್ಮ ಇ-ಮೈಲ್‌ ಐಡಿ ರಚಿಸಿಕೊಂಡರು. 3rd Day. ಮೂರನೇ ದಿನ ಅಂದರೆ ದಿನಾಂಕ: 18.12.2014 ರ ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ ಉಮೇಶ್‌ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದೀಪ್‌ ರವರು ಉಬುಂಟುವಿನಲ್ಲಿರು ಗಣಿತದ ಉಪಯುಕ್ತ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಷನ್‌ ಜಿಯೋಜಿಬ್ರಾ ದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ವಿವರವಾದ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಿ, ಅದರಲ್ಲಿರುವ ವಿವಿಧ ಟೂಲ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ವಿಧಾನ ತಿಳಿಸಿದರು. ನಂತರ ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರು ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ಜಿಯೋಜಿಬ್ರಾವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು, ಗಣಿತದ ವಿವಿಧ ವಿಷಯಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿತ ಪರಿಕಲ್ಪನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಿಡಿಸಿದರು. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ ಕೋನಗಳನ್ನು, ತ್ರಿಭುಜಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿದರು, ತ್ರಿಭುಜಗಳಿಗೆ ಅಂತಃವೃತ್ತ ಮತ್ತು ಪರಿವೃತ್ತ ರಚಿಸಿದರು, ಇನ್ನು ಕೆಲವರು ನೇರ ಮತ್ತು ವ್ಯತ್ಯಸ್ತ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಸ್ಪರ್ಶಕಗಳನ್ನು ಕೂಡ ರಚಿಸಿದರು. ಮದ್ಯಾಹ್ನದ ಅವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಫ್ರೀಮೈಂಡ್‌ ನ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನೀಡಿ, ಒಂದು ಘಟಕವನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ವಿವಿಧ ಹಂತಗಳಾಗಿ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಂಡು, ಪಾಠಬೋಧನೆ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸಲಾಯಿತು. ಇದಾದ ಮೇಲೆ ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರು ಒಂದೊಂದು ಘಟಕದ ಮೇಲೆ ಫ್ರೀಮೈಂಡ್‌ ರಚಿಸಿದರು. 4th Day. ನಾಲ್ಕನೇ ದಿನ ಅಂದರೆ ದಿನಾಂಕ: 19.12.2014 ರಂದು ಲಿಬ್ರೆ ಆಫೀಸ್‌ ರೈಟರ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಗಣಿತದ ಸೂತ್ರವನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ವಿಧಾನವನ್ನು ಕಲಿತುಕೊಂಡರು. ನಂತರ ಎಲ್ಲರೂ 10 ನೇ ತರಗತಿಯ ಗಣಿತ ಪಠ್ಯಪುಸ್ತಕದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸೂತ್ರಗಳನ್ನುಟೈಪ್‌ ಮಾಡಿದರು. ಇದರ ಜೊತೆಗೆ ವಿವಿಧ ಆಕೃತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಕ್ರೀನ್‌ಶಾಟ್‌ ಮೂಲಕ ಇನ್ಸರ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡುವುದನ್ನು ಕಲಿತರು. ನಂತರ ಉಮೇಶ್‌ ರವರು ಕೋಯರ್‌ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನೀಡಿ, ಕೋಯರ್‌ ನ ವಿವಿಧ ಪೇಜ್‌ಗಳು ಅದರ ವಿಶೇಷತೆ ಹಾಗೂ ಬಳಸುವ ವಿಧಾನವನ್ನು ವಿವರವಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿದರು. ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರು ಕೋಯರ್‌ ನು ಸಂದರ್ಶಿಸಿ, ಅಲ್ಲಿರುವ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಂಡರು. ನಂತರ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರುಗಳನ್ನು ಐದು ಗುಂಪುಗಳನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮಾಡಿ, ಕೋಯರ್‌ಗೆ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಯಿತು, ಹಾಗೂ ಈ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಪ್ರೆಸೆಂಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ, ಚರ್ಚಿಸಲಾಯಿತು. 5th Day. ಕೊನೆಯ ದಿನ ಅಂದರೆ ದಿನಾಂಕ: 20.12.2014 ರಂದು ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ಉಮೇಶ್‌ರವರು ತುಂಬಾ ಆಸಕ್ತಿದಾಯಕವಾದ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಷನ್‌ ಸ್ಟೆಲೇರಿಯಂ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನೀಡಿ, ಅದರ ಮೇಲೆ ಎಲ್ಲರೂ ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ವಿಷಯ ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡಿದರು. ನಂತರ ಸಂದೀಪ್‌ರವರು ಫೆಟ್‌ ನ ಕುರಿತು ತಿಳಿಸಿ, ಅದರಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಇನ್ನಿತರ ವಿಷಯಗಳನ್ನು ಅವಲೋಕಿಸುವಂತೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿದರು. ಮದ್ಯಾಹ್ನದ ಅವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಜಿಂಪ್‌ ಇಮೇಜ್‌ ಎಡಿಟರ್‌ ಮೂಲಕ ಫೊಟೋವನ್ನು ಎಡಿಟ್‌ ಮಾಡುವುದು ತಿಳಿಸಲಾಯಿತು. ಇದಾದ ಮೇಲೆ ಉಬುಂಟುವನ್ನು ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ಗೆ ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಟಾಲ್‌ ಮಾಡುವುದನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸಲಾಯಿತು.

ಐದು ದಿನಗಳು ನಡೆದ ಈ ತರಬೇತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ ಜ್ಞಾನದ ಕೊರತೆ ಇರುವವರು, ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ವಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿದಿರುವಂತವರು ಒಟ್ಟಾರೆ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ರೀತಿಯಾದ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರು ಹಾಜರಾಗಿದ್ದು,ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಒಂದಲ್ಲ ಒಂದು ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಉಪಯೋಗಕಾರಿಯಾತ್ತು. ಕೆಲವರು ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ ಅಪರೇಟ್‌ ಮಾಡುವುದು ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಂಡರೆ, ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನವರು ಉಬುಂಟುವನ್ನು ಆಸಕ್ತಿದಾಯಕವಾಗಿ ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಂಡು, ತಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್ ಮತ್ತು ಲ್ಯಾಪ್‌ಟಾಪ್‌ ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಅಧ್ಯಯನವನ್ನು ಮಾಡುವುದಾಗಿ ವಾಗ್ದಾನವಿತ್ತರು. ಒಟ್ಟಾರೆಯಾಗಿ ಈ ಐದು ದಿನಗಳ ತರಬೇತಿಯು ಅದರ ಮೂಲ ಉದ್ದೇಶವನ್ನು ಈಡೆರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಯಿತು.


  1. ಮಂಡ್ಯ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಯ ಸಿ.ಎ.ಎಲ್.ಸಿ. ಶಾಲೆಗಳ ಹಾಗೂ ಐ.ಸಿ.ಟಿ.ಫೇಸ್ 01,02 ಮತ್ತು 03. ಶಾಲೆಗಳ ಮಾಹಿತಿಮಾಹಿತಿ
  2. ಸ್ವಚ್ಛ ಭಾರತ ಅಭಿಯಾನ. ಮಂಡ್ಯ ಡಯಟ್

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