PLC - Understanding the need for PLC

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1 Rationale for the activity

Before a PLC is established, it is necessary that teachers feel a need for it. Their own professional needs and priorities should drive the establishment and design of PLC. It should be a participatory and voluntary activity to get the best benefits of it. If it becomes a directed activity, it may not get the best of its potential. Hence there is a need to invest in developing an idea of PLC, what it is, why is it needed, what form of PLC would best meet the needs of its members, what kind of processes should PLC be based on etc

2 Outcomes of the activity

A shared understanding of what a PLC is, its need and form what kind of processes should it follow

3 Keywords/vocabulary

Shared understanding, common vision, professional priorities

4 Content (language resource material)

  1. Challenges of teaching
    1. teaching is a very complex activity, an art and a science
    2. ELT is complex as often, English is not locally available richly for easy acquisition
    3. lot to learn and keep learning
  2. teacher education system does not fully meet teacher needs
    1. pre-service is only a starting step
    2. in-service requirements multi-faceted
  3. content knowledge
    1. English belongs to a language family different from language systems that are common in India
  4. pedagogy knowledge
    1. Language pedagogy complex and evolving
  5. context understanding
    1. government system is large and caters to children from marginalized backgrounds, with often limited home support
  6. technology knowledge
    1. there are significant possibilities for ELT integrating technology
  7. teachers may find themselves isolated in their own school contexts
    1. learning possibilities from others experiences and wisdom
  8. continuous enrichment possible
    1. digital technologies enable CPD (virtual forums)
    2. connecting and learning
    3. creating – publishing – curating and learning

5 Mandatory reading material and desirable which can be also self-study material)

What is a learning community

6 Transaction of the Activity(training design)/Methodology for carrying out the activity

Reading about PLC (also known as Communities of Learning or Communities of Practice). can be an individual or group activity.

Discussions in the group about the readings. Debating and deliberating to understand the concept in depth, assess the challenges and priorities and design specific steps for the group to meet their development goals.

Arriving at common understanding of key isues and ideas relating to PLC

7 Reflection about the activity (how, why, what it helps the learner/trainee)

Will the PLC help us in addressing our professional development needs? What could be missing?

What kind of challenges/problems is the PLC likely to face? How can these be responded to?

What should be the role of the department / formal authority? How much should the PLC work in a voluntary manner?

8 Assessment (two levels: self-assessment by trainee and Assessment by Trainer)

Each teacher should write an essay on 'Can I learn in a community / What is learning in a community'? This essay can be peer reviewed/ collectively reflected on for its content and authenticity.

9 Resources relating to activity (used in the module and also additional)

There are many web resources and books on PLC which can give a deeper understanding