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- '''Public finance and budget public finance introduction- - Activity 2.'''
- '''Public finance and budget public finance introduction- Activity 1.'''
- '''Public finance and budget public finance public expenditure - Activity 1.'''
- '''Public finance and budget public finance receipts- Activity 1.'''
- '''Solution for the Problems of Chapter 8-Polynomials 10 STD'''
- '''ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಏಲಾಗೊಂಡನಪಾಳ್ಯ ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಏಲಾಗೊಂಡನಪಾಳ್ಯ ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಏಲಾಗೊಂಡನಪಾಳ್ಯ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್'''
- '''ಜಯನಗರ ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಜಯನಗರ ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಜಯನಗರ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್'''
- '''ಜುಲೈ'''
- '''ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಟ್ಯಾಂಕ್ ಗಾರ್ಡನ್ ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಟ್ಯಾಂಕ್ ಗಾರ್ಡನ್ ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಟ್ಯಾಂಕ್ ಗಾರ್ಡನ್ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್'''
- '''ಬೆರಟೇನ ಅಗ್ರಹಾರ ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಬೆರಟೇನ ಅಗ್ರಹಾರ ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಬೆರಟೇನ ಅಗ್ರಹಾರ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್'''
- '''ಯಡಿಯೂರು ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಯಡಿಯೂರು ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಯಡಿಯೂರು ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್'''
- '''ಸೆಂಪ್ಟಂಬರ್'''
- '''ಹೊಂಬೇಗೌಡ ನಗರ ಆಗಸ್ಟ್'''
- '''ಹೊಂಬೇಗೌಡ ನಗರ ಜುಲೈ'''
- '''ಹೊಂಬೇಗೌಡ ನಗರ ಜೂನ್'''
- '''ಹೊಂಬೇಗೌಡ ನಗರ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್'''
- 'understanding What is a slope?- Activity No1
- 1. Class 9 Second language
- 2. Class 9 Second language
- 3D shapes model making
- 44 sounds
- APSRWRIES September 2015
- APSWRIES -TSREIS Programme September 2015
- APSWRIES -TSWREIS Programme September 2015
- APSWRIES September 2015
- A Cloud of Trash - Audio Story Activity Page
- A Great King who Yoked the Plough
- A Kite and its properties
- A Nurse's Song
- A Scene From Shakuntala
- A Trapezium and its properties
- A day in the Ashrama
- A discussion on “Life without circular shaped figures.”
- A hero
- A magician with the ball
- About Karnataka Open Education Resources Website
- About Thunderbird
- About us
- Academic support to teachers support from a Head Teacher
- Acceleration due to Gravity
- Acceleration due to Gravity activity 1
- Acceleration due to Gravity activity 2
- Accessing Internet
- Accounting In Business
- Accounting concepts
- Accounting unit outline
- Acid-Base test
- Acid-Base test using litmus paper
- Activities-Pythagoras theorem problems
- Activities-Real numbers
- Activities- Quadratic equations problems
- Activities-sets problems
- Activities - progressions problems
- Activities on Number Operations
- Activities on Slope of a line
- Activity
- Activity-Fractions
- Activity- statistics problems
- Activity-construction of angles
- Activity-permutations and combinations problems
- Activity-trigonometry problems
- Activity1 Angles in the same segment are equal
- Activity1 Basic Trignometric Ratios
- Activity1 Pi the mathematical constant
- Activity1 Teaching Language using Language Lab Stories
- Activity3 Angles of elevation and depression
- Activity - Irrational Numbers
- Activity 1 on Decimals
- Activity 2 on number lines
- Activity 3 Mass has an inertial property
- Activity No 1
- Activity No 2
- Activity No 3
- Activity Template
- Activity on Ratio proportion
- Activity on Real Numbers
- Activity resource template
- Activity sheets
- Actors - Institutions
- Adding content to wikipedia
- Adding email id to googlegroups
- Addition as counting forward
- Addition using Place value and Standard Algorithm
- Addition using the F-L-U model
- Addition worksheet
- Adjacent angles
- Adjacent angles worksheet
- Adolescence
- Advanced Moodle functions workshop
- Advent Of Europeans
- Air
- Al-Ameen College of Education Faculty workshop- 24-25
- Algebraic Expressions
- Algebraic Expressions and Identities
- All Stories are Anansi's
- Allotrops
- Alloys and their uses
- Alternate Sources of Energy
- Alternative energy resources
- Alternative energy resources solar energy activity 1
- Alternative energy resources solar energy activity 2
- Altitudes and orthocenter of a triangle
- Anand Presentation
- Ancient Civilizations Of World's
- Ancient Civilizations of India
- Ancient Civilizations of Indias
- And Animals Of Karnataka
- Angle subtended by a segment
- Angle subtended by an arc
- Angle sum property
- Angle sum property of a Triangle
- Angle sum property of a quadrilateral
- Angles
- Angles associated with parallel lines
- Angles formed when a transversal intersects parallel lines
- Angles in a circle subtended by a chord
- Angles of elevation and depression
- Angry Akku - Audio Story Activity Page
- Angular bisectors and incenter of a triangle
- Animal breeding
- Animal tissues Dense connective tissue
- Animal tissues Fluid connective tissue
- Animal tissues Fluid connective tissue 1
- Animal tissues Fluid connective tissue 2
- Animal tissues Loose connective tissue
- Animal tissues Nerve tissue
- Animalia
- Appendix
- Ar
- Arc of a circle
- Archebacteria
- Are you listening?
- Area and perimetre of a polygon inside the circle
- Area of Similar Triangles
- Area of a quadrilateral
- Area of a square
- Area of circle
- Area of parallelograms and triangles
- Art
- Art: History
- Art: Pedagogy
- Assam STF Maths District Programme 2016
- Assam stf Technology workshop 2016
- Assam stf Technology workshop 2016-16
- Assam stf Technology workshop June 2016
- Assam stf mathematics workshop 2016
- Assam stf mathematics workshop 2016-16
- Assessment
- Assessment: Content
- Assessment: From the forum
- Assessment: History
- Assessment Framework Class X CCE
- Assessment Framework Class X CCE/SSLC maths Qution Bank 2014-15
- Assessment Framework English
- Assessment Framework Mathematics
- Assessment Framework Science
- Assessment Framework Social Science
- Assessment test
- Assessments Introduction read more
- Assignment
- Associating files with correct applications
- Astronomy additional resources
- Atmoshpere
- Atmosphere
- Atomic theory
- Atomic theory example activity1
- Atoms and Molecules
- Atoms and molecules
- Audio OER by Teachers
- Autumn Song
- Avani And The Pea Plant - Audio Story Activity Page
- Axiom 1: Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another
- Axiom 2 and 3: If equals are added or subtracted to equals, the wholes are equal
- Axiom 4: Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another
- Axiom 5: The whole is greater than the part
- Axioms, Postulates And
- Axioms, Postulates And Theorems
- BBMP HM School development projects 2017-18
- BBMP HMs 2017 school development project
- BES High School
- BHS Jayanagar
- BHS School Development program 2019
- Back to School Camp 2021-22
- Backtoschool session Communicative competencies and basics of language
- Backtoschool session Puzzling through mathematics
- Backtoschoolcamp
- Backtoschoolcampreport
- Bacteria
- Bagalkot
- Bagalkot: Bagalkot
- Baking soda
- Balai
- Ballad of the Tempest
- Bangalore
- Bangalore-Mysore Division
- Bangalore 4th Semester Student Teachers workshop - 2020
- Bangalore 4th Semester Student Teachers workshop BU - April 2020
- Bangalore High School
- Bangalore North
- Bangalore South
- Bangalore South3
- Bangalore Urban
- Bangalore student teachers workshop - April 2019
- Bank Transactions
- Bank transaction bank accounts activity1
- Banking
- Banking Operations
- Banking activity1.
- Banking difficult problem solution
- Banking types of transactions
- Baseball and string activity to find the surface area of a sphere
- Basic Geometrical ideas
- Basic Proportionality Theorem
- Basic Trignometric Ratios
- Basic Trignometric functions
- Basic elements of a circle
- Basics of Geometry
- Basics of Number System- Multiplication, Factors and Multiples
- Basics of computer
- Become a STF groups member
- Behaviour of Gases
- Belagavi
- Belgavi
- Belgavi: Belgavi
- Believe in Yourself
- Bellary
- Bellary: Bellary
- Bengaluru North
- Bengaluru Rural
- Bengaluru South
- Bengaluru South2
- Bengaluru South3
- Bengaluru south DIET HIGH school HM workshop 24-25
- Beyond the earth
- Bhakti Panth
- Bidar
- Bidar: Bidar
- BigBlueButton Workshop
- Bijapur
- Bijapur: Bijapur
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Biogeochemical cycles/textbook
- Biology
- Biomes
- Biosphere
- Blogs on science
- Book keeping
- Boyls law
- Branches of biotechnology
- Brief background on Internet, Wiki and KOER
- Brief note on KOER
- Build an atom
- Building cubes
- Building the number line
- Business- Meaning And Importance
- Business management
- Business management decision making in management
- Business management functions of management
- Business management importance of management
- Business management principles of management
- Business management unit outline
- Busy Ants - Audio Story Activity Page
- Busy Bee
- Buy a laptop or netbook
- Buy data card get Internet
- Buy your ICT device
- Buy your own laptop
- CELT2020
- CELT Assessments
- CELT RIESI Language Workshop
- CELT RIESI Language Workshop July 2019
- CRP Orientation Workshop - Mysuru 2025
- CTE Belagavi English Audio story editing Workshop 2024-25
- CTE Belagavi English Resource Creation Workshop
- CTE Belagavi Marathi Resource Creation Workshop November 2023
- CTE Belagavi Marathi Resource Creation Workshop October 2023
- CTE Chitradurga Tamil and Telugu Audio Resource Creation workshop, Bengaluru North 2024-25
- CTE Kalaburagi Urdu Resource Creation Workshop November 2023
- CTE Mysuru English Audio Resource Creation Workshop 2024-25
- CTE Mysuru English Audio story editing Workshop 2024-25
- CTE Mysuru English Resource Creation Workshop September 2023
- Calculus
- Calculus- Visualsation of dy/dx of a given function
- Carbon and Its Compounds
- Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
- Cascade District Workshops Hindi 2015-16
- Cascade District Workshops Science 2015-16
- Cascade District Workshops for HTF 2013-14
- Cascade District Workshops for HTF 2014-15
- Cascade District Workshops for Kannada 2014-15
- Cascade District Workshops for Mathematics 2013-14
- Cascade District Workshops for Mathematics 2014-15
- Cascade District Workshops for Science 2013-14
- Cascade District Workshops for Social Science 2013-14
- Cascade District Workshops for science 2015-16
- Category design
- Cell Division
- Cell division
- Cement
- Central tendency
- Central tendency mean activity1
- Centre of a circle
- Certificate Course on Inclusive Education for teachers, RVEC SIA NIAS 2017
- Chamarajanagar
- Chamarajnagar
- Chamarajnagar: Chamarajnagar
- Changes around us
- Characteristics of Living Organisms
- Chemical Bonding
- Chemical Reactions and Bonding
- Chemical reactions and their types
- Chemicals in Our daily life-1
- Chemicals in Our daily life-2
- Chemicals in our daily life
- Chemistry
- Chikkabalapur
- Chikkaballapur
- Chikkamagalore
- Chikkamagalore: Chikkamagalore
- Chikkodi