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|Heating and magnetic effects of electric current
|Heating and magnetic effects of electric current
|Structure of Cells
|Internet resource
[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Study_of_cells_structure_of_cells_activity1#Multimedia_resources Structure of cells]
|Test for proteins
|Internet resource
|[http://www.karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Food_and_its_constituents_activity1 test for proteins]
#[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Study_of_cells_structure_of_cells_activity1#Multimedia_resources Structure of cells]
#[http://www.karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Food_and_its_constituents_activity1 test for proteins]
#[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Test_for_starch test for starch]
#[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Test_for_starch test for starch]
#[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Test_for_carbohydrates test for carbohydrates]
#[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php/Test_for_carbohydrates test for carbohydrates]

Revision as of 07:41, 13 July 2015

Concept Map

Error: Mind Map file LABORATORY.mm not found

Introduction to Science Laboratory

One of the important functions of the science laboratory is the deepening of the students understanding that scientific concepts and application are closely related to their own natural environment. In the laboratory the students can be taught more readily to be discriminating in observations, to evaluate evidence of data and to sense the importance of care and skill in the talking of measurements. Laboratory should be represented as an integral part of instruction in science. Before constructing the laboratory, the following factors should be taken into consideration at the planning stage.

  1. The number of pupils working at a time.
  2. The minimum space for each pupil and teacher for comfortable working.
  3. Need for ancillary accommodation for storage.
  4. Designing the science class room and laboratory in such a way that it could be used for science teaching.
  5. Demonstration table.

Planning of Science laboratories

In secondary schools, science is taught as a core subject. In addition to this these are three elective subjects i.e., physics, chemistry and biology. The size of the laboratory will depend upon the number of students working at a time in the laboratory. It may be planned according to the need of the school.

The Physics laboratory :

The physics laboratory should be equipped with

  1. Working tables of about 6’x4’x3’ size.
  2. One demonstration table.
  3. A wall of black board behind the demonstration table.
  4. Sinks in the wall.
  5. Projected platform in the wall for charts.
  6. Almirahs.
  7. Bench or desk for pupils.

The Chemistry laboratory :

It should have the following equipments

  1. Working table with shelves, cupboards and with acid proof topics.
  2. One demonstration table with cupboard and with water and gas fittings.
  3. Shelves for keeping chemical reagents. These may either be fitted on the working table or in the walls.
  4. Sinks in the walls or in the working tables.
  5. A wall of black board.
  6. A fume cupboard.
  7. Almirahs.

The Biology laboratory :

It should be equipped with

  1. A demonstration table.
  2. Stools, sinks, wall black board, almirahs
  3. Space for aquarium
  4. Specimens stand or table or shelves.
  5. Projected platform in the wall for charts.

Entry of apparatus in the registers

The articles received should be properly checked and entered in the registers the same day. A correct and properly maintained record of the articles in important to check any articles at any time. The apparatus and material should be entered separately in the article whether permanent, breakable or consumable. The three stock registers can be:

Permanent stock register:

In this register entered the all articles purchased from the firm and taken from the department or donators.

Breakable stock Register:

This will include the articles of glass-ware such as flasks, beakers, thermometers etc. After the broken enter into or remove the item from permanent stock register.

Consumable stock register:

Chemicals, pins, wires, rubber tubes etc will be entered in this register. Stock verification should be compulsory and conducting at March 31st every year. At that time we will remove the breakable stocks and consumable stocks from Permanent stock register, then certified by head of the institution and lab in charge teacher.

Slide presentation

Vaishampayan. K Joshi Sir

Asst. Teacher, Girls Govt High School SIRWAR Tq:Manvi Dt:Raichur

Shared By : Narayan Babanagar

Shared By : Harish Mandya

Simple Science Experiments in School

The following experiments have been shared by Praveen Kamath Sir, GHS Ankanahally, Somavarpet Taluk, Kodagu

  1. Purple Flame Magic
  2. Hate soap love sugar!

The following experiments have been shared by S V Burli Sir, Banjara High School, Bijapur

Click here for more.

Important terms from Wikipedia

  1. Bunsen burner
  2. Beaker
  3. Microscope
  4. Spectrophotometer
  5. Thermometer
  6. Experiment
  7. Scientific instrument

List of experiments

CK Gopala Rao Metals react with acids Chapter Name
CK Gopala Rao Double Displacement Reaction Chemical Bonding
Harikrishna Holla G Reflection from concave mirror Our colourful world
Vijaya Ananda Rao Density of liquids States of matter
Bharat Bhupal Tonge Double displacement reactions in hard water by Na2CO3, CaCl2, MgCl2, CaSO4, MgSO4 Chemical reactions and their types
Ramesha K V Hardness of water Chemicals in daily life
ವೆಂಕಟೇಶ ಹೆಚ್‌ ಎನ್‌
Sodium reaction with water Chapter Name
Sunilkumar SR Making soap Chemicals in daily life
Srinivasa.K.V Litmus reaction with acids and bases
Bheemappa Double displacement reaction Chemical Bonding
Shivakumara K T Physical and Chemical Changes
Shashikumar BS Observing stomata in epidermal tissues Study of cells
Tandava murthy.A.N Boyle's law Chapter Name
ಶಿವಪ್ರಸಾದ್.ಎಸ್. Refraction of light Nature of light
Gavisiddeshwar Conductivity in ionic solutions Ionic conductivity
Radghavendra Kulkarni Reaction of sulphur Chapter Name
Sathya murthy Combustion Chapter Name
Harish KS Newton's Laws Force and Newton's Laws of Motiom
Sangamesh V.Burli Refraction in convex lens Lens
Channabasavaraja D S Bleaching property of Sulphur Dioxide chemicals in our daily life-2
Mohan k m Faraday's laws Electromagnetic Induction
Guruprasad H Parts of a flower Reproduction in higher plants
A Srinivas Water Cycle Model Biogeochemical cycles
Ramakrishna Heating and magnetic effects of electric current Electricity
Structure of Cells Internet resource

Structure of cells

Test for proteins Internet resource test for proteins
  1. test for starch
  2. test for carbohydrates
  3. osmosis
  4. Diffusion
  5. carbondioxide is essential for photosynthesis
  6. to show structure of stomata
  7. oxygen is released during photosynthesis

News articles

  1. Hindu news article. He said that the present curriculum in the schools does not give importance to the non-formal learning process, through which learning gets imprinted in the memory of children for a longer period. The government should also establish science clubs. Visits to science labs, horticulture and agriculture fields should be part of the learning process in schools, he said. NCSM has already introduce a virtual lab in Chemistry and Zoology and shortly it would come out with virtual lab facilities in other branches of science and mathematics.