HRDC Soft Skills Aug23

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Pedagogical Leadership in Academic Institutions

Using Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline as a reference, the session focussed on evolving a shared institutional vision through individual visioning, as the basis for leadership.

The session began with sharing by participants from their own experiences/understanding the following questions

What are challenges being faced by our institutions?

● Aspirations

– What are the aspirations of the institution?

– What are aspirations of faculty?

– What are student aspirations?

– what are parent's aspirations?

● What is the need or purpose for leadership?

The nature of leadership as a shared role than a set of traits, the possibility for each faculty to 'achieve leadership' by developing personal capacities, the need for "collegiality" in an academic institution was discussed.

Presentation slides available here.

Learning Writing Skills

Task/Time Management with spreadsheet