Teachers Community of Learning Bangalore South Block 3 Maths Workshop 3 2018 19

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ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಿ

TCOL Mathematics page

Objectives of the workshop

  1. Reinforcing the idea of a community of learning - for sharing, asking and learning
  2. To strengthen, build capabilities in the use of digital tools and processes
  3. To build capabilities for creating Geogebra sketches for different topics using multiple features of Geogebra
  4. Understanding different teaching approaches through reading sharing
  5. Uploading and accessing resources from the web and building a Personal Digital Library including the Geogebra Tube repository
  6. To understand use of spread sheet for data analysis
  7. Creating bilingual resources using text editors and getting used to using math formula writer for creating problems and question papers

Agenda for the workshop

December 6-7, 2018

Time Session Name Session Details Resources / Methodology of session Expected outcomes
Day 1
9.30 – 10.00 Welcome and sharing expectations Sharing expectations for this workshop

Sharing and discussing the agenda of the workshop

Participant handout folder with agenda and workshop circular copy

Presentation by ITfC

Strengthening the community of learning and its responsibilty for continued learning and sharing
10.00 - 12.30 (with a tea break in between) ICT for creating Review of Geogebra sketches shared on resource topics by ITfC and re-creating the sketches and planning lessons

Details of Geogebra

1.Revise previous session

2.Additional Tools -

Reflect about a line, Reflect about a point, Rotate about a point

3. Creating check boxes

(Teachers can re-create the files that have already been shared with them on triangles, congruence or axioms and postulates)

Group work - participants develop lessons based on the Geogebra sketches

Individual hands-on work to develop the Geogebra files shared

KOER page: Learn Geogebra

Group work, demo and hands-on"

Participants will be able to make independent sketches using Geogebra

Participants introduced to transacting with Geogebra

12.30 - 1.15 Lunch
1.15 - 4.30 ICT in teaching learning (contd) Using spreadsheets for data analysis Working with spreadsheets to handle and manage data, analysis and representation

KOER page - Learn Spreadsheets

Demo and hands-on

Participants are able to work with spreadsheets to create resources for the classroom as well as for data analysis
Homework 1.Reading

2.Preparation of key concepts for a topic chosen for resource creation

Day 2
9.30 - 12.00 (with a tea break in between) ICT in teaching learning

ICT for connecting and learning

ICT for creating and learning

Creating lessons on chosen topics using Geogebra

(Teachers can re-create the files that have already been shared with them on triangles, congruence or axioms and postulates)

Accessing resources from the web

1. Creating a PDL for their chosen topic

2. Using Geogebra for creating resources for classroom use

1. Teachers work to identify the key mathematical concepts

2. Using internet based resources for teaching learning

3. Using Geogebra for creating resources for the chosen topic

4. Combining hands-on activities with digital activities for demonstrating a lesson

5. Participants revise basic digital literacy ideas - like internet access, folder creation, downloading etc

12.00 - 1.00 Group discussion (can also continue over lunch) Small group discussion on the article Unfamiliar Scale 1. Teachers work in small groups to discuss their impressions

2. Joint plenary sharing

1. Developing a library of readings for teacher use

2. Accessing and understanding teacher practices in other contexts

1.00 - 1.30 Lunch
1.30 - 3.00 ICT for creating Creating local language text resource - Using text editor and Formula Writer to create question papers – bilingual Learn LibreOffice Writer

Formula GIFs

Participants get competent in creating text resources and also the use of Formula typing
3.00 - 4.00 Way forward Planning for the next steps in the COL 1. Agenda items for the nextt workshop

2. Ideas on how to make the community collaborate on a continuous basis

Participants take ownership of the learning process in a joint manner
4.00 - 4.30 Feedback and closing Feedback form

Mathematics program page

Workshop resources

Mathematics resources

  1. NCERT Maths text books (offline copies available)
  2. NCF 2005 Position Paper on Mathematics Teaching
  3. Adding it up - Strands of Mathematical Proficiency
  4. Geogebra files for relevant topics
  5. Geogebra hands-on activities checklist for workshop.pdf
  6. List of useful Mathematics websites
  7. Spreadsheet for data analyses
  8. Previous workshop pages
    1. Second workshop Sep 6-7, 2018
    2. First workshop August 1-2, 2018

Digital literacy resources

  1. Basic Digital Literacy
  2. Buy your own laptop
  3. Learn Ubuntu
  4. Learn Firefox
  5. Learn Text Editing
  6. Introduction to internet and web
  7. What are professional learning communities
  8. Building a personal digital library
  9. Learn Gmail
  10. Learn Geogebra
  11. Using technology for teacher professional development
  12. Kannada typing with kgp (Nudi) input method

Way forward

  1. Date of next workshop - last week of January
  2. Topics for next workshop - Statistics, Algebra in Geogebra, Graphs, Triangle congruence, Construction (Similar triangles and circle tangents, Triangle, Spread sheets
  3. Ahobala Rao C B sir, Vimala madam- week of 10 Dec ; Chandrashekaramurthy H P sir, Sivasankari madam, Sridhar B S sir -week of 17 Dec; Manjegowda K P sir,Sushma madam – week of 24 Dec; Manjula shirali madam, Kumari Anitha S madam – week of 31 Dec.

Workshop feedback form

Please click this link to fill feedback on the workshop and suggestions on taking it forward.